You can say this about almost anything. If you are allowed to throw fireball in tavern but nobody reacts = uncanny valley.And that's also important.that's different, if 2 games are identical except for the graphics, than one is always better than the other.Then any graphix is useless because it is, in its essence, just cosmetic. Might as well use ASCII one.
If 2 games are identical except for a cosmetica day/night cycle, than the best one is the one without a city's square full of people at 2:00 a.m. with open shops and kids running left and right.
NPC activity is prone to uncanny valleys.
If you have day-night and NPC performing all sorts of activities but not reacting to day-night cycle, the result will be worse than if you didn't have day-night cycle or had NPCs just stand around or wander aimlessly a bit.
If you are allowed to slaughter whole city but world just goes on = unrealistic.
Both of these are present in DOS btw, a game where you can also put wardrobes on top of barells on top of people and steal all 8 paintings and nobody notices.
Also, dare I say Baldur's Gate at night had streets empty except bandits and shadow thieves gettin slaughtered by vampires?
We have now 350 people and 20 years later, and what are we doing here, multiplayer and cinematic dialogues?
I don't know what is uncanny for NPCs, but for me, it is uncanny when I play for hours and THE SUN IS IN THE SAME SPOT and birds happily chirp today, tomorrow, after all monsters die and before, forever, and same music theme plays.
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