Looks bland, just like BoTW. Still no regrets selling my switch 2nd hand years ago.
optimization/itiration hopefully.considering it looks like the same engine
With an install base of millions upon millions of consoles, there is no insentive for a new console while people are still lining up to buy your games, games which are almost never discounted... And will be sold at 70€ from now on.New Zelda would be amazing opportunity to be released on new Switch 2, with more powerful hardware that would actually make a difference. Buuuuut we probably won't see it too soon, Switch sales and games are still at a high level, so I guess it's easier and SAFER for them to keep going as it is.
>Blue-eyedThose vehicle things look like they might be player designed, I can't wait to make a giant swastika car to drive around.
Wut?Nintendo's also one of those aggressively regressive companies that nickles and dimes you at every turn.
you should blame todd for failing to produce Skyrim 2 since 2011Traditional dungeons and classic item progression will be nowhere to be found in this new Zelda.
Except there won't be any tears because these distinct features that were part of Zelda's DNA since time immemorial were completely missing from Zelda: Breath of the Wild yet the fanboys ate up that slop and shilled it to kingdom come.
Breath of the Wild is probably the best game Ubisoft ever made.Assassins Creed: Breath of the Wild