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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline

Deleted member 7219

Sup bros. About to start my first playthrough of Diablo 2. What class do you guys recommend I try?


May 8, 2007
What kind of characters do you like to play as? Diplomats? Sneaky rogues?


Apr 27, 2012
For the same as D2, it's a variation of RPG.
How is it a variation of RPG if it has neither stats, nor C&C?

I thought we were rigorous about this kins of stuff here. :obviously:

Lots of JRPGs don't have stat assignement on creation/level up or C&C.

And since when JRPGs are RPGs?
Many JRPGs have turned based combat, isn't that like the catch-all seal of quality and mark of approval on the codex? :obviously: (how does this thread about diablo go back to JRPGs all the time?)


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
RPG doesn't need a 2C to be an RPG, as long as you don't consider losing combat and be killed a choice.
I was being generous and inclusive - whether you consider RPGs to be defined by stats or by C&C, Diablo 3 isn't one.

Besides, stats you can allocate on chargen or level ups are a form of C&C (they are a choice and they have consequences), provided you can't just respec freely.

No stats is a PITA, however they might introduce them back in expansion, or in D4, thus it can be just a transitional phase.
Transitional or not, it's not an RPG.

EVERYONE SHUT UP. We're all going to be playing this shit within a week anyway so lets start arranging groups.
Maybe you will all be playing this shit within a week, I, however, won't.

Many JRPGs have turned based combat, isn't that like the catch-all seal of quality and mark of approval on the codex? :obviously:

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
DnD didn't have stats on level up either. And you didn't assign them, you just rolled and took what you got. Clearly DnD is not an RPG. :troll:

Deleted member 7219

What kind of characters do you like to play as? Diplomats? Sneaky rogues?

Diplomats. I hear the Diablo games are great for talking your way through stuff, C&Cs, stuff like that.

But seriously, what should I go for? Barbarian? Wizard? What?


Apr 27, 2012
It depends on how long you want to play it. Sorcerer is by far the easiest one (and indeed the only possibly one) to play without gear in nightmare and later. I think a summon-mancer (necromancer that focuses on summoning) is great fun, and is perfect if you like zoo-keeping, like me, though he is terrible against bosses.Necromancer is also easily the most bad-ass of the 7 classes. Paladin is also fairly straight forward to play without gear, and is also very fun. To play a barb beyond normal, you probably need to find some good gear.
EVERYONE SHUT UP. We're all going to be playing this shit within a week anyway so lets start arranging groups.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
What kind of characters do you like to play as? Diplomats? Sneaky rogues?

Diplomats. I hear the Diablo games are great for talking your way through stuff, C&Cs, stuff like that.

But seriously, what should I go for? Barbarian? Wizard? What?

If you like that kind of character you can create frost zealot paladin and wade balls deep in slowed and frozen monsters and get physical. It's very relaxing, you don't have to spam skills too much. That's what I like anyway.


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
What do you think about the F2P-business model of Path of Exile?

i wouldn't play it otherwise, unless it was a cheap box or something. that being said i can already see the colossal grind fest the system will become, if you stick with the same build/weapon sets then it'll probably be alright, experimenting with aberrant builds will be an absolute bowl of bollocks though.


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
What kind of characters do you like to play as? Diplomats? Sneaky rogues?

Diplomats. I hear the Diablo games are great for talking your way through stuff, C&Cs, stuff like that.

But seriously, what should I go for? Barbarian? Wizard? What?

If you like that kind of character you can create frost zealot paladin and wade balls deep in slowed and frozen monsters and get physical. It's very relaxing, you don't have to spam skills too much. That's what I like anyway.

Holy shock is like that as well, rounding up MOB's into a lovely "ball" and just chip away at the edges with your resplendent negro aura.


Apr 27, 2012
What do you think about the F2P-business model of Path of Exile?

i wouldn't play it otherwise, unless it was a cheap box or something. that being said i can already see the colossal grind fest the system will become, if you stick with the same build/weapon sets then it'll probably be alright, experimenting with aberrant builds will be an absolute bowl of bollocks though.
On doing some research, I found out that they are going for an "ethical" F2P-model, where you only pay for visual adjustments to the gear, but not for the stats themselves. But then the question comes to mind, how the hell are they planning on making money for this game at all, let alone cover the development cost? :hmmm: Purely on good-will?


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
What do you think about the F2P-business model of Path of Exile?

i wouldn't play it otherwise, unless it was a cheap box or something. that being said i can already see the colossal grind fest the system will become, if you stick with the same build/weapon sets then it'll probably be alright, experimenting with aberrant builds will be an absolute bowl of bollocks though.
On doing some research, I found out that they are going for an "ethical" F2P-model, where you only pay for visual adjustments to the gear, but not for the stats themselves. But then the question comes to mind, how the hell are they planning on making money for this game at all, let alone cover the development cost? :hmmm: Purely on good-will?

At Open Beta, we will have a range of different microtransactions for sale, including many of the following:
  • Public stash tabs (viewable to other players for trade purposes)
  • Cosmetic pets
  • Alternate skill effects
  • Special animations (for example, taunts or PvP victory animations)
  • Special paid leagues (with custom game rules)
  • Guild storage
  • Alternate item skins and visual effects
  • Special cosmetic item properties such as “extra gore”
  • Item dyes
People go apeshit for vanity stuff.


