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Vapourware A new Deus Ex was in development at Eidos Montreal


Aug 9, 2020
What it says about what is coming?
This was apparently the book that inspired Sheldon its in an interview as a source.

Chapter XVII Recent Attacks on the Militias and Patriot Movement. 217

Evidence Militias and Patriots Are Not Racist or Anti-Semitic, Phony Critics of
the Right, White Supremacist and Neo-Nazis, Media Propaganda, FBI Infiltrates
Militias, Left and Right Working Together, Liberal Paradox, Polls Supporting
Militias, Progressives Attack GATT/NAFTA, Populisms vs. Conservatives.
Focus on Large Corporations, Political Debate Not Allowed.
That alone should get you reading it lol. It came out in 1996.
What we have to look forward to:
Corporations becoming more powerful than governments
Putting poisons and radioactive materials in our food
Civil Wars
that's off the top of my head, I'd have to read the book a bit more thoroughly for specifics its been a while since I read it.
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
The Diamond Age is about nanotech, one of the foundational concepts for transhuman stories. Try again
It features nanotech, but it is not a story about people enhancing their bodies with technology.
It features a future in which nanotech plays a major role and reshapes society (note there are tech thrillers where nanotech is just a gimmick but doesn't change society, so those don't count), so yes its very much part of the set of transhuman stories.
Meh, well wikipedia considers Lawrence Person an authority on this subject so I'll just quote him.

Classic cyberpunk characters were marginalized, alienated loners who lived on the edge of society in generally dystopic futures where daily life was impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.

The best of cyberpunk conveyed huge cognitive loads about the future by depicting (in best "show, don't tell" fashion) the interaction of its characters with the quotidian minutia of their environment. In the way they interacted with their clothes, their furniture, their decks and spex, cyberpunk characters told you more about the society they lived in than "classic" SF stories did through their interaction with robots and rocketships. Postcyberpunk uses the same immersive world-building technique, but features different characters, settings, and, most importantly, makes fundamentally different assumptions about the future. Far from being alienated loners, postcyberpunk characters are frequently integral members of society (i.e., they have jobs). They live in futures that are not necessarily dystopic (indeed, they are often suffused with an optimism that ranges from cautious to exuberant), but their everyday lives are still impacted by rapid technological change and an omnipresent computerized infrastructure

JC "Maybe you should try getting a job" Denton is not a classic cybperunk protagonist. :M


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
Wow some of you people are really autistic.
Sometimes their autism is useful or entertaining. In this case it is neither.
Not true. Rusty's and Roguey's position versus mine shows a practical example of people who confuse story mode and setting. Rusty and Roguey think Cyberpunk is story mode (like romance or a heist story) whereupon I consider Cyberpunk a setting. Why? Because story modes are setting independent, you can have a romance in the future or the stone age or a fantasy setting. Try that with Cyberpunk. You can't. Ergo it's a setting.


Aug 5, 2022
Is RPGCodex cyberpunk?
...full of young guys with no social lives, no sex lives and no hope of ever moving out of their mothers' basements ... They're total wankers and losers who indulge in Messianic fantasies about someday getting even with the world through almost-magical computer skills, but whose actual use of the Net amounts to dialing up the scatophilia forum and downloading a few disgusting pictures. You know, cyberpunks.


Aug 9, 2020
Is RPGCodex cyberpunk?

Is it sad that I own that phone.
May 5, 2014
I actually liked the IW era preliminary plan for a Deus Ex 3 of being set during the collapse. Allows reusing the original's factions in new context, and has some threads to work with (Mead is heavily implied to be corrupt or a puppet, but never dealt with, and 2052 is an election year. Several large states are already in open defiance of the curfew mandate.).

Like if you were to make a hypothetical Deus Ex sequel you probably want to have an ending that gives a rather different set of choices and preferably doesn't revolve around godhood.
You'd probably want to further explore the notion of decentralization and anarchy as opposed to our drive towards connectivity [Channeling Ted Kazynski and decentralized ideologies?], which could potentially yield something in this time period before the illuminati rise again. Also another thing I've noticed which the original does more than the others is referring to real things directly as opposed to something made up to solidify the idea that this is its own game world with its own historical developments as opposed to being closer to ours.

