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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 hate thread

Lilliput McHammersmith

Do you notice that all people who prefer RTwP here have dumbuck tags? I see a correlation!
Yeah. The correlation is that Infinitron is a Larian cultist who couldn't be more bias. Giving tags to undermine rtwp fans. Why don't you look at what people are saying rather than dismissing them based on a tag. Thought this was suppose to be a bastion of free speech but all that's thrown out the window when you start judging people's comments based on their account before you've even read the words
Your exercise of free speech got you labeled as a Dumbfuck and a Village Idiot. They didn't ban you, nobody is saying you can't speak your mind, but in a completely free speech setting such as this, you are still subject to overall community opinion.

TLDR: Get over it, faggot


Disco Hitler
Jan 28, 2020
Fairy land
Your exercise of free speech got you labeled as a Dumbfuck and a Village Idiot. They didn't ban you, nobody is saying you can't speak your mind, but in a completely free speech setting such as this, you are still subject to overall community opinion.
When those with power undermine your opinion before it's even been spoken and anything you say is labeled negatively then free speech doesn't actually exist and you might as well be banned because your comments are invisible to many anyways. Larian cultists lack the Constitution for rtwp and for differing opinions. -5 modifier I think. One of the signs of a cult is not accepting outside opinions and all thinking the same. The Larian cultists are real and they are gaining more power


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
Ahem, he didnt get all three tags for his banale opinions, but for this goldmine of a thread he created. He got possibly retarded for his mundane opinions.

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
Yeah. The correlation is that Infinitron is a Larian cultist who couldn't be more bias. Giving tags to undermine rtwp fans. Why don't you look at what people are saying rather than dismissing them based on a tag. Thought this was suppose to be a bastion of free speech but all that's thrown out the window when you start judging people's comments based on their account before you've even read the words
You see, you are using double standards like it's no big deal.

- "We should judge people based on their beliefs"
- "Everyone who disagrees with me is Larian cultist"

If you would be given banhammer you will ban anyone who disagrees with you, instantly.


Dumbfuck Bethestard
May 30, 2013
Cradle of Western Civilization
Your exercise of free speech got you labeled as a Dumbfuck and a Village Idiot. They didn't ban you, nobody is saying you can't speak your mind, but in a completely free speech setting such as this, you are still subject to overall community opinion.

TLDR: Get over it, faggot

It is not "overall community opinion". I don't recall ever holding a whole community vote to label us "dumbfuck". It is just the decision of some moderators and their clique.

Lilliput McHammersmith

Your exercise of free speech got you labeled as a Dumbfuck and a Village Idiot. They didn't ban you, nobody is saying you can't speak your mind, but in a completely free speech setting such as this, you are still subject to overall community opinion.

TLDR: Get over it, faggot

It is not "overall community opinion". I don't recall ever holding a whole community vote to label us "dumbfuck". It is just the decision of some moderators and their clique.

TLDR: Get over it, faggot

Lilliput McHammersmith

Ahem, he didnt get all three tags for his banale opinions, but for this goldmine of a thread he created. He got possibly retarded for his mundane opinions.
How do I get tags here? How do I get this sweet "Literally Hitler" tag?
I think you and I are too new for stuff like that, although Ontopoly is not that much older, account wise, he just said some really retarded stuff (go look at the main BG3 thread for examples)

Lilliput McHammersmith

Your exercise of free speech got you labeled as a Dumbfuck and a Village Idiot. They didn't ban you, nobody is saying you can't speak your mind, but in a completely free speech setting such as this, you are still subject to overall community opinion.
When those with power undermine your opinion before it's even been spoken and anything you say is labeled negatively then free speech doesn't actually exist and you might as well be banned because your comments are invisible to many anyways. Larian cultists lack the Constitution for rtwp and for differing opinions. -5 modifier I think. One of the signs of a cult is not accepting outside opinions and all thinking the same. The Larian cultists are real and they are gaining more power

I actually read many of your posts before you had the tags, and I came to the conclusion that you were retarded all by myself.


Balanced Gamer
Jan 2, 2020
Ahem, he didnt get all three tags for his banale opinions, but for this goldmine of a thread he created. He got possibly retarded for his mundane opinions.
How do I get tags here? How do I get this sweet "Literally Hitler" tag?
I've been talking about gassing faggots and saying kike and nigger constantly since I've been here but I still haven't earned the zionist agent or literally hitler tag. Fucking niggerfaggot kike mods.


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
I think you get the poltical tags only when you exclusively shitpost in GD and Politics about the jews and whatnot.
Making sensible posts in the rpg subforums acts as a layer of protection from literally hitler and zionist agent, since I barely ever see literally hitlers and zionist agents talk about rpgs.
Its for when the mods signal you passive agressively that an rpg forum is maybe not primarily meant to talk about the ethical justificaton of ethnic cleansing or whatever.


Jul 11, 2019
Your exercise of free speech got you labeled as a Dumbfuck and a Village Idiot. They didn't ban you, nobody is saying you can't speak your mind, but in a completely free speech setting such as this, you are still subject to overall community opinion.
One of the signs of a cult is not accepting outside opinions and all thinking the same.

You mean like creating a thread called Baldur's Gate III hate thread to only get people that agree with you to circle jerk each other?

Lilliput McHammersmith

Your exercise of free speech got you labeled as a Dumbfuck and a Village Idiot. They didn't ban you, nobody is saying you can't speak your mind, but in a completely free speech setting such as this, you are still subject to overall community opinion.
One of the signs of a cult is not accepting outside opinions and all thinking the same.

