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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Jul 3, 2007
Nice try sea. Except only a few posts ago you were like "ZOMG give me that review copy so I can write an advert and help Blizzard sell more copies!!1"

Blizzard already has its assortment of trained cocksuckers writing ads much more professionally (IGN, Gamespot, PC Gamer). They don't need your internet blog / Presitigious RPG site reviewing RPGs like Diablo 3

Unfortunately the Codex also has a reputation for being extremely critical of games

It does?

With Codex nowadays sucking off Bioware and Bethesda collective dicks just as hard as IGN and Gamespot I will be surprised if we won't get keys for early TES Online access.

Clearly being critical is a bad thing. Should only lick the butt.


Aug 28, 2010
It's like a politician joking that an oil company didn't loan him a private jet, so how's he supposed to write energy laws. You shouldn't have even gone there. Making a joke about a legitimate and rampant concern like reviewer integrity is fucking stupid.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
So here's the reason of all this:

(also screw Blizzard for not getting me a review copy, seriously if the stuff I write sells them even 10 copies is that not worth it?)

Man, I enjoyed reading some of the articles you wrote, but you gave yourself away this time. That is as much of a games "journalist" mindset and behavior as possible, even if only for the sake of a free game rather than for actual cash, dinners etc, it still is very dishonest to do that and no matter what you claim, this comment is just too much of a slip to not take it for exactly what it implies: "Will give positive reviews for free copies."

Get out of this whether it is a hobby or a 2nd job, it will eventually turn you into a dishonest person trading opinions for peanuts like free games or cause you immense frustration, unless you have enough willpower to refuse such deals and don't feel bad about missing them, or about limiting your content to a few sites that aren't sellouts, and by that comment you did that seems to be unlikely from you.

A reviewer who gives his honest opinion, can be critical, won't contribute to great metacritic scores and says he cannot be bought? That kind of shit is dangerous. Be happy they don't ban you for clicking the wrong button.

Pretty much, you either give up this activity, pay up the games you review in one of the few truly independent sites like RPGCodex, or join the rest of the PR mouthpieces and liars.

It's like a politician joking that an oil company didn't loan him a private jet, so how's he supposed to write energy laws. You shouldn't have even gone there. Making a joke about a legitimate and rampant concern like reviewer integrity is fucking stupid.

Giving the benefit of doubt? It is always convenient to make a "LOL it was sarcasm" or "LOL it was a joke" or "LOL I troll u" after you let something demeaning about yourself out, or after making a stupid comment. Of course this is the Internet so it's impossible to guess intentions from body language, but I think that, given sea's admittedly eccletic taste in games, this is most likely a straight opinion rather than a joke or sarcasm and in the field he is in it's natural for people to either develop a behavior similar to that of the usual games "journalists", restrict themselves to a limited set of sites that have some independence and make only occasional articles, or give up. And I think sea is hanging somewhere in the line between the first and the second. And he isn't part of the Codexers that tend to use sarcasm and jokes like that either. Of course I could be wrong.

*Edit: Nvm WaywardOne, I sort of half-read your post. If it was a joke comment then it was indeed stupid.

tl;dr: I'm too jaded and cynical to be forgiving about potential evidences of posers in KKKodex to at first assume they were jokes rather than slips. And I have no Xbox360 to tell others on Skype about and never will have one.



May 8, 2007
So much entitlement in this thread.
Szanowny Kliencie,

Serdecznie zapraszamy do salonu empik, po odbiór zamówionych przez Ciebie produktów.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Meanwhile Codex presented me with my Blizzard subsidized review copy. My opinion? 10/10 GAME OF THE YEAR.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
So much entitlement in this thread.
Szanowny Kliencie,

Serdecznie zapraszamy do salonu empik, po odbiór zamówionych przez Ciebie produktów.
Fucking empik, getting all cosy and personal with clients. What happened to good old-fashioned "Pana" instead of the "Ciebie"? And why the fuck did they put a comma in the sentence? That's one of the reasons I don't buy there. (Also: monopoly risk, support local booksellers!!11! etc.)

