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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Sep 6, 2022
The cope and seethe meme is older than Joe Biden.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
May 31, 2018
The Present
Don't get me wrong. The premise seems pretty cool with all those illithids(always liked those racist bastards), but I am really sick of Forgotten Realms cookie cutter high fantasy RPG's. Hell, you can even see it in the general aesthetic of the game, its similarity with Divinity.
I was initially excited with the Illithid plot. It seemed like a cool setup and a great way to revisit the region without rehashing. Instead of subtle investigations into cults and mind controlled agents to uncover some planar horrors, we're getting pure bombast.


Sep 6, 2022
I also hope they will succesfully add beholders, as they are awesome and a classic D&D monster.
The BG2 beholders were absolutely insane, with their no cooldown machine gun eye rays.


Feb 16, 2021
Beholders will probably be in, you can already fight three separate spectators. The one in the underdark has a very interesting mechanic.


Feb 7, 2018
Grey Hawk it'
I also hope they will succesfully add beholders, as they are awesome and a classic D&D monster.
The BG2 beholders were absolutely insane, with their no cooldown machine gun eye rays.
The gauths were a pain on the ass more than the beholders


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth

How to weaponise a roast turkey, and other Baldur's Gate 3 Christmas questions​

A little Yule treat with Larian's Swen Vincke

Last week I spoke to Larian's founder and director Swen Vincke about the latest big update to Baldur's Gate 3, and the road to 1.0 release. But also it was December the 16th, so I saw fit to waste his time asking a bunch of fun seasonal questions that blended the love and goodwill of Baldur's Gate 3, with the companion-wrangling and clutch strategy of Christmas. D'you see what I did there?

My questions are in bold, and Vincke's answers are undeneath - and they are both amusing and instructive. I for one hope that Wyll's romcom visit home becomes a future winter DLC.

What class and subclass would Santa be?
He said that he was a Paladin that had an Oath of Devotion. So who am I to disagree with Santa? He did tell us. But I personally think of him as a Rogue. I will put him down as a Rogue, Arcane Trickster

Who would be the best companion to get in Secret Santa and what would you get them as a Christmas present?
Oh my God. This is like a "your favourite companion" question, right? I have to deal with the writers of these companions, so can I get a pass on this?

Okay, maybe... who do you think would be the easiest to shop for?
[Long pause while he thinks very seriously about the question]
Astarion, of course. I'd just get him some innocent bystander. I just have to hope anybody would do - like, he's very easy, he's very open minded about who he feeds on, so there you go, it's fine.

I say again: this guy.

What ability from Baldur's Gate 3 do you think would be most useful on Christmas Day?
So definitely... Stability would definitely be! Constitution or, maybe Wisdom; choose which one you want to pick.

You are adding a whole roast turkey as a weapon into the game. How would you weaponise a turkey in Baldur's Gate 3, and what what effects would it have?
Well, I would obviously allow you to Animate Dead on it. That would be my go to schtick that I would start with... and I would probably give it the ability to bomb. We don't have carpet bombing yet. So we could have an undead flying turkey carpet bombing your enemies with, er, eggs that produce Stinking Cloud; I think that would be pretty cool.

Okay, this one is might be a hard one. Are you familiar with the kind of Christmas romcom stories that are, like, a high powered lawyer goes to her hometown and falls in love with like a country boy?

How would you set a Netflix style Christmas rom com in boulders gate three using the characters at your disposal?
[Extremely long pause; deep thought]
...Oh! Wyll - who is a Warlock in the game, and who has a pact with a Cambion named Mizora - returns to his hometown and meets the devil with whom he didn't pact...

This isn't Wyll's Cambion, I just want to illustrate that they're big ol' demons

... and so from there, obviously, the story goes forward...

Who would you like to have over for Christmas dinner from the game? Is that too close to a favourite companion question again?
I'm not going to name a companion right? So, baby Owlbear. That should be fun. Yeah, baby Owlbear. And we can go in the woods and like, we can go on a hike together. The baby Owlbear will be friendly and not attack anybody. So yeah, it's that.

As long as you've dealt with the mum Owlbear first, I guess.
Yeah, there's that problem, right? But I mean, baby Owlbear would have eaten the mum by then, because that's what it does if you leave it alone. It's actually what I wanted to show in my stream, but I ruined it!

Disclosure: Adam Smith used to work here and now he's the lead writer on BG3, but because he left he will only get coal in his stocking.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
I'm not sure the Codex has actually gotten worse, but brofisting Tuco Benedicto Pacifico and Non-Edgy Gamer anyway to encourage everybody to make better posts. :obviously:


How to weaponise a roast turkey, and other Baldur's Gate 3 Christmas questions​

A little Yule treat with Larian's Swen Vincke

Last week I spoke to Larian's founder and director Swen Vincke about the latest big update to Baldur's Gate 3, and the road to 1.0 release. But also it was December the 16th, so I saw fit to waste his time asking a bunch of fun seasonal questions that blended the love and goodwill of Baldur's Gate 3, with the companion-wrangling and clutch strategy of Christmas. D'you see what I did there?

