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Torment Are you going to play Torment?

Are you going to play Torment?

  • Yes, this is my most anticipated game!

  • Yes, I'm not a big fan, but I'm moderately interested.

  • Not sure, maybe.

  • No, because the latest news (console release, Codex blacklisting, HP pool etc) pissed me off.

  • No, never cared about the game.

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Apr 18, 2008
I'm sure it wasn't dumbing down, but the correct decision to make the best game possible.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
My interest in Torment 2 was sunk when they opted for a system with chance based dialogue checks.

What is this "chance based dialogue checks" you speak of?

Are player options on what to say affected by chance? Or NPC reactions to play speech affected by chance? Or both?

You roll a virtual die to succeed at dialogue options. 45% chance, 60% chance, etc. Similar to Fallout 3.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
My interest in Torment 2 was sunk when they opted for a system with chance based dialogue checks.

What is this "chance based dialogue checks" you speak of?

Are player options on what to say affected by chance? Or NPC reactions to play speech affected by chance? Or both?

You roll a virtual die to succeed at dialogue options. 45% chance, 60% chance, etc. Similar to Fallout 3.
Wait, what? What the ever loving dumbfuck that does this (aside from bethesda. They are special little flowers)


May 18, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Well...I can live with this only if the percentages and attributes that affect each dialog choice are hidden.
Otherwise it's just a save-reload fest..


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
Well...I can live with this only if the percentages and attributes that affect each dialog choice are hidden.
Otherwise it's just a save-reload fest..

The system is built around showing you the percentages before you take the roll, because you're meant to spend a limited resource (points from your stat pools) to improve your chances.

Say you have a 40% chance to succeed; you can then choose to spend one point for a 55% chance, two points for a 70% chance, etc. That probably works better in PnP than it does in a video game with infinite reloads.


Dec 14, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well...I can live with this only if the percentages and attributes that affect each dialog choice are hidden.
Otherwise it's just a save-reload fest..

The system is built around showing you the percentages before you take the roll, because you're meant to spend a limited resource (points from your stat pools) to improve your chances.

Say you have a 40% chance to succeed; you can then choose to spend one point for a 55% chance, two points for a 70% chance, etc. That probably works better in PnP than it does in a video game with infinite reloads.
But there must be different content opened in case you fail the checks.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
But there must be different content opened in case you fail the checks.

Well, if the failures were as interesting as the successes, there would be little incentive to spend any extra points on the checks.


Dec 14, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
But there must be different content opened in case you fail the checks.

Well, if the failures were as interesting as the successes, there would be little incentive to spend any extra points on the checks.
I just watched Colin McComb's recent video from EGX. He explains that sometimes you get a better or more interesting outcome if you fail some quests.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
That's the exception in the EA though. Many of the checks unlock information or rewards, and if you fail, you don't get anything.

Some checks must be succeeded at in order to advance the main quest; these can be infinitely re-attempted, but they cost 2 extra points for every new attempt. I think most people would probably just reload after the first failure instead of paying extra to get the same effect.

It might be better if these plot-critical checks were just removed or turned into auto-successes instead.


Dec 31, 2007
-In the beginning I was very hyped and backed it immediately.
-Then I played W2 and it was p. mediocre, so my faith in inexile isn't that strong anymore.
-All this stuff about percentages to succeed in dialog checks and points to allocate to increase the rate, sound retarded for a video game.
-From what I've seen the visuals look mediocre for a 2,5D isometric game. I'm not sure if I can really pinpoint the reason, but the art direction seems a little problematic on the whole. It's not that big a deal though.
-I couldn't be arsed to try the EA demo.
-I'll play it when it comes out, but I can't say I'm eagerly awaiting for it.

Lord Azlan

Jun 4, 2014
Quite excited about it actually. At the beginning I was not bothered at all as I had not even played the original game.

Now, since I am currently playing PST for the first time, I just wonder why no one has ever made a RPG in the same universe because it seems so interesting.

Really looking forward to see if the new game is based in other planes, a next chapter of PST or a completely new story.

What I have seen of the graphics looks interesting, but seem retrograde step compared to PST, not happy of that. What I have seen of the demos on Steam the graphics look a bit Torchlight or even cartoony. Only my first impressions.

So, really excited!


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
Now, since I am currently playing PST for the first time, I just wonder why no one has ever made a RPG in the same universe because it seems so interesting.

Really looking forward to see if the new game is based in other planes, a next chapter of PST or a completely new story.


It uses a completely different setting.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Quite excited about it actually. At the beginning I was not bothered at all as I had not even played the original game.

Now, since I am currently playing PST for the first time, I just wonder why no one has ever made a RPG in the same universe because it seems so interesting.

Really looking forward to see if the new game is based in other planes, a next chapter of PST or a completely new story.

What I have seen of the graphics looks interesting, but seem retrograde step compared to PST, not happy of that. What I have seen of the demos on Steam the graphics look a bit Torchlight or even cartoony. Only my first impressions.

So, really excited!
what is reading comprehension

Lord Azlan

Jun 4, 2014
Quite excited about it actually. At the beginning I was not bothered at all as I had not even played the original game.

Now, since I am currently playing PST for the first time, I just wonder why no one has ever made a RPG in the same universe because it seems so interesting.

Really looking forward to see if the new game is based in other planes, a next chapter of PST or a completely new story.

