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Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
I more or less expected the game to be Freelancer with worse production values and annoying gimmicks, worse combat, but better non-combat gameplay (trading, exploration, and so forth), and prettier graphics. From impressions thus far, I take it that this is what it basically is, except the UI is awful, and the gimmicks really, really annoying?

Blaine does Star Citizen actually have Newtonian physics as you said? If so, does DraQ know about it?


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Blaine does Star Citizen actually have Newtonian physics as you said?


Yes. Read the latest four entries linked above—Chris discusses the Newtonian physics model in some depth.

If so, does DraQ know about it?

Is DraQ one of those autists who refuses to consider a game a "space sim" unless it's a NASA orbiter simulator? I can't remember. The artificial speed limit is usually what gets autism sufferers started in on Star Citizen.


Dec 4, 2012
I more or less expected the game to be Freelancer with worse production values and

annoying gimmicks,

worse combat, but
Surpsingly the combat is pretty good.

better non-combat gameplay (trading, exploration, and so forth), and
Not only are all of these worse than Freelancer, they are worse than every other game in the X series. By a significant margin.

prettier graphics.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
Yeah, by prettier graphics I actually meant flying around in space.

better non-combat gameplay (trading, exploration, and so forth), and
Not only are all of these worse than Freelancer, they are worse than every other game in the X series. By a significant margin.

Is trading in Rebirth really worse than it was in Freelancer? How is that even possible?


Incel Resistance Leader
Mar 24, 2013
lmaoing @ your life
I watched some gameplay videos and I really hate that "space highway" thing, way to go making space travel feel like taking the bus or something.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I watched some gameplay videos and I really hate that "space highway" thing, way to go making space travel feel like taking the bus or something.

Also it's extremely buggy currently (of course), and people have gotten "kicked out" of the highway and into a black void. Only fix is to reload a save. Related to the space highway mechanic, people across the Internet are blasting Rebirth as having far worse exploration than in previous games in the series. Looks like that "ping for points of interests" crap was just as bad a harbinger as many had feared.

In other news:



Incel Resistance Leader
Mar 24, 2013
lmaoing @ your life
Also it's extremely buggy currently (of course), and people have gotten "kicked out" of the highway and into a black void. Only fix is to reload a save. Related to the space highway mechanic, people across the Internet are blasting Rebirth as having far worse exploration than in previous games in the series. Looks like that "ping for points of interests" crap was just as bad a harbinger as many had feared.
I'm impressed how they managed to fuck up stuff that worked fine in 1990's games.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
It has all the same complexity of the older games. It's just a new UI and will take time to learn all the functions. I think it looks fantastic. Gameplay videos seem to confirm that the game is more alive than before. I like that.


To the dismay of many Codexers, an Xbox Controller seems better than Keyboard/Mouse. There will 100% be a console port (this seems obvious now).


Dec 4, 2012
It has all the same complexity of the older games. It's just a new UI and will take time to learn all the functions. I think it looks fantastic. Gameplay videos seem to confirm that the game is more alive than before. I like that.


To the dismay of many Codexers, an Xbox Controller seems better than Keyboard/Mouse. There will 100% be a console port (this seems obvious now).

There will not be a console port because there is no fucking way on heaven or earth that this game would ever make it through certification. The 2.5 year delay was to hack a failed console game into something resembling a PC game.


Jun 15, 2009
It has all the same complexity of the older games. It's just a new UI and will take time to learn all the functions. I think it looks fantastic. Gameplay videos seem to confirm that the game is more alive than before. I like that.


To the dismay of many Codexers, an Xbox Controller seems better than Keyboard/Mouse. There will 100% be a console port (this seems obvious now).

x-rebirth is to X3 AP what diablo 3 is to diablo 2 ,or what is oblivion to daggerfall, probably worse. AS for the walking in stationi think they could have skipped it,no its not the core of the game but you waste quite a bit of time in there:



Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
x-rebirth is to X3 AP what diablo 3 is to diablo 2 ,or what is oblivion to daggerfall, probably worse. AS for the walking in stationi think they could have skipped it,no its not the core of the game but you waste quite a bit of time in there:

I think this remains to be seen. It's a departure, but most of the core gameplay is intact. The shift doesn't seem as big as going from boss farming for items to AH surfing for them. Plus, there are some new gameplay elements:

Some additonal notable changes:

  • The most important NPC in the game is your female co-pilot
  • It is no longer possible to pilot a capital ship from the cockpit
  • Less complicated to play
  • Once the main story is over, the player is allowed to do whatever he likes, the game and universe won't just end
  • Stations are to have a bigger impact on the economy
  • No longer need to land on stations to see its info
  • Transportation through space will now rely more on interaction and proximity with other ships. There seems to be "ship lanes"
  • In combat it is now possible to identify and target the critical systems of a ship
  • You can see what is going inside of factories by physically looking at them
  • Improved graphics
  • Space highways for trivial travel although portals do still exist
  • Reworked AI system
  • Brand new engine which will take advantage of modern hardware

Beneath the hood, it's almost the same game. Just better presentation with a questionably better UI. Of course, it's going to take some time to get used to, and the UI could be worse in the end.
Last edited:


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
By the way, that old woman face is apparently frequently found on female NPCs, along with a tight young body and youthful voice acting. I've noted people complaining about it on the official forums and elsewhere. Here's another sample:


I... can't fap to this. I won't even be able to sleep tonight.



