Hello there, Viceroys! It’s Thursday again, so we bring you another juicy update. This time we focused mostly on balance - in the form of camps, rewards, biomes, and resources. There’s also a fair bit of new UI and UX improvements, so let’s get right into it.
First off - the camp changes. Many of you have already seen a sneak peek of this on the
Experimental Branch. And while the first version of this change was not very well received, the second iteration turned out very promising. That’s why we decided to improve it a bit, adjust the balance accordingly, and release it to the main version of the game. To put it simply,
from now on you will have access to additional essential camps at the start of the game - the Small Trappers’ Camp, the Small Foragers’ Camp, and the Small Herbalists’ Camp. These are called Small Camps because they work similarly to normal camps but are slower and can only collect small resource nodes. To gather big or gigantic nodes, you’ll need a regular camp (which can be acquired as before - from Reputation rewards, bought from a trader, or found in glades).