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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline

Jan 7, 2012
What? Unless Blizzard plans to massively force item grinding (and they probably are, but it doesn't count as actual game length), beating all difficulties won't take more than 30-40 hours if it is anything like D2.
If Normal takes 20 hours I doubt you're going to get through the 3 harder difficulty levels in 5 hours each. 100 hours is probably an overshoot but I doubt it will be 40 either.

It's pretty easy to speed through D2 these days but it took me a lot longer than 40 hours to go through the game completely (kill Diablo in Hell) the first time.

I doubt on repeat playthroughs you are going to do all 100 out of the way quests, listen to every NPC's long dialogs, etc. And all playtime numbers are hopelessly inflated. So based on D2 I'm guessing 10ish hours for the first playthrough and under 7 for the rest, assuming you aren't getting any help at all in multiplayer.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Hmmm, well my dad just gave me a $50 Amazon gift code he isn't going to use so I could grab Derpablo 3 for $10.

But you're way too :obviously: for Derper 3, so you'll grab Mass Effect 3 instead, right?

Yeah everyone who dislikes something about Diablo 3 is automatically a retard pretending to be :monocle: that enjoys "DEEP RPG" shitgames like Ass Effect 3... :roll:

He's referring to another thread where I shit on him for liking Binary Domain. That said, if the full campaign is only ten hours long then that is fairly disappointing.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Hmmm, well my dad just gave me a $50 Amazon gift code he isn't going to use so I could grab Derpablo 3 for $10.

But you're way too :obviously: for Derper 3, so you'll grab Mass Effect 3 instead, right?

Yeah everyone who dislikes something about Diablo 3 is automatically a retard pretending to be :monocle: that enjoys "DEEP RPG" shitgames like Ass Effect 3... :roll:

He's referring to another thread where I shit on him for liking Binary Domain. That said, if the full campaign is only ten hours long then that is fairly disappointing.

Oh, ok then. I will still wait for some kind of Codex review for Diablo 3.


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
So easy game that teaches people to spam skills and click blindly again and again = preparing players for high difficulties. Easy to learn, difficult to master my ass. Just about the only thing in Diablo III's systems that would allow for any sort of "mastery" comes in item and skill selection, and I'm not sure what's so masterful about grinding for gear. What, do cooldowns, mana costs and so on increase as you go into the game? Does life regeneration gear become harder to find?

If there's a difficulty curve, with gear and skills becoming relatively less powerful against monsters, then doesn't that just fit the definition of HP bloat? Diablo is not a very complicated game and the most complicated parts of it always came from the character system, not loot drops - with that out the window, there's no involved Devil May Cry-style action to pick up the slack. I honestly do not see much potential for depth in a game with suck a simple and limited set of inputs, and I'd love to be wrong... but there's only so much you can do with a single character and the interplay between HP, blocking(?) and elemental resistances.

Axe to grind much? They've already said (and fans data mined info to back it up) that the monsters gain more abilities, will actively have more agressive AI, the bosses will gain new modifiers, and in inferno you won't be able to out level the content like you could in diablo II. The monsters are always higher level than you and the resists will take that into account.

D2 had all those things other than the "outlevel the content"

Exactly, so what are you moaning about. It's the Diablo 2 system, with an extra difficulty mode.

Yeah, not a fan of making players go through the game 3-4 times just to get to the "fun part." Especially if it's on a per-character basis, that's just lame. It worked with Diablo and Diablo II because those difficulty levels were balanced to the character levels you'd be in those modes, but Diablo III isn't giving me that impression so much. We'll see, I guess.

Truth be told though, I'm looking forward to Torchlight II and Path of Exile a lot more.


Difficulty wise TL1 and Titan quest were a piece of piss, you're clueless.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Well for one Grim Dawn is only a spiritual sequel and improvement on Titan Quest, what they did wrong they will correct, and not decline H&S genre further. And anyway only that Bruno guy from Titan Quest is working on it as far as I know. But it doesn't matter you can enjoy Diablo 3 if you like. I'd rather see how Grim Dawn and Torchlight 2 turn out, and Diablo 3 in full before spending money on either, as I want a good H&S but am not desperate enough to give so much money for something I might consider boring or stupid.


