Here's a truckload of spicy takes to get some people upset.
I'll take it a few steps further and say that I think virtually all of the series mentioned in this post are shit. pre-X Final Fantasy is ok but Tales Of, Dragon Quest, Persona, Fire Emblem, Pokemon and Xeno series are all nightmarish wall-to-wall shit, start to finish. Especially Fire Emblem, I just really don't get that series at all. Bunch of shitheads running around hitting each other with swords that shatter to pieces after 30 hits, nice.
While we're at it, nobody over the age of 5 should be playing Pokemon. I'm sorry but it's true. In fact even anyone aged 5 or under should find something better to play. And don't even get me started on Dragon Quest, oh god. It's literally just a worse version of every other jRPG.
I like Banjo Kazooie though