So no feat, no multiclassing and some of the classes are missing? Sounds like they killed the already limited customization of 5e.
Your confusing Early Access with Official Launch.
Early Access will have 15 sub/races, Cleric/Fighter/Rogue/Ranger/Warlock/Wizard for classes with 2 subclasses eaxh except for cleric that gets 3 subclasses, backgrounds, 5 origin Companions which can be played, Mindflayer Tadpole Skill Tree, Skills, Abilitity Scores.
Full Official Launch will have all 12 PHB classes, All PHB subclasses (there are 40 PHB subclasses), Backgrounds (most likely all of PHB background, but it could also take from SCAG or BG: DiA), Feats, somekind of Rituals, the Tadpole Skill Tree, Skills, Abilities Scores, Multiclassing.
They have aren't announcing what races will be in the Official Launch (I suspect because its not finalized), but in addition to the races from Early Access, the rest of the MTOFs Tiefling subraces, Gnomes, Half Orcs, Githzerai, Duergars, Deep Gnomes are almost certain, Aasimar, Lizardfolk, and Genasi are extremely likely, Goliaths, Tritons and Tabaxi are fairly likely, Gobliniods, Kobolds, Orcs, Yuan Ti have a fair chance. Races outside of that are possible but unlikely until BG4. Kenku are unlikely to be in at all, their Mimic ability without regular speech would be a nightmare to impliment, even Aarcrokra are more likely to get in and they have flight.
Plus while they are starting with the basics, DMG/MM/PHB, they are taking stuff from other books too. I suspect out side of what is essential to the story that requires something from outside the core (such as the Gith and Tiefling Archedevil subraces), I think core book stuff is being prioritized, but they will try to add whatever they can from other books, which is why races and none PHB races/classes/subclasses aren't being talked about because they don't know how much of it they will be able to have in the game by launch.
Oh for custom characters there seems to be certain racial groupings, Baldurians (regular Swordcoast races like Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Half Orcs, Half Elves, maybe Dragonborn and Tieflings) that are citizens of Baldur's Gate, Underdark Races (your character is native to somewhere in the underdark, Drow, Half Drow, Duergar and maybe Deep Gnomes), and whatever weird catogory Githyanki are in (perhaps unique or planar or something).