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
Well for one Grim Dawn is only a spiritual sequel and improvement on Titan Quest, what they did wrong they will correct, and not decline H&S genre further. And anyway only that Bruno guy from Titan Quest is working on it as far as I know. But it doesn't matter you can enjoy Diablo 3 if you like. I'd rather see how Grim Dawn and Torchlight 2 turn out, and Diablo 3 in full before spending money on either, as I want a good H&S but am not desperate enough to give so much money for something I might consider boring or stupid.

PoE will prolly be great.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Difficulty wise TL1 and Titan quest were a piece of piss, you're clueless.
Kinda true, but a) Grim Dawn is not Titan Quest and b) Torchlight actually was quite difficult when played on the harder/hardest settings. And I never said that difficulty was the reason I was looking forward to them.


Apr 27, 2012
What do you think about the F2P-business model of Path of Exile?


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
Well, this was pretty funny. Walmart translated a chinese text or something for their product description of D3:

The Diablo III PC/Mac Game revolves around an interesting plot which will keep you spell bound. while you are playing. This Strategy Video Game also has some similar setting as the Diablo II like Tristram. The Witch Doctor is a new character in this game, is reminiscent of the Diablo II Necromancer, The Barbarians in this strategy video game have a variety of revamped skills at their disposal on the basis of the use of their incredible physical prowess. Bring home the PC video game to solve the mysteries of the mighty Barbarians.

(Could be a genius move to get people to buy D3 from them. This product page has been mentioned on kotaku etc. :conspiracy: )

Multi-headed Cow

That said, if the full campaign is only ten hours long then that is fairly disappointing.
Wait what? Has there been anything saying D3 is 10 hours long? I'm not entirely against the idea (Since I'll probably want to play nightmare and hell too) but I'm kinda surprised.


Dec 17, 2008
The official word is 20 hours, but those things are always exaggerated.

It personally took me about 2.5 hours to get through the beta, and if that's half of Act 1 then 20 hours sounds about right, I guess.


Apr 18, 2012
The official word is 20 hours, but those things are always exaggerated.

It personally took me about 2.5 hours to get through the beta, and if that's half of Act 1 then 20 hours sounds about right, I guess.

Did you do some extreme exploring after the leaving the town?


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
It's freaking Diablo. It's all about loot drops and clicking stuff until it dies so you can get more loot drops that lets you click things to death faster. You may not see the appeal but that doesn't matter when it comes to designing a good Diablo sequel; they better do.
Being about loot doesn't mean that you should be saturated with this loot.

Games about loot work the best when worthwhile loot is rare, unpredictable and something to look forward to.

Like in Diablo 1.

Serious question: did you play Diablo 1 or 2? Both of them did the same thing; it's just a way to extend the length of play you get out of the game.
Not quite the same.

Both D1 and D2 relied on additional difficulties as game++ of sorts, allowing you to increase longevity of your character and gather more loot while still getting some challenge.

OTOH from how it looks, lower difficulties in D3 will be something preventing you from playing the game how it was meant to be played right away, forcing you to play in derp mode several times per character in order to get to level where you can die and the AI isn't completely nerfed.

D1 could be started on nightmare or hell right away.
I once did - spent several minutes kiting the first zombie, then levelled up when it fell.

MMOs: The treadmill that makes you fatter.


For the same as D2, it's a variation of RPG.
How is it a variation of RPG if it has neither stats, nor C&C?

I thought we were rigorous about this kins of stuff here. :obviously:


Jul 16, 2009
RPG doesn't need a 2C to be an RPG, as long as you don't consider losing combat and be killed a choice. No stats is a PITA, however they might introduce them back in expansion, or in D4, thus it can be just a transitional phase.
When they would remove inventory, that would be a problem. No visible stats might imply some implicit stats. Something like when elves were faster in Skyrim.

And since when JRPGs are RPGs?
What is definition of a JRPG?


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
EVERYONE SHUT UP. We're all going to be playing this shit within a week anyway so lets start arranging groups.
Apr 18, 2009
I'd never play with people from the Cockdex. There are exceptions, sure, but in general you're all a bit too whiny and egotistical to play any sort of game with.

Besides, I'm still kind of pissed off that I can't build a pure ice wizard.



Jul 16, 2009
You know I should finish Risen 2, Empire TW, MUV-LUV (other route), Snow Sakura, so it's unlikely I'd have HD space for D3.

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