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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


Apr 11, 2011
Looking at the geoscape...


(also screw Blizzard for not getting me a review copy, seriously if the stuff I write sells them even 10 copies is that not worth it?)

For "review" purposes no doubt? Jesus, this place! Everyone piles on Kodex's "General Discussion" for being a degenerate pit of a subforum, yet that "pit" is the only thing worth a damn on this site. GD is what differentiates this whole forum from pretty much any other contemporary gaming forum like the ones at Gamespot, VN, or any other popamole lover, console fanboi infested shitboard. In fact, if you were browsing those forums and switched to GG or GRPGD over here, you wouldn't notice any difference in content or opinions expressed. Well, maybe a bit more obscure Bioware trivia, and that's about it.

Have fun with the your decline Sea, have fun...



inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
What the hell are you even talking about, Lunac? I get paid money to write reviews.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
For "review" purposes no doubt? Jesus, this place! Everyone piles on Kodex's "General Discussion" for being a degenerate pit of a subforum, yet that "pit" is the only thing worth a damn on this site. GD is what differentiates this whole forum from pretty much any other contemporary gaming forum like the ones at Gamespot, VN, or any other popamole lover, console fanboi infested shitboard. In fact, if you were browsing those forums and switched to GG or GRPGD over here, you wouldn't notice any difference in content or opinions expressed. Well, maybe a bit more obscure Bioware trivia, and that's about it.
Workshop, motherfucker, do you read it?


Apr 27, 2012
For "review" purposes no doubt? Jesus, this place! Everyone piles on Kodex's "General Discussion" for being a degenerate pit of a subforum, yet that "pit" is the only thing worth a damn on this site. GD is what differentiates this whole forum from pretty much any other contemporary gaming forum like the ones at Gamespot, VN, or any other popamole lover, console fanboi infested shitboard. In fact, if you were browsing those forums and switched to GG or GRPGD over here, you wouldn't notice any difference in content or opinions expressed. Well, maybe a bit more obscure Bioware trivia, and that's about it.

Have fun with the your decline Sea, have fun...

Oh, get off your high horse. :codexisfor:Why are you even here, if you can't stand this sub-forum, except for the obviousness of your attempts to appear intelligent and sophisticated.


I pretty much guarantee you won't get banned for using that filter. It's not a program, and it doesn't alter the game files in any way. Otherwise, your video card drivers would get you banned as well :lol:

Are you sure about that? Because *something* needs to change somewhere and that's what their Guardian or whatever program is supposed to detect. Maphacks didn't alter the game files in any way either but they could still detect you using it through the modified buffer or some crap.
Yeah, i'm sure. It won't mess with the game files, it basically only forces your Direct X to apply a certain filter. And they won't ban you because you have an extra file in your D3 dir. You just as well could dump some MP3 or blank txt files there, would that get you banned? :lol:


Jul 3, 2007
For "review" purposes no doubt? Jesus, this place! Everyone piles on Kodex's "General Discussion" for being a degenerate pit of a subforum, yet that "pit" is the only thing worth a damn on this site. GD is what differentiates this whole forum from pretty much any other contemporary gaming forum like the ones at Gamespot, VN, or any other popamole lover, console fanboi infested shitboard. In fact, if you were browsing those forums and switched to GG or GRPGD over here, you wouldn't notice any difference in content or opinions expressed. Well, maybe a bit more obscure Bioware trivia, and that's about it.

Have fun with the your decline Sea, have fun...

Oh, get off your high horse. :codexisfor:Why are you even here, if you can't stand this sub-forum, except for the obviousness of your attempts to appear intelligent and sophisticated.

Where did he try to appear intelligent or sophisticated? He just pointed out that sea is a decline moron who pretends to be a pro.
Anyone can write blogs. Every moron can be a "reviewer" by posting shit he thinks about a game.

"ZOMG Blizz didn't send me a review copy". Just who the fuck are you?

Workshop, motherfucker, do you read it?

The only subforum more retarded than /gd/ is workshop. Morons LARPing great designers, yapping into the emptiness about their ideas nobody gives a fuck about. Yet when it's time to influence some real game with ideas - all you can post is "please include marriages".


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Where did he try to appear intelligent or sophisticated? He just pointed out that sea is a decline moron who pretends to be a pro.
Anyone can write blogs. Every moron can be a "reviewer" by posting shit he thinks about a game.
I pretend to be a pro? News to me. I hardly make a living doing any of this stuff. Decline moron? Maybe, but I'd like to think I have reasons for liking games other than "it's made by Bohemia Interactive."

"ZOMG Blizz didn't send me a review copy". Just who the fuck are you?
GameBanshee has a readership of tens of thousands of users. It's no IGN but it's not exactly insignificant either. More generally I'd also say that it's just bad PR to ignore the press, especially when it's been following your game for a long time and is most likely bound to lead to financial gain for your company. I mean, what makes more sense - more brand visibility and exposure to potentially tens of thousands of people, and more sales, for the simple cost of a few e-mails, or potentially no benefit if that site decides it can't/won't cover your product? Review coverage is miniscule in cost compared to expensive ad campaigns and is dollar-for-dollar far more effective; ignoring a site because it "only" has a reach of tens of thousands is not really a good idea in my opinion.

Of course, I also like getting free games from time to time, and I consider that part of the "pay." It's not like I expect it, though.