Other threads:
What happened to the remnants of MJ12? How long do they last or are they subsumed into the Illuminati?
What happened to the NSF and its allies when the US government and the world fell into disorder. Does rifts emerge within the NSF? [Idealist, libertarian, criminal elements]
What happened to Morgan Everett, how long did he control the illuminati post collapse?
What chaos was unleashed by the proliferation of nanite technology and how did the Invisible war nanite swells come into existence.
What was Paul Denton doing until Invisible War aside from setting up Apostle Corp in the interim.
What happened to Carter, Jacobson, Reyes, X-51, Smuggler [If he lived].
How long was the Grey Death still around and how widely was Ambrosia distributed [By Everett and X-51]?
What happened with regards to geopolitics, the US collapsed, which states went to war, the attempts at new nations?
Is Debeers still on ice?


Aug 9, 2020
Is Debeers still on ice?
I would say so since Everett is a POS. JC euthanizing him is the right outcome, he makes clear his wishes.
Its a shame that there wasn't a third option, which is to smuggle debeers out with Jock's Helicopter lol.


Oct 16, 2015
I refuse to discuss a new Deus Ex until I see footage, and the odds are it's going to be shit anyway.

It's sad that with how political games have gotten these days (or pseudo-intellectual sociopolitical), one of the earliest to lean into this theme (Deus Ex) is still the most intelligent and red-pilled.

I love that Spector quote where he mentions players approaching him mentioning it's a leftie game, while others that meet him say it's the opposite. Well, I say it's neither (centrist), and only retards lean hard one way or the other. There's valid points and admirable goals inherent to both. Cue the whole autistic Codex getting triggered.

I feel I should elaborate on some of the statements I made earlier regarding female thinking: the vanilla purism at all costs/all mods are shit fallacy is emotional thinking, tied to emotional attachment of past experiences. Understanding that games can in fact be improved, sometimes even without any downside whatsoever, and have been many times is logical thinking.

Last lesson of the day, as if this shit should even need to be said, but that's the internet and its retards for you: understand that modders are not a single entity, anyone can try their hand at it from a 12 y/o child, to the typical codex decline-enabler, to game devs themselves with plenty experience and a passion for game design (e.g Sawyer's mod). Therefore lumping them all as one entity or unified group is neither emo nor logic-based, but rather retardation-based. Go play some mods that aren't shit (hard to find, yes, same with everything these days) and appreciate. A recent one I cannot recommend enough is Ashes Afterglow: literally top 10 FPS material and a modern classic, puts the modern industry to shame, and answers the question "what if FPS from the 2000s were actually good?".
Where else can you find true incline in this day and age except independent efforts? Thank me later.
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Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
They'll end up trying to build the bridge between Jensen and the events of OG. Doubtless the earthquake will feature, as it is supposed to happen soon after the events of MD.
Dec 5, 2010
While it isn’t necessary, especially with GMDX/texture packs etc; it is strange that there hasn’t been an upscaled and/or modernised release of DX1, to cash in on it’s “cult” reinstall when you hear about it status, if nothing else

Then again SE treated it as a bottom of the bargain bin game for awhile, I think I got my GOG copy for $1.50
The game would need more than just a graphical revamp to sell to today's mass market and the new games aren't exactly runaway hits so not it's like they have a winning formula they could feel confident about remaking DE in (unlike say remaking TW1 with the TW3 formula). Could do the IP/future sequels more harm than good.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a dystopian futuristic setting that tends to focus on a "combination of lowlife and high tech",[1] featuring futuristic technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with societal collapse, dystopia or decay.
Deus Ex 1 is literally cyberpunk. What the hell are you weirdos on about now?
JC Denton isn't a lowlife. He's a UNATCO agent, working for the man. Then he rebels and saves the world, and of those endings, "send the world back into a dark age" is the only one that could be considered punk (it is also very stupid, which is on-brand). Becoming a posthuman benevolent authoritarian yourself or giving control of the world back to the ultra rich isn't very punk.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
if you focus entirely on the setting you can construe basically any futuristic sci-fi work to be cyberpunk because it will eventually discuss the topic of how technology affects society
featuring futuristic technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with societal collapse, dystopia or decay.
therefore, this is essentially meaningless as a genre descriptor

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