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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]

Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
From what I know, the armor system in D:OS 2 got major flak during Alpha testing, but they stuck to it anyway. So all of your in-depth discussion of the game right now is meaningless because:
Yeah, and they admitted it was a mistake to ship with it later. Which makes it even more annoying in some sense, because it's not like they weren't warned.

And you must have missed that no one was talking about "affecting the final game" at this point. The point was the quality (?) of the discussion going on here.
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Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
And you must have missed that no one was talking about "affecting the final game" at this point. The point was the quality (?) of the discussion going on here.

You expected to maintain an academic, scholarly quality of discussion about a game in Alpha testing that hasn't significantly changed in about 6 months or so?

Tell your bf Swen to hurry up and release the full fucking thing already, then we'll have something to discuss.
Oct 9, 2015
DFW, Texas
For the Larian employees lurking here
Really unlikely. The days of the Codex having anything to contribute to RPG discussion are long gone.

This thread goes on for pages with the same handful of spergs spamming idiotic criticisms like "it has a different main character, therefore it can't be a numbered sequel!" or "Minsc's voice actor sounds different!" or "I don't like Jaheria's 3D model wtf abomination!!!12".

In the past 6 months, the most novel design criticism I've seen here has been "LOADING SCREENS BETWEEN AREAS WAS MORE IMMERSIVE!".
It's possible someone at Larian put together some bots disguised as circle-jerking autists to constantly bump the thread so it stays on the front page.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
For the Larian employees lurking here
Really unlikely. The days of the Codex having anything to contribute to RPG discussion are long gone.

This thread goes on for pages with the same handful of spergs spamming idiotic criticisms like "it has a different main character, therefore it can't be a numbered sequel!" or "Minsc's voice actor sounds different!" or "I don't like Jaheria's 3D model wtf abomination!!!12".

In the past 6 months, the most novel design criticism I've seen here has been "LOADING SCREENS BETWEEN AREAS WAS MORE IMMERSIVE!".
It's possible someone at Larian put together some bots disguised as circle-jerking autists to constantly bump the thread so it stays on the front page.
Infinitron is no bot. I wish he was.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Maybe that's because the fucking game isn't even out yet, Galaxy Brain, and there is only so much you can talk about a couple of hours worth of content over a period of several months.
You realize we've been able to play it for 3 years, right? And that there've been changes to both quests and gameplay mechanics in that time, right?

The game content is rarely discussed here. That's my point. There's nothing being said about the substance of the game by the vast majority of posters here. They're spamming pages of content, and it's the same, shallow crap every page.

It's almost never "this questline change makes no sense because...", it's just "b-but it shouldn't be called a sequel! And Larian sucks! DoS3!" over and over.

There are dime-a-dozen Youtube gaming channels that offer more insightful commentary than this thread.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Unless he did the intelligent thing and torrented it, he literally paid to do QA.
Not really. There's not much of a QA process for this EA.

EA buyers just preordered and got a demo to mess around with for 3 years. Not a great deal by any means, but no one is doing any actual work or making reports.
If you keep smelling shit, maybe it was you who shat your pants?
I could say that to you, or any of the other Larian Derangement victims that camp out itt.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
The game content is rarely discussed here. That's my point. There's nothing being said about the substance of the game by the vast majority of posters here.

Maybe that's because there's only a couple of hours worth of content and the thread is over 2 years old, autismo supreme.

What "substance of the game" do you think should be discussed? The 15-ish percent we've been given? I think it's been discussed to death over the past 2+ years.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Maybe that's because there's only a couple of hours worth of content and the thread is over 2 years old, autismo supreme.
>camps out itt to post asshurt for a 2-year-old demo
>gets butthurt and calls me autistic for noticing it
What "substance of the game" do you think should be discussed?
I gave an example:
It's almost never "this questline change makes no sense because..."
There've been plenty of changes for people to discuss if they really want to discuss something instead of just frothing at the mouth at Swen like usual.

Or, you know, you could just keep your whore mouth shut until it is updated or released instead of spamming the thread with drivel. :M
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Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
There've been plenty of changes for people to discuss if they really want to discuss something instead of just frothing at the mouth at Swen like usual.

>almost 3 years spent polishing the first couple hours of the game
> Sperglord here wants us to analyze every irrelevant, minute change

Just throwing it out there, if it took them this long to get just the first act right, I shudder to think what the other ones are gonna look like.

The ones that didn't have almost 3 years of extra dev time and a horde of neckbeards that work for a load of Swen's semen per week doing QA to get right, I mean.

