How long have you put off playing it?
Since its release. I remember seeing it in PC Gamer magazines when I was young but never playing it.
This game is so good though. It is definitely comparable quality wise to Planescape: Torment. There were some simple moments that just really stood out to me like talking to the Lizardman Chief and to the humans at Falchon's Ache. Right now, I'm talking to Willoughby to get my Mastery in Persuasion and he offhandedly mentioned a crappy sidequest I did earlier that I thought was put in the game as a joke which was awesome.
There are just so many little immersive details like that which make me start to understand why these games generally had to cut content and get rushed out the door, bugs and all. The Willoughby also gave me a book to read about the negotiations I will need to do and I'm literally sitting here reading each page. The stuff they managed to program into games like this is really inspirational to me.