Multi-headed Cow

Well Diablo 3 was just confirmed goatey since they're going Diablo 1 and giving succubi tits again. Succubus tits and random sidequests you may or may not get, third Diablo best Diablo.


Apr 27, 2012
Where did he try to appear intelligent or sophisticated? He just pointed out that sea is a decline moron who pretends to be a pro.
Anyone can write blogs. Every moron can be a "reviewer" by posting shit he thinks about a game.
"Everyone piles on Kodex's "General Discussion" for being a degenerate pit of a subforum, yet that "pit" is the only thing worth a damn on this site" :obviously:
"GD is what differentiates this whole forum from pretty much any other contemporary gaming forum like the ones at Gamespot, VN, or any other popamole lover, console fanboi infested shitboard" :obviously:

A couple of examples. The post has elitist all over it.

As for the other stuff, sure, though I can't recall saying otherwise. I don't see why it's a very useful comment though: Every moron with a minimum of a time-commitment can make a computer game too, though most would agree that the quality varies between the morons that make them.
Blizzard already has its assortment of trained cocksuckers writing ads much more professionally (IGN, Gamespot, PC Gamer). They don't need your internet blog / Presitigious RPG site reviewing RPGs like Diablo 3
Yeah I know! Blizzard also did 9/11 as an inside job, so that they could earn more money from the real money auction house.


Jun 18, 2010

I don't get what all the excitement over D3 is about anyway. It looks banalshitboring. If you have to play a mindless hack&slash, Path of Exile looks like a more monocle bet.

Captain Shrek



Just in case you become a prestigious reviewer, a profile on GD is hardly a qualification to remain one.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Man, I enjoyed reading some of the articles you wrote, but you gave yourself away this time. That is as much of a games "journalist" mindset and behavior as possible, even if only for the sake of a free game rather than for actual cash, dinners etc, it still is very dishonest to do that and no matter what you claim, this comment is just too much of a slip to not take it for exactly what it implies: "Will give positive reviews for free copies."
Nope. Probably something like 50% of the reviews I write are for games I don't buy myself, and I'm plenty critical with those (recently I was quite negative about the Kingdoms of Amalur DLC, and Mass Effect 3 plus its launch day DLC, if you want examples). I will stress - whether I get a promo copy never, ever enters my mind or affects my opinion of a game, nor does it influence the tone of the reviews I write. If you want to look at my reviews and try to determine which ones were for games I was provided promo copies of vs. ones I paid for myself, then feel free to try, but I seriously doubt you will discover any connection whatsoever (because it doesn't exist).

If there is any correlation at all, it's that I tend to spend my own money on games I'm already interested in - and if I'm already interested in them then chances are I'll probably enjoy them more. So, the exact opposite of what you're suggesting.

That one comment I made wasn't a "slip", it was referring to my belief that it's a poor idea for game publishers and developers to ignore the press (which I later expanded upon in a post above). I was being sarcastic and If you think for some reason that reveals me as some sort of selfish, entitled asshole who can be bought, then all I can say is "you're dead wrong." It's your right to think what you want and to be cynical, and if I can't change your mind then so be it.

That said, I did learn something from this - don't make jokes about that sort of thing, because even if you aren't serious at all about it, someone can (and probably will) take it the wrong way. For that, you have my thanks for rightly calling me out on it. :salute:

It better not. The day RPGCodex becomes a PR outlet it would have to be to draw more than a handful of publisher-independent developers that aren't afraid to expose themselves in a place not biased in their favor would be the ultimate treason of the hivemind as a whole on the very main purpose this place was made for in 2002. Nobody else than those like Vault Dweller will ever participate of an Internet environment where opinions are allowed to flow freely provided they aren't 100% derp, but this very public the RPGCodex alienates will participate in those environments where 100% derp bootlicking flows freely but anything else ends the rine, specially with publishers demanding strict obedience to PR guidelines from developers and anyone involved in game projects, and with the amount of egomaniac developers out there.
There's a difference between being constructive in critique and recognizing the merits of a game in addition to the downsides, and just being overtly negative, hostile and crude about presenting that opinion. It's the latter that the Codex has a reputation for - deserved or not isn't the point. Even the way you equate moderate and fair opinions to "bootlicking", "derp", etc. suggests you have little interest in opening the floor to reasonable discussion, because you've already made up your mind and decided anyone who holds another one is a moron. That is not a healthy attitude to have, about anything, no matter what your opinions are and how strongly you hold them.