What I have seen of the graphics looks interesting, but seem retrograde step compared to PST, not happy of that. What I have seen of the demos on Steam the graphics look a bit Torchlight or even cartoony. Only my first impressions.

So, really excited!

Why are you excited?

Are you aware...that they ruined the health bar system? That they changed it pointlessly? Are you aware kid?

Now, let me just paint a picture for you. Imagine you're happy. You're doing well in school, your girlfriend is hot, and you're finally proving your parents wrong. Then a bully comes up to you and tosses your girlfriend's soiled panties in your face. "Yeah bruh, I fucked her." He says, and then he slams his fist at what feels like 1000 miles an hour into your stomach. You double over in pain so his knee can come up and smash your nose in.

As you're lying there, bleeding and in pain, your girlfriend comes up and tells you it's over, and that as insurance, she told the teachers that you've been cheating on your tests.

Imagine coming home to your father's mocking jeers. Imagine coming home again to find that your brother has pissed on your bed again. Again. Why again? Because that's what you deserve, you fat little fuck.
As you lie there in the piss-stained sheets, you realize something: your life is worthless. You never were meant to be happy, and you never were meant to enjoy things. Thats okay though, because you have some money saved up and your pokemon go playing therapist tells you to go on a vacation and take care of yourself. So you go to Japan. You love buddhist temples.

The japanese hate you even more. They mock your fat disgusting body, they politely don't let you in temples, and you spend a week in a hotel room watching low-budget shitty japanese TV.

You tell everyone it was a great and life changing experience but all you did was shitpost on the codex and think about killing yourself. Grimoire is never coming out.

its never fucking coming out ITS NEVER FUCKING COMING OUT OH MY GOD

you're caught crying a few times and your family laughs at you. you're told that you seem like a huge pussy and your nose never healed properly so you look like a testicle slurping dipshit. You can't even fap anymore and that's probably brian fargo's fault too.

That is what it's like to have the health system changed in torment. Colin McComb is the bully. Brother None are the Japanese. You will suffer and scream until the day you die, and Prime Junta will laugh and laugh and say "But it's got good reactivity, bro!" while you use your mana pools to insta-solve every single fucking check in the game because you know what? You're not a fucking Numenera character. What you are is a giant middle finger to people that believed in this game. That needed something to help them forget they were molested at a young age, to help them forget that they haven't gotten laid in 15 years, to help them forget that the console their room mate plays runs your entire gaming life and how you will never, ever, ever be happy no matter what you do, that it's nothing but a swirling mass of alcohol, drugs and dying in a scant few years from now because you're so fat that you're literally damaging your ankles when you walk and your doctor has prescribed you crutches but you cant do it you cant get those because then you're just admitting youre a worthless piece of shit and


you're going to keep walking until your ankles shatter. You've been walking in ditches for awhile now, hoping that when it happens, you can just die from exposure. Maybe nobody will find the corpulent mess that is your body. At least people won't have to look at you. You fantasize about spewing bile over your family like the boomers from left for dead and causing thousands of zombies to rip them apart.

That's why the health bar issue matters. Okay? I don't give a fuck about this game anymore. They destroyed this game and they're ruined my hopes for the future. I am a man. I am an



The Real Fanboy
Apr 18, 2007

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
I got the impression that the problem wasn't so much that casuals hate the system, but that the game designers found it too hard to balance.
As much as I want to find this 'acceptable', I just can't. The problem lies in choosing the Numenera setting (and thus, the system) in the first place. I can think of how the original system gonna come up; cRPGs were, after all, meant to be an emulation of PnP RPGs (at least to the best of the designer's ability to do so). And so the decision to use the Numenera setting and system should've followed by trying to emulate the tabletop's one to the best of the designer's ability, no compromise.


Apr 28, 2015
Not sure. I didn't back this because why would I pay more money for a game that doesn't need the funding, so I still have a choice. I did get excited about a Torment sequel, but I've never had much faith in InXile and what little news I've read since then steadily put a damper on my enthusiasm - the slogan is cringeworthy, arts lacks a certain something and the writing doesn't seem strong enough on its own to carry the game for me. The health system did seem like it might have spiced up the combat, but from what I understand now it looks like they scrapped that so no appeal there. I'm not going to write it off, but I haven't been sold on it either.

It helps that there's loads of games that I'm looking forward to so it doesn't really bother me if this doesn't live up to the hype. Pathologic, Six Ages, Battle Brothers, NieR: Automata, Barkley 2, Octopus City Blues, Copper Dreams, The Devil's Men, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Dishonored 2, Ghost of a Tale, Bloodstained, Cyberpunk 2077, Stellar Tactics, Psychonauts 2, Liege, Seven Dragon Saga, Yooka-Laylee, Indivisible, Dungeon of Aledorn, Underworld Ascendant, The Endless Cylinder, Thimbleweed Park, Sui Generis, The Dream Machine, Siboot and Nioh, to name a few.

So yeah, maybe, if the price is good.


Oct 26, 2012
Thanks to 80Maxwell08 I most definitely will, but I'm not sure if it'll happen immediately on launch. Schedule is a bitch.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Everybody who's played the beta says the writing and C&C are fantastic. I like what I've seen of the art and music. Having played some of the P&P game, I like the setting. Even the change to a hit point system makes sense to me. Damn right I'll give it a shot.

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