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Your worst gaming habits

May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
I think the problem isn't you, but 99% of modern RPGs. Which ones aren't just shitter versions of old classics? I honestly want to know. I do need to explore more modern RPGs, if they're actually worth it.
Probably a combination of the two. I think I've become more jaded through the years due to a few big disappointments I had with game series I loved back in the day, likely my inability to become enamored with anything is a defense mechanism to avoid potential disappointments.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
In first-person games, especially ones that pretend to be RPGs, I get really upset if any of the clothing and/or equipment my character is wearing clips with itself, anywhere.

I'll even sell superior sets of armor, etc., if they're not aesthetically pleasing to me. This can even extend to party members/"companions", as well.

Jack Of Owls

May 23, 2014
Save scumming. I hate myself when I do it and yet I still do it (though less than I used to). But I kid myself there I think, and it's recently reached a horrible new form when I played Arcane Dimensions and used the default Auto-Save function that saves the game practically every minute instead of a sensible every 10-20 minutes. So instead of save scumming on my own, I let the game do it for me, and delude myself that I'm not as bad as I used to be; that I'm getting better.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
I always try to find and hoard all unique armors and weapons in the game, doesnt matter if i will never use it i just must have it either in equipment or in home/ some random chest. I also had the habit of completly looting every container available, every piece of garbage that i could find, just to sell it all even if it was worth shit. I believe that i dont have this habit anymore though, years of wasted time and drained energy finally teached me something i think.
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Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
My worst habit is definitely that I'll get into a character, and because the game is new, there's a certain magic and immersion to that character. And I'll usually get like a halfway or 2/3 of the way through the game, then I get interested in the build system, the meta, etc., and start a few new characters, to try things out, and stop playing that "main."

But the problem is by that time, although theoretically now that I know the systems I should be able to start a new character knowing what I'm doing, with full immersion, I've done the early levels so many time that I'm bored to tears with them.

Then I think, well, I'll go back to the original character, but by that time the magic has worn off of course, and meanwhile I'm annoyed by all the poor decisions I made with the character while I didn't know the system - that old "main" now seems botched beyond repair.

Also, I have a horrible tendency to waste tons of time arranging my inventory and UI - like, I'll get it just right on one character, and so then I have to do it the same for all my characters.
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Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
When a good game comes along I tend to binge it, instead of savoring it. Which leads to mild depression when it's over because I know something like that won't come again for a long time.

It's the same when comes to books, TV shows, and films - then the futile start to find a replacement starts which can actually lead to worse feelings.


Oct 16, 2015
Save scumming. I hate myself when I do it and yet I still do it (though less than I used to). But I kid myself there I think, and it's recently reached a horrible new form when I played Arcane Dimensions and used the default Auto-Save function that saves the game practically every minute instead of a sensible every 10-20 minutes. So instead of save scumming on my own, I let the game do it for me, and delude myself that I'm not as bad as I used to be; that I'm getting better.
Don't play games that let you. The problem isn't exactly you per-se. Games have difficulty spikes (e.g traps, boss fights), how the fuck are you supposed to know the correct or most reasonable time to save? You can't, as you have not played the game before and do not know what lies ahead. Furthermore, choosing NOT to save is actively against your inherent natural inclination, subconscious and conscious instinct, as it is tied to survival and unfair progress loss. There is a happy medium between saving too much and too little, and the only person qualified to determine that is the game designer. Unlimited manual saving is retard-tier game design (well, it's the absence of game design really) that has been normalized because people suck. There have been temp save & quit options since the 80s if you want to make a fucking sandwich or have to go out, so that excuse doesn't fly. Thankfully, many devs these days are realizing the error of their ways, the only silver lining in the decline age really. It was always a big stain upon PC gaming that likely stemmed from adventure gaming & RTS where manual saving doesn't matter all that much because the gameplay is banal and self-contained per challenge anyway. RPGs and most other genres though, it really fucking matters.
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Nov 24, 2022
In first-person games, especially ones that pretend to be RPGs, I get really upset if any of the clothing and/or equipment my character is wearing clips with itself, anywhere.

I'll even sell superior sets of armor, etc., if they're not aesthetically pleasing to me. This can even extend to party members/"companions", as well.
I do this too. As a kid I didn't mind clashing but now a days if I'm looking at my PC for hours on end I want them to look nice.

I don't like massive, showy armors. For some reason though, most RPGs make their early gear look subdued and ergnomic but later gear all look like toys.


Aug 17, 2006
I find it difficult to get attached to and finish games on game pass or any similar service (which is the main reason I started avoiding subscriptions in general). Before you point out, yes I know you technically don't OWN anything on Steam, but having purchased a game by myself makes me more invested in it and more likely to finish or even replay it.

I feel the same way about Netflix, I'd rather just pay a flat amount for a single movie to watch, rather than have a huge library of random shit that I'll just scroll through and never watch anything. But maybe I'm just weird.

I think most people feel more attached to a piece of entertainment if they own it, or have permanent access to it, rather than just accessing it for a set period of time.

In first-person games, especially ones that pretend to be RPGs, I get really upset if any of the clothing and/or equipment my character is wearing clips with itself, anywhere

I find this annoying too, but more so in 3rd person games. One of the more common bullshit of the sort is when the weapon hanging from your back is clipping into a piece of clothing. :argh:

I always try to find and hoard all unique armors and weapons in the game, doesnt matter if i will never use it i just must have it either in equipment or in home/ some random chest

I remember watching a Gothic 3 Let's Play on YT once, and the guy playing kept one copy of each weapon in his inventory and refused to sell the last copy no matter how useless it was. The longer I watched the more annoyed I got by all the clutter in his inventory.

Also, I have a horrible tendency to waste tons of time arranging my inventory and UI - like, I'll get it just right on one character, and so then I have to do it the same for all my characters

This is why I prefer party-based RPGs that feature a 4-man party, rather than 6, or God forbid 8. I just get exhausted keeping everyone's inventory in order. This is also why I like shared inventory, rather than everyone having their own.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
Also, I have a horrible tendency to waste tons of time arranging my inventory and UI - like, I'll get it just right on one character, and so then I have to do it the same for all my characters

This is why I prefer party-based RPGs that feature a 4-man party, rather than 6, or God forbid 8. I just get exhausted keeping everyone's inventory in order. This is also why I like shared inventory, rather than everyone having their own.

Yeah it's pretty tiring doing that for 6-man team on like half a dozen characters, though it's very absorbing in an obsessive kind of way. It's definitely on the spectrum though, I like to think it makes me at least an honorary autist and demi-nerd :)

On the plus side though, once I do have inventory and UI set up perfectly, if I'm still playing the game a lot by that point, I can get good muscle memory going, so the rest of the game is much more "transparent" to play.

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