I demoed it, went barely past the tutorial.
I admit, I'm just not the target audience for this shit, so could be a me problem, but whenever I see one of those chargens - pick brow shape, use slider to select nose shape, I just doze off.
And yet I felt compelled to just click some options there, just because all the pregen options are shit.
Apparently your character is afflicted, touched by the gods, born with some sort of fungus shit on their face.
NPCs frequently comment on it, though in my short playtime I got two npcs forced on me, one was a blue furry with all sorts of braids, the other was
some reptile-skined, shark-teethed thing, which led me to believe them NPC-folk need some calibration on their lookism.
Graphics, I actually liked those. Fiddle with the setting a bit and there's all kinds of details, plenty of vibrant colors, but it's all look-but-don't touch disappointment.
See that monkey thing scurrying about? You can't interact with it, and it doesn't seem to care about you at all. See that NPC, looks like a bandit, might
want to shoot them in the head... sorry, need to initiate dialogue first.
I'd say it's like a museum, but less educational and more disappointing, perhaps lap dance would be a more fitting simile.
Barely anything is interactible, bash a crate here, or even don't bash, they also seem to crumble by walking on them.
Bash some wooden planks there, cut a tripwire maybe, use a fire spell to burn down that thing blocking the doorway, but specifically just the burny thing,
don't get your hopes up.
The tutorial area is mostly linear corridors with an extremely limited set of enemies and possible approaches, a few notes scattered about for flavor,
ominous "voice inside your head" for foreshadowing (the game really has all the tropes down), one "dilemma" quest, there's a smuggler chick locked up who starts off dissing you,
then says she has an escape boat nearby. Told her to fuck off and rot, because why wouldn't I? Turns out my pep talk was sufficient to inspire her to suddenly lockpick her way free
and I had to put her down in the tutorial boss battle. Yay.
I didn't really enjoy the combat, it was basically - kite the enemies, let the NPC get swarmed by enemies, then charge power attack (no matter if it's bow, sword or whatever)
to dispose of them one by one. I had my fill of it in the tutorial, and realized I don't really want to do this anymore. Didn't seem there's much more to do
and I didn't really enjoy my interactions with the NPCs, looks like you have some options to use your stats and background in dialogue,
but it all felt like flavoring, didn't feel particularly rewarding.
I haven't done much talking, but pretty much all the dialogues felt out of character. Writers are crap and it shows.
My last talking experience was talking to graverobbers, which didn't feel like talking to someone doing something illicit that got caught red-handed.
The whole coversation felt flat on its ass when they did some weird joke insert, when one of the gang said something: my momma said you were up to no good.
I quit shortly afterwards.
Speaking of rewarding, perhaps that was too early into the game to really tell, but the loot was uninspired (for the most part, felt like I was just picking up the most basic tools,
and the rest was pretty much all consumables for refilling HP/MP) and there didn't seem to be any reward for exploration as well.
So there's me being done, quite early into the game, though not particularly aWOWed.
To me it's like castrated, barely-any-fun Skyrim, which was castrated-barely-any-fun Morrowind... so yeah, really watered down and uninteractive.
I won't really be coming back to this I neither care about the Pillars setting, nor did the gameplay show any redeeming features.
EDIT: Added some minor shit for completeness' sake.