Jun 7, 2007
Some additonal notable changes:

  • The most important NPC in the game is your female co-pilot - My life is complete!
  • It is no longer possible to pilot a capital ship from the cockpit - Great change!
  • Less complicated to play - FUCK YEAH!!!
  • Once the main story is over, the player is allowed to do whatever he likes, the game and universe won't just end - Huh, wasn't this always possible?
  • Stations are to have a bigger impact on the economy - Because freighters aren't real anymore?
  • No longer need to land on stations to see its info - Now you can't see shit because of UI
  • Transportation through space will now rely more on interaction and proximity with other ships. There seems to be "ship lanes" - Filled with ships which only exist in the ship lane!
  • In combat it is now possible to identify and target the critical systems of a ship - I guess.
  • You can see what is going inside of factories by physically looking at them - Cosmetics is fine, but that was never the X games' problem
  • Improved graphics - Never the X games' problem
  • Space highways for trivial travel although portals do still exist - More like space highways for tedious travel
  • Reworked AI system - AKA We just removed the whole thing!
  • Brand new engine which will take advantage of modern hardware - For the next century!

I don't get how you can defend this piece of crap. It's a downgrade in seemingly every conceivable way, and that's discounting all the bugs and performance issues. And it's very questionable if modders can even fix it, given how much seems to be hardcoded.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
  • It is no longer possible to pilot a capital ship from the cockpit - Great change!
Or directly through any means, for that matter—only indirectly.

  • Once the main story is over, the player is allowed to do whatever he likes, the game and universe won't just end - Huh, wasn't this always possible?
Yep. I wonder if Xi actually played any of the earlier X games, since this isn't a change by any stretch of the imagination.

  • No longer need to land on stations to see its info - Now you can't see shit because of UI
Didn't need to land on stations in TC/AP to see their info either if I recall correctly, just needed certain software. What you didn't need to do was climb out of your ship and interact with hideous people models in order to get shit done.

  • In combat it is now possible to identify and target the critical systems of a ship - I guess.
But no longer possible to bind "target nearest/next/previous enemy" to hotkeys, since they only planned this game around a console controller.


Dec 4, 2012
Anyone claiming the graphics in this game are better than AP is high as a fucking kite. Seriously.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Anyone claiming the graphics in this game are better than AP is high as a fucking kite. Seriously.

Yep. Just loaded up a new game and took this in AP moments ago, and really it's probably not the best example. This is on max settings with possibly some GPU tweaks—and it runs at a smooth 60 FPS for me at max settings.



Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Anyone claiming the graphics in this game are better than AP is high as a fucking kite. Seriously.

They are clearly better. But hey, I can understand differences in taste in that regard.



Mostly better lighting.


Dec 4, 2012
The egosoft forums are back up, displaying record levels of stockholm syndrome.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
The egosoft forums are back up, displaying record levels of stockholm syndrome.

Actually, I've noted more than a few longtime veteran posters expressing unhappiness. EGOSOFT may be deleting some of that now that the forum mods can actually log in, though (heh). Example:


Echo Mirage

Aug 19, 2013
Tirra Lirra by the River
This got posted on the steam forums a few hours ago by one of the devs.

First of all let me start by saying that I am vey sorry if you personally experience problems with our new game. We are doing what we can to fix these issues as fast as possible. Below I will try to summarise some tips and inform you about our plans for updates and patches based on the feedback from threads in this forum and the egosoft community (which is unfortunately currently broken under the heavy load).

###### Bugs we are investigating ######

- Broken or missing voice recordings in language other than english

There is an update for german voices today (nov 15th) and another update end of next week. We apologize for these problems. French voices are expected to be added in mid december, russian voices should also follow in december.

- Performance problems on very high end PCs

It seems that some of you experience an unsatisfying framerate even though you have really high end machines. We want to know which systems are affected by this and need to reproduce these problems here. To do this it would help us immensely if you could send your DXDIAG reports and describe the framerates you measure (e.g with the FRAPS tool) in certain situations. Please describe the situation and give different examples (e.g landed on a station, in an empty zone, close to a station, in a highway etc.). Please send your information to info@egosoft.com with subject #PERFORMANCE INFO#

- Stuck object on platform: We are sorry that this still happens sometimes and will fix it ASAP, but you should however always be able to simply use ENTER - 5 to get back.