Aren't you being a little bit too harsh here Skyway?


Nov 1, 2011
I've seen the Path of Exile 'skill tree' fucking weaboo mess..... i don't want some Finaru fantasu shite in mah Diablo. Torchlight 2 looks retarded.

Diablo 3 is still the best diablo out there. It's just without the boring/obvious stuff. It's ENHANCED in every way compared to diablo 2. No stats? Bitch please, 1 hour after finishing single player you'd be lurking for a 'perfect stat build' online, same with skills. This way you don't have to worry about tedious stuff but can just enjoy playing and using skills which you like.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I've seen the Path of Exile 'skill tree' fucking weaboo mess..... i don't want some Finaru fantasu shite in mah Diablo. Torchlight 2 looks retarded.

Diablo 3 is still the best diablo out there. It's just without the boring/obvious stuff. It's ENHANCED in every way compared to diablo 2. No stats? Bitch please, 1 hour after finishing single player you'd be lurking for a 'perfect stat build' online, same with skills. This way you don't have to worry about tedious stuff but can just enjoy playing and using skills which you like.
To avoid tedious stuff I'll just "play" Diaboru 3 on youtube.
Oh, wait, no, that would be tedious too.


Apr 27, 2012
In a couple of hours, I'm going to play diaBRO 3, oh yeah!


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
(also screw Blizzard for not getting me a review copy, seriously if the stuff I write sells them even 10 copies is that not worth it?)

Man, I enjoyed reading some of the articles you wrote, but you gave yourself away this time. That is as much of a games "journalist" mindset and behavior as possible, even if only for the sake of a free game rather than for actual cash, dinners etc, it still is very dishonest to do that and no matter what you claim, this comment is just too much of a slip to not take it for exactly what it implies: "Will give positive reviews for free copies."
Besides that obviously not being an ernest comment but a joking one it also doesn't "reveal" anything. I understand why you're so cynical. Whenever some "expert" presents some study or makes a suggestion for some policy I'll ask who pays him or the institute he works for or who financed the study or where the "expert" worked before or will work in the near future. Same for politicians and journalists with the addition of who their "friends" are, who brings in the ad revenue and who gives them free stuff, etc.
But we're not talking a weekend in a 5 star hotel in Vegas with booze, hookers and buddy time with the PR guys from the studio all paid for by the studio. We're talking about a review copy for a part-time reviewer, who posts in a critical forum, is open/honest about getting review copies and who hasn't shown any sign of writing gushing reviews for games where he did get a review copy. On can be too cynical, it seems. I never would have thunked...
All that said, sea, you might consider buying all games yourself in the future. Slippy slope, blurry lines and all. You might consider yourself impartial now, but in two years time you might be snorting coke out of a prostitute's ass crack while Todd gives you a bj for scoring TES5 a perfect 110/100. :M


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture

I don't get what all the excitement over D3 is about anyway. It looks banalshitboring. If you have to play a mindless hack&slash, Path of Exile looks like a more monocle bet.
Diablo 3 looks fun to play in coop. PoE looks boring.

I mean, really. I start sounding like a broken record. It's just dumb Diablo. If you can count on one franchise to get the fun part of clicking on stuff until it dies, sell loot, click on more stuff right it's the guys who made it.

No Diablo clone has ever been fun or good to me, especially not Corridorlight.

And as for, why would anyone want to play Diablo? Well, sometimes you want to go see an action movie instead of staring at Tarkovsky zooming in on body parts while no music plays.

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