yes you camp in the day, then you sleep all day and then its day time. If you are attacked while asleep, its day time.
I expect it to be night time if you get attacked in your sleep.
We have already seen (a) night-time camp map. It would be illogical to have a night time camp map for camping, get attacked during the night while camping in the camp map and then not have the actual combat happen at night and in the camp map where you were attacked while camping and at night.

You see, that's the recurring theme of this thread and it's main problem - people getting so butthurt that it clouds not only their mental faculties but even their basic senses.
You have SEEN the camp map and have SEEN it was night time, and yet you think that any combat that should happen there won't happen there because?
Honestly, this is decline, simplifying from what has already existed in the genre. I expect them to leave resting, camping out because of this or just really gloss over it, Meanwhile Owlcat expands on the concept and even has seasons and it snows and shit.
So did Daggerfall. But level of detail needs to be consistent.
If you have NPC activity you'll probably need NPCs to change their schedule and garb based on the time of the year. That would be fucking awesome, but it's another 4x multiplier to workload. After already adding something like 4x multiplier, so it's about 16x total. That's how you get wapourvare or so-broken-it-won't-even-run games.