Archon looks too decorative and impractical to be consistent with the rest of the XCOM enemies. There's so much post-autopsy dialog in XCOM about how grotesque yet efficient the alien bodies are, because they were genetically engineered and/or surgically enhanced for particular purposes: to enhance psi power, to disguise as human, to fly, etc.
The most charitable interpretation is that the Archon was deliberately designed to tap into human culture and human symbols for psychological effect, but that's still inconsistent with the other alien designs in the sequel.
If only there was a cult that worshipped aliens...like something named after a star...I don't know, but there's nothing like that existed in the previous games, so there's no reason why it should be here, right?
Seriously, what a missed opportunity. They could have made Advent a sort of theocracy that worships aliens, or reintroduced the Cult of Sirius as being the main religion, which has the support of the Aliens and the government. Having such a garish unit would work then, as it clearly looks like some sort of idol
Also, is OpenTFTD playable yet? I am holding off until its in a good place.
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