My questions are in bold, and Vincke's answers are undeneath - and they are both amusing and instructive. I for one hope that Wyll's romcom visit home becomes a future winter DLC.

What class and subclass would Santa be?
He said that he was a Paladin that had an Oath of Devotion. So who am I to disagree with Santa? He did tell us. But I personally think of him as a Rogue. I will put him down as a Rogue, Arcane Trickster

Who would be the best companion to get in Secret Santa and what would you get them as a Christmas present?
Oh my God. This is like a "your favourite companion" question, right? I have to deal with the writers of these companions, so can I get a pass on this?

Okay, maybe... who do you think would be the easiest to shop for?
[Long pause while he thinks very seriously about the question]
Astarion, of course. I'd just get him some innocent bystander. I just have to hope anybody would do - like, he's very easy, he's very open minded about who he feeds on, so there you go, it's fine.

I say again: this guy.

What ability from Baldur's Gate 3 do you think would be most useful on Christmas Day?
So definitely... Stability would definitely be! Constitution or, maybe Wisdom; choose which one you want to pick.

You are adding a whole roast turkey as a weapon into the game. How would you weaponise a turkey in Baldur's Gate 3, and what what effects would it have?
Well, I would obviously allow you to Animate Dead on it. That would be my go to schtick that I would start with... and I would probably give it the ability to bomb. We don't have carpet bombing yet. So we could have an undead flying turkey carpet bombing your enemies with, er, eggs that produce Stinking Cloud; I think that would be pretty cool.

Okay, this one is might be a hard one. Are you familiar with the kind of Christmas romcom stories that are, like, a high powered lawyer goes to her hometown and falls in love with like a country boy?

How would you set a Netflix style Christmas rom com in boulders gate three using the characters at your disposal?
[Extremely long pause; deep thought]
...Oh! Wyll - who is a Warlock in the game, and who has a pact with a Cambion named Mizora - returns to his hometown and meets the devil with whom he didn't pact...

This isn't Wyll's Cambion, I just want to illustrate that they're big ol' demons

... and so from there, obviously, the story goes forward...

Who would you like to have over for Christmas dinner from the game? Is that too close to a favourite companion question again?
I'm not going to name a companion right? So, baby Owlbear. That should be fun. Yeah, baby Owlbear. And we can go in the woods and like, we can go on a hike together. The baby Owlbear will be friendly and not attack anybody. So yeah, it's that.

As long as you've dealt with the mum Owlbear first, I guess.
Yeah, there's that problem, right? But I mean, baby Owlbear would have eaten the mum by then, because that's what it does if you leave it alone. It's actually what I wanted to show in my stream, but I ruined it!

Disclosure: Adam Smith used to work here and now he's the lead writer on BG3, but because he left he will only get coal in his stocking.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Who do they even write these gaming articles for anymore?

Who cares about this shit? Such hard-hitting questions such as what class santa would be.

Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop of Myra (now Demre) in the region of Lycia in the Roman Empire...

Man, if only there were such a thing as clerics in the game.
Oct 9, 2015
DFW, Texas
Who do they even write these gaming articles for anymore?

Who cares about this shit? Such hard-hitting questions such as what class santa would be.

Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop of Myra (now Demre) in the region of Lycia in the Roman Empire...

Man, if only there were such a thing as clerics in the game.
The modern, corporatized legend of Santa Claus diverges radically from the story of St. Nicholas, and the tradition of deceiving kids for fun runs counter to Christian values, IIRC.


Feb 7, 2018
In the Palladium Fantasy RPG, Santa Claus is a devil lord

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
A "proper" RPG with they/them pronounces, queer galore, muh rapefugees quest trope, twitch integration, lots of mocapped sex… Good one, rusty.
All optional. Like an actual RPG should be, you know giving actual options to role play how you want.
It's actually not very noticeable.


If you switch appearance, it also switches voice and "identity" automatically.

This isn't actually a real change compared to what they released it with. What they released it with was already a cop-out: just having the symbol for male/female and being able to select whatever voice. IIRC, people gave them a hard time for it, but it was the same in BG2, so they couldn't really say for sure that it was modern politics.

"Identity" is more overt, but it's still muted compared to games like Space Wreck, where they give you a small lecture in gender theory if you hover over the tranny option. I still find it disgusting, and it'd be understandable if you chose to boycott the game because of this, but it's also clearly not as bad as other games. We'll see how much worse it gets over the next year with ESG having more of an impact on games companies.

This, btw, is the default character appearance, so thankfully, the kinky-haired black woman isn't the first thing that greets you when starting the game. But I assume there is still time for them to change that.
Last edited:


A "proper" RPG with they/them pronounces, queer galore, muh rapefugees quest trope, twitch integration, lots of mocapped sex… Good one, rusty.
All optional. Like an actual RPG should be, you know giving actual options to role play how you want.
It's actually not very noticeable.


This, btw, is the default character appearance, so thankfully, the kinky-haired black woman isn't the first thing that greets you when starting the game. But I assume there is still time for them to change that.
That's the default "human" character. They simply just haven't touched the elves yet.

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