Holy shit, I have never seen such a large gathering of bickering, bitchy little fanboys in my life. Seriously, almost everyone on this forum seems to be a complete fucking tool. All anyone does is spend all YEAR bitching about a fucking game. If diablo is better, then why don't you go to their goddamn forums.
I find it absolutely unreal that any developer would respond on this forum. And yet no matter what kind sarcastic masterbating you twats take the time to pull the fucking binky out of your mouth to spew, the guys at Bethesda STILL respond. I'm sure even they don't know why they do it.
Maybe it's because they like games, and they like what they do.
Something most of you wouldn't have a goddamn clue about.
If Oblivion is already so horrible- before it's release, no less, then why do you waste your precious time moaning like whores about it?
Oh, ok, I'll answer that one...
Because you're FUCKING FANBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have no sense of irony, do you? You sit at your computers half the fucking year, coming to this same damn forum, bitching about this same shit, and YOU have the nerve to call others fanboys?
Who the fuck are you trying to kid?!
Now, I'm not saying you should change hobbies, if this is what you're best at, you're not gonna find another hobby, it doesn't get any lower than this. But for Chrissakes, be creative.
Alrighty then, go fuck your mother.