- We read reports of people who can not save: Please check if the harddrive that you are saving to has space left and the right are set correctly for the savegame folder. If you think this is all correct, please send us a DXDiag file to info@egosoft.com with subject #SAVING BUG#

- Crash right at gamestart (but not in or before start menu):

This is very likely memory related. Do not try running the game in 32 bit Windows (this is not officially supported). If you still want to experiment with 32 bit Windows, be aware that it may crash. More importantly it will definitely crash if you do not set your machine to allow more than 2GB of physical memory. There are tricks to achieve this but in general the rule is: Use a 64bit Windows! UPDATE: Patch 1.12 will give you a message at the start if the game has zero chance of running because of "out of memory" and not even start!

- Exiting the super highway (blue) millions of km away from anything

This seems to be a bug several people report. We are trying to reproduce this but it is not easy. If you have information on how to reproduce, please email info@egosoft.com
Please let us know if you had this problem with 1.12 or above, as we hope it was already fixed.

- After loading cursor vanishes
While running around on platforms the mouse cursor is supposed to disappear. If it happens in normal flight, please check if you have more than one physical monitor and the cursor may just moved off the screen?

- Ship flying through station:

We apologize for this happening. We hoped to have reduced the chance of this happening significantly, but are investigating this.

###### Tricks & Tips ######

- Dont run game in 32bit Windows and make sure you have enough memory free

- Make sure you have latest drivers installed.

- If you have problems with the game, reset all settings in the driver to default

- If you suffer performance problems set the LOD and view distance to low values. The game should still look good but this helps a LOT. Consider turning off shadows, consider medium or low shaders if your GPU is the bottleneck.

- Trading: Some people report problems that trade ships do not work as expected. In most cases this is not a bug with the trade ship AI but the ship did not get the right order through the trade menu. As mentioned above, we definitely want to improve this menu further, but most importantly you have to make sure that when you add a trade order to a ship, you click on NEXT after selecting the order and assigning it to the ship selected at the top of the menu. Then you select the amount and confirm the order. After this you should see that an order was added to the ships order queue. One thing we want to improve is management of this queue and show it more clearly in trade ship info menus.

- There seems to be a bug with menus remaining open sometimes. If you end up with a non working menu, please see if changing the screen resolution or AA settings (ESC - settings - graphic settings) helps to make the menus work again. You can undo those changes after it works again. If this happens repeatedly please email information on how you reproduce this to info@egosoft.com

###### Feedback about feature requests: ######

- Map and other menu improvement: We have a number of menu and map improvements planned. This includes more control over the map like the zoom that was suggested here and changing the layout of some of the text menus. We are also considering showing the "minimap" on the eventmonitor whenever there is "no signal" at the moment. These are a lot of individual improvements some of which will happen soon.

- Autopilot / SETA: We will add some autopilot support. However it is our goal with X Rebirth that you do not need to run the game semi-automatically for extended periods of time. This is also he reason why we will not support SETA / SINZA time acceleration. There should never be a need to wait 20 minutes for your trade ships once you have multiple ships. You can queue orders and do many things in parallel. Time acceleration as a trick to accelerate trading will not be in X Rebirth.

- Facial animations: We will look into improving facial animations.

- External view / Ability to turn around in cockpit: This was asked for a few times. Yes we will look into this but it will be part of a larger update and take more time than just a few weeks. It will also be combined with support for looking around in the cockpit (e.g with a joystick POV hat) and maybe also support for Oculus Rift style VR. So please be aware that this feature will take some time to add.

- Targeting hotkeys: Another feature that was requested a couple of times. Yes we will do this. Based on your feedback that is for one of the earlier updates even though such "explicit" targets only work in the mouse / keyboard mode. Not with controllers!

- Talking to people on stations: We have a plan for an early patch (early december) which will make the conversations and finding NPCs for jobs a lot easier and more accessible. This has a high priority.

- Skipping conversations: We will look into this, but I can not promise that this is always possible.

- Joystick support: We are aware that joystick support (as opposed to gamepad) at this time is not perfect. We definitely will make this a priority for one of the next updates, but please allow a little time for this.

Sounds early access and unfinished.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Given the track record of this Dev team, we'll see a few solid patches in the next month followed by a large gameplay/content patch 3-4 months from now. That may be the time to get this game.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Given the track record of this Dev team, we'll see a few solid patches in the next month followed by a large gameplay/content patch 3-4 months from now. That may be the time to get this game.

So you don't actually have the game? Well that explains your ridiculous defence of this console turd against all reason then.

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