You mean like creating a thread called Baldur's Gate III hate thread to only get people that agree with you to circle jerk each other?

Ontopoly is obsessed with three things: so-called "passion", cults, and Swen's dick.

I think that we can conclude one thing from this: Ontopoly wants to live on a compound with Swen and be one of his wives.


Jun 9, 2018
I think you get the poltical tags only when you exclusively shitpost in GD and Politics about the jews and whatnot.
Making sensible posts in the rpg subforums acts as a layer of protection from literally hitler and zionist agent, since I barely ever see literally hitlers and zionist agents talk about rpgs.
Its for when the mods signal you passive agressively that an rpg forum is maybe not primarily meant to talk about the ethical justificaton of ethnic cleansing or whatever.

The political tags are actually sarcastic. Über liberals get Literally Hitler, racist get Zionist Agent. Vatnik was a meme created in 2011 and used to demean neo-fascist Kremlinists which is quite the opposite of what the true communists that get the tag represent. And of course, you need to be consistent and shitpost your conviction everywhere outside the toilet GD so that the mods can really smell the stench through their monitor.
Last edited:


Jun 9, 2018
People who only play TB and Hate rtwp lack the Constitution to play rtwp. I'm thinking a -4 modifier but I'm not sure, could be more.

In the mind of a RTwP'er
When executing


Disco Hitler
Jan 28, 2020
Fairy land
Ahem, he didnt get all three tags for his banale opinions, but for this goldmine of a thread he created. He got possibly retarded for his mundane opinions.
What is that thread? It says I don't have permission to view it.
If you would be given banhammer you will ban anyone who disagrees with you, instantly.
No, I wouldn't ban anyone. Maybe just the cultists and the real Swen's account if I could figure out which one it was, but not everyone who disagrees with me.
Can't believe everyone was baited by Ontopoly, whose purpose was to get more tags all along.
It was never my intention, but if it's the cost of fighting for passion, then I will reluctantly accept them for the cause.
I think that we can conclude one thing from this: Ontopoly wants to live on a compound with Swen and be one of his wives.
My wildest and biggest dreams are the ones in which Swen retired after DOS1 because he couldn't handle the criticism
Nice, Baldurs gate III thread. Looks like you hate each other more than BGIII.
Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian Cultists pretty much embody the same flaws. How could I hate one without hating the other?


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
What is that thread? It says I don't have permission to view it.

Its your old thread where you set to site feedback to complain about the injustices of your possibly retarded tag, after falling for the lies of comrade Red Panda


This one. It got moved to retardoland so noone can comment on it anymore.


Jun 25, 2020
RPG Wokedex
And honestly why does it have to be so divided? RTwP is good, and so is TB.
TB is good, sure. But RTwP is better.
It is however understandable why autists are overwhelmed by RTwP though. I sympathize with all the TB fags.
I know that saying the only reason people don’t like RTwP is because they’re autistic makes you think you’re edgy, but there are legitimate criticisms of RTwP, that are not “there are too many things going on at once”

For example, even though I actually really like RTwP, I was constantly frustrated when playing KOTOR and DAO when I was younger because despite being RTwP, it was still round-based. So I wondered at the point of making it into this weird hybrid system, when it was still essentially turn-based anyways.

I know this is blindingly obvious, but it slows down the game. Pillars of Eternity 2 turn-based was fucking unreal dull as the combat pillar wasn't strong enough in my point of view to spend so much time on. Jesus it just never ended.

Many people play these games to get off on a power fantasy, collecting magical swords and chicks. Exploration or some other pillar or combination of pillars is holdings the whole house of cards afloat.

I am fine with RTwP or turn based. Surprised so many feel so strongly on the topic.

Lilliput McHammersmith

And honestly why does it have to be so divided? RTwP is good, and so is TB.
TB is good, sure. But RTwP is better.
It is however understandable why autists are overwhelmed by RTwP though. I sympathize with all the TB fags.
I know that saying the only reason people don’t like RTwP is because they’re autistic makes you think you’re edgy, but there are legitimate criticisms of RTwP, that are not “there are too many things going on at once”

For example, even though I actually really like RTwP, I was constantly frustrated when playing KOTOR and DAO when I was younger because despite being RTwP, it was still round-based. So I wondered at the point of making it into this weird hybrid system, when it was still essentially turn-based anyways.

I know this is blindingly obvious, but it slows down the game. Pillars of Eternity 2 turn-based was fucking unreal dull as the combat pillar wasn't strong enough in my point of view to spend so much time on. Jesus it just never ended.

Many people play these games to get off on a power fantasy, collecting magical swords and chicks. Exploration or some other pillar or combination of pillars is holdings the whole house of cards afloat.

I am fine with RTwP or turn based. Surprised so many feel so strongly on the topic.
I really don’t get (nor subscribe to) the idea of “power fantasy”. Are so many people so dissatisfied with their lives that they resort to that?

I like to play RPGs because it’s fun. I like seeing the different ways it can play out and I like seeing a character grow over time. It’s very fun. I also generally like the world and story of RPGs as well.

I just don’t understand the whole “power fantasy” thing. Sounds kinky.


Jan 8, 2009
Part of power fantasy is casual friction-free convenience. It's emotionally harder work to process bad endings, failures, lack of resolution. It's far easier to 'just sit back and relax' if you're in a world where you can make mistakes, build subpar parties, make whatever decision, and things will still turn out fine and you'll still save the world and 'cool stuff' will happen.

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