Jul 3, 2007
So you are upset that Blizzard didn't consider your Gamebanshee internet blog important and this didn't let you write an ad promoting their game right away there?
Writing advertisements - oh I'm sorry I mean "reviewing games" - is a serious business, Blizzard is really shortsighted.
As you clearly stated you are not interested in being a reviewer at all, but being a promoter - so don't wonder why some people may bash you for doing what IGN is doing.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
So you are upset that Blizzard didn't consider your Gamebanshee internet blog important and this didn't let you write an ad promoting their game right away there?
Writing advertisements - oh I'm sorry I mean "reviewing games" - is a serious business, Blizzard is really shortsighted.
As you clearly stated you are not interested in being a reviewer at all, but being a promoter - fuck you.
  1. GameBanshee is an RPG news and editorial web site, not a personal blog, and I post different content on it than I do elsewhere. GameBanshee covers plenty of editorials, blog posts and other articles from all over the place, so I'm fairly comfortable that there isn't much bias at work when my own personal stuff does show up on GameBanshee.
  2. If you had actually read my posts around here you'd know I already have a pretty critical view of Diablo III and am suspect of many of Blizzard's design decisions, mostly because of the way they relate to certain business decisions (real money auction house and moving all character building to items, etc.). I fully intend to discuss this when I do review the game, although I also haven't made my mind up yet because (derp) I haven't played the full game yet.
  3. GameBanshee abandoned review scores and other similar crap a while back specifically to avoid getting sucked into the Metacritic machine, and to encourage readers and developers to actually read and examine reviews closely.
  4. I have been very negative about certain games that I have received free copies of in the past. Whether I get something for free or not has zero impact on the conclusions I draw about it, although of course I appreciate it when a publisher is cooperative and makes coverage easier for us.
  5. Game reviews serve as promotion only as far as those reviews are positive towards a given product. I am comfortable promoting something that I like and that I think other people will like, and I am equally comfortable telling people to avoid something I think is bad or has major problems - as well as more moderate opinions like "wait for a patch" or "try it before buying even if it does sound good."
  6. Reviewing games is not about trashing everything you don't like. The point is to offer a critical but fair opinion and analysis of a game's successes and failures mechanically, thematically and as an entertainment product, taking into account the intentions of the developers and the target market. Ultimately reviewers need to anticipate what that audience expects from such a game, what competitors that particular game has, etc. You cannot review games in a vacuum, unless of course your goal is to rate every game relative to ArmA II, in which case your opinion is useless in almost every context.
  7. There is a difference between being constructive and courteous, while still being critical, and just plain being an asshole. Maybe you should learn it someday.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
GameBanshee has a readership of tens of thousands of users.
So does the Codex. Imagine my disappointment when I unsuccessfully demanded a free copy of LOG for review purposes.
Unfortunately the Codex also has a reputation for being extremely critical of games, and in a particularly hostile and profanity-laden sort of way. There's a perception, true or not, that certain games and developers here are held in a negative light not because of actual quality, but simply because of what they represent, target audiences they appeal to, etc.

Personally I think more extreme opinions (when not just pointlessly hostile and irrational) are necessary for good discussion, but of course game developers are trying to sell games, not necessarily create valuable discourse. I actually think the Codex's coverage and content has improved dramatically over the last year or so, so who knows, maybe that will change in time.
Apr 18, 2009
I have a confession... I bought the Collector's Edition. :oops:

Don't look at me like that! I only did it because my old Diablo 2 cds are scratched and I'd like to play that game again someday. (Like right after Diablo 3) Of course it'll mean that I have to eat baked beans this month, but I feel that it's worth it anyway.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
maybe that will change in time.

It better not. The day RPGCodex becomes a PR outlet it would have to be to draw more than a handful of publisher-independent developers that aren't afraid to expose themselves in a place not biased in their favor would be the ultimate treason of the hivemind as a whole on the very main purpose this place was made for in 2002. Nobody else than those like Vault Dweller will ever participate of an Internet environment where opinions are allowed to flow freely provided they aren't 100% derp, but this very public the RPGCodex alienates will participate in those environments where 100% derp bootlicking flows freely but anything else ends the rine, specially with publishers demanding strict obedience to PR guidelines from developers and anyone involved in game projects, and with the amount of egomaniac developers out there.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
  1. If you had actually read my posts around here you'd know I already have a pretty critical view of Diablo III and am suspect of many of Blizzard's design decisions, mostly because of the way they relate to certain business decisions (real money auction house and moving all character building to items, etc.). I fully intend to discuss this when I do review the game, although I also haven't made my mind up yet because (derp) I haven't played the full game yet.
  2. GameBanshee abandoned review scores and other similar crap a while back specifically to avoid getting sucked into the Metacritic machine, and to encourage readers and developers to actually read and examine reviews closely.
  3. I have been very negative about certain games that I have received free copies of in the past. Whether I get something for free or not has zero impact on the conclusions I draw about it, although of course I appreciate it when a publisher is cooperative and makes coverage easier for us.
  4. Game reviews serve as promotion only as far as those reviews are positive towards a given product. I am comfortable promoting something that I like and that I think other people will like, and I am equally comfortable telling people to avoid something I think is bad or has major problems - as well as more moderate opinions like "wait for a patch" or "try it before buying even if it does sound good."
And there are your reasons why you didn't get a review copy.
A reviewer who gives his honest opinion, can be critical, won't contribute to great metacritic scores and says he cannot be bought? That kind of shit is dangerous. Be happy they don't ban you for clicking the wrong button.

Oh, and I don't know what's wrong with skyway recently, but I suggest ignoring him till he gets his shit together again. (Perhaps the kickstarter incline broke him? Or his extreme but previously often valid opinions really were signs of an advancing brain disorder...)

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