Or, you know, you could just keep your whore mouth shut until it is updated instead of spamming the thread with drivel. :M

Or you could pull Swen's cock out of your dirty whore mouth and lungs, you nasty little slut, and admit that there are some worrying signs of development Hell up in this bitch.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
>almost 3 years spent polishing the first couple hours of the game
> Sperglord here wants us to analyze every irrelevant, minute change
>still calling me a sperg for complaining about his spergery
>still projecting

I don't want you to do anything but stfu if you don't have anything new to say.
Just throwing it out there, if it took them this long to get just the first act right, I shudder to think what the other ones are gonna look like.
Again, pretty clear that EA is just a demo they update every now and then. They haven't spent 3 years on EA alone. Dumb to think otherwise.

The ones that didn't have almost 3 years of extra dev time and a horde of neckbeards that work for a load of Swen's semen per week doing QA to get right, I mean.
Or you could pull Swen's cock out of your dirty whore mouth and lungs, you nasty little slut
Projecting your gay fantasies now, I see.
and admit that there are some worrying signs of development Hell up in this bitch.
And those signs are "it's not the same protagonist!", and "I don't like that the first act doesn't have loading screens!"?

Because those kind of arguments repeated ad nauseum are what I'm criticizing here.

Sorry if that makes you upset. :M


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Again, pretty clear that EA is just a demo they update every now and then. They haven't spent 3 years on EA alone. Dumb to think otherwise.

So what the fuck do you even want to discuss when you yourself are here on record, saying there's little to discuss because we can only see a small amount of Larian's work? :lol:

Are you both autistic and schizophrenic? Fucking killer combo there, m8.

And those signs are "it's not the same protagonist!", and "I don't like that the first act doesn't have loading screens!"?

Well no, I was thinking more along the lines of "after almost 3 years in EA, the most polished part of the game still looks alarmingly close to what I'd expect a game in EA to look like".

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
So what the fuck do you even want to discuss when you yourself are here on record, saying there's little to discuss because we can only see a small amount of Larian's work? :lol:
I realize reading is hard for you, so I will repeat myself yet again: if you don't have anything new to say, try discussing NOTHING for a change.

Why, other than your autism, do you think you have no other choice but to spam the thread with the same opinion over and over?
Are you both autistic and schizophrenic? Fucking killer combo there, m8.
Projecting again, but thanks for leaving your homosexual fantasies out this time. :M
Well no, I was thinking more along the lines of "after almost 3 years in EA, the most polished part of the game still looks alarmingly close to what I'd expect a game in EA to look like".
Ignoring that it lacks any descriptiveness and basically boils down to "it is what it says on the label", at least that would have something to do with the current state of the game.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
A first playthrough of Act one can take something ranging from 25 to 40 hours or so, depending on individual pace, so I’m not sure why this “It’s a two hours demo” bullshit keeps being repeated.

Which goes to prove once again the previous point that the “conversation” about the game here sounds particularly shallow (and hollow) because at least half of the recurring posters in the thread are just making noise for the sake of it, since they have no clue of what’s going on.

I’d like to comment on the changes introduced in the last update, but when I say “the new reaction system is good in principle but the UI needs work” some of you take a small break from eating glue just to make some comment about gay vampires, so there’s that.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
A first playthrough of Act one can take something ranging from 25 to 40 hours or so, depending on individual pace, so I’m not sure why this “It’s a two hours demo” bullshit keeps being repeated.

Which goes to prove once again the previous point that the “conversation” about the game here sounds particularly shallow (and hollow) because at least half of the recurring posters in the thread are just making noise for the sake of it, since they have no clue of what’s going on.

I’d like to comment on the changes introduced in the last update, but when I say “the new reaction system is good in principle but the UI needs work” some of you take a small break from eating glue just to make some comment about gay vampires, so there’s that.
Yeah, I haven't touched BG3 since a few months after early access started and have never finished the entire thing even then and I still have 43 hours logged in it. If you don't care about spoiling yourself, you could sink a ton of time in it.


Oct 23, 2015
A first playthrough of Act one can take something ranging from 25 to 40 hours or so, depending on individual pace, so I’m not sure why this “It’s a two hours demo” bullshit keeps being repeated.

Which goes to prove once again the previous point that the “conversation” about the game here sounds particularly shallow (and hollow) because at least half of the recurring posters in the thread are just making noise for the sake of it, since they have no clue of what’s going on.

I’d like to comment on the changes introduced in the last update, but when I say “the new reaction system is good in principle but the UI needs work” some of you take a small break from eating glue just to make some comment about gay vampires, so there’s that.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I’d like to comment on the changes introduced in the last update, but when I say “the new reaction system is good in principle but the UI needs work” some of you take a small break from eating glue just to make some comment about gay vampires, so there’s that.
Gay vampires? There are gay vampires in this? Say it ain't so! :M

Yes, this and other similarly brilliant critiques vomited onto every page of this thread by the same handful of autismos for 3 years, who then turn around and project that you're autistic for calling it out.

Btw, when did they remove the mindflayer battle from the crashed nautiloid? Did it get moved elsewhere, or axed entirely? Or am I not seeing him because he died during the battle with the demon?

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