Well according to the fanboys of the various games I shit on I'm just an old man living in the past shouting at clouds.This is Larian. Even before the Original Sin games they generated threads such as "Divine Divinity is the best shit game I have ever played". They've never been a high tier developer and expecting much from them is an exercise in futility. They can't even implement a day/night cycle ffs. Regardless, this is no reason to spend any more of your own free time fretting over it. As you yourself said, it's not the game for you. Complaining about it won't change that, ever. Try and find the game that is and then discuss it. You'll do more to help yourself by bringing awareness to the games you like. Konjad made a nice post today that really hits the nail on the problem many people on this site have. And I don't mean to dab on you, but doing a very quick glance at your posting history shows you only posting endlessly about games you hate. Why? What are you trying to achieve? Certainly not trying to find something enjoyable to play, that much is evident.
If seeing everything I once cared about get turned into shit means I'm getting old and cynical, then I guess that's a correct assumption. But I'm not wrong either, am I? Stop shooting the messenger.