Apr 17, 2012
What do you think about the F2P-business model of Path of Exile?

i wouldn't play it otherwise, unless it was a cheap box or something. that being said i can already see the colossal grind fest the system will become, if you stick with the same build/weapon sets then it'll probably be alright, experimenting with aberrant builds will be an absolute bowl of bollocks though.
On doing some research, I found out that they are going for an "ethical" F2P-model, where you only pay for visual adjustments to the gear, but not for the stats themselves. But then the question comes to mind, how the hell are they planning on making money for this game at all, let alone cover the development cost? :hmmm: Purely on good-will?

IIRC that's what they said before LOTRO went F2P. Needless to say, they started selling stat tomes soon afterwards. Game is now a big pile of shit.


Aug 26, 2011
Both D1 and D2 relied on additional difficulties as game++ of sorts, allowing you to increase longevity of your character and gather more loot while still getting some challenge.

OTOH from how it looks, lower difficulties in D3 will be something preventing you from playing the game how it was meant to be played right away, forcing you to play in derp mode several times per character in order to get to level where you can die and the AI isn't completely nerfed.
I agree with D1, if played wrong (like bad positioning) even on the normal setting will get you killed. The challenge is there from the beginning, with D2 not so much, as levels are more open and you can run out of any clusterfuck you've made. D3 seems to move the challenge even further away, yap.

D1 could be started on nightmare or hell right away.
No, it couldn't.
Jan 7, 2012
D1 could be started on nightmare or hell right away.
No, it couldn't.

Actually it could, though it was a bug. Start a multiplayer nightmare game, quit, then start/restart a singleplayer game and it will be in nightmare. Starting a character in Nightmare was perfectly feasible in D1 and a good challenge for a good player.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
All this time and I only learned of various difficulty levels in Diablo today … Then again some combinations of monsters can be pretty challenging for some characters, and since you never knew what you were gonna find … My only regret with Diablo sequels and its clones is that the combat has been copied, the characters development has been improved, the loot has been made lootier, but we lost the quest and monster randomisation. I don't mind losing the level randomisation much, but not knowing what quests — and its associated reward — you'll get is fun, and I always dread the time when I change to a new section and see that I may have hard monsters for my current class.


Dec 17, 2008
Diablo 3 has some randomized quests and events and they're implemented so you'll never see everything in one playthrough, so it at least retains some of that D1 system.
Jan 7, 2012
Diablo 3 has some randomized quests and events and they're implemented so you'll never see everything in one playthrough, so it at least retains some of that D1 system.

It loses a lot of its effect when you have a D2 or D3 loot system. The great thing about quests in D1 was that they gave you powerful rewards that could last you most of the game. Arkaine's Valor could literally last the entire game from Dlvl 5 to Dlvl 20. The Undead Crown was one of the only ways to gain life stealing (and the only way to have it not on a weapon, making you much more versatile). The unique jewelry could easily be the only good ones you find the entire game. You could finish the game and see how it shaped your character in the end, D3 is the exact opposite of that.

Furthermore, Blizzard's writing is so bad nowadays that who even wants to see these quests unless they drop phat lewt? If D3 had D1's atmosphere and writing then doing different quests solely for the sake of the experience could be fun, but with the derp that D3 is why should we care?

D1's quests managed to appease both the storyfags and the lewtfags, D3 will appease neither.


Apr 27, 2012
That's all well and good, but an uber-weapon last from lvl5-lvl20 wouldn't be very appropriate in an online game, since everyone would run around with the exact same uber-gear gotten from the same random quests, and the game would also be too easy, which seems to be one of the major butt-hurts about diablo 3 on this thread. It would also seriously undermine the random loot-system in diablo 3. At the least the random event Jar of souls introduces some measure of challenge to the game early on, I actually died on my first try on this one :smug:


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Diablo 3 has some randomized quests and events and they're implemented so you'll never see everything in one playthrough, so it at least retains some of that D1 system.

Oh, cool!

It loses a lot of its effect when you have a D2 or D3 loot system. The great thing about quests in D1 was that they gave you powerful rewards that could last you most of the game. Arkaine's Valor could literally last the entire game from Dlvl 5 to Dlvl 20. The Undead Crown was one of the only ways to gain life stealing (and the only way to have it not on a weapon, making you much more versatile). The unique jewelry could easily be the only good ones you find the entire game. You could finish the game and see how it shaped your character in the end, D3 is the exact opposite of that.

Oh, goatfuck …

I'm actually not much of a lootwhore. I like to get loot of course, especially after completing a challenge, but seeing it drop all the time kinda kills it for me. D1 hit the sweet spot with loot availability, random quests and game length. The beta seemed sortof decent and didn't shower me under a mountain of equipment, unlike Torchlight, but I still wish to see a real Diablo 1 clone some day. I'm finally interested in D3 after playing the beta, but I know I'll replaying D1 every once in a while for years to come.


May 8, 2003
The great thing about quests in D1

D1's atmosphere and writing

from software should totally do a diablo clone

if they won't there's a kickstarter waiting to happen for a smart developer with the balls to not go the easy way of loot, grinding and character dressup
Jan 7, 2012
The great thing about quests in D1

D1's atmosphere and writing

from software should totally do a diablo clone

if they won't there's a kickstarter waiting to happen for a smart developer with the balls to not go the easy way of loot, grinding and character dressup

I dunno, they basically make Diablo clones already, just with a better combat system. A great example of how you can completely change the basis of a game and yet still keep the idea intact.

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