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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD


Apr 23, 2008
São Paulo - Brazil
as much as i like the game it could've def use at least 6 more months of dev time
standards for quality are so low nowdays it gets a pass
Completely agree... final Act of the game is really bugged. Ending felt pretty rushed, some of my companions only had like a single line to say, some choices in the end lead to clearly underdeveloped outcomes.
There arent even ending slides to show what happens after.
Some people datamined the game and found out a lot of content that was cut out from the part of the game, including a scene where Withers would gather the whole party 6 months after the final battle and narrate what happened...

Be Kind Rewind

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
Most of the "criticism" is screeching about the game being pozzed with niggers, fags, trannies and rapefugees
Man with a penis avatar who has been spamming about bear sex since before launch posts about how it's horrible that normal people don't want niggers, fags, trannies and rapefugees in their games. Nothing else to say about the game that is supposedly a 10/10 game of the century according to IGN and the Codex clown squad. This containment thread in a nutshell.
None of these people play RPGs
My new favorite type of poster are these guys who claim Codex is under assault by comprador infilitrators sent to stifle RPG discourse and when you check their stat history it's always some shit like this:

Codex's most dedicated RPG discusser.
Standard politisperg playbook. Notice how it's never about the game itself, it's always about "muh nahtzees". Next they'll accuse this account of being an alt, it's not, it's not even my account. I stole it to prove how retarded and senseless DU's shitty forum Denuvo is. I have more posts in the RPG section than all these faggots combined, and that's saying something since they're all unemployed basement dwellers that spam this thread with oneliners about how much they love niggers instead of even pretending that they are enjoying the game part of the game.


Mar 23, 2015
Funny if you visit Larian forum, people shit there on BG III more than codex
Even reddit is turning on the game, yesterday it was thousand of redditors crying about endings, act 3 and cut content, today they cry about evil playthrough being half baked and unfinished:

The more people play, the more they realize the game is excellent at giving you the illusion of choice and freedom, but when starting another playthrough you very quickly realize it was all a lie and there is only one, very linear path through everything, and only thing that that can change is that you can lock yourself out of some content by making some choices, but you'll never get different content in exchange. After doing one good playthrough, you saw everything the game has to offer, there is no point in replaying it. No different than any high budget AAA before it, reactivity/C&C revolution was a total lie.

Only Codex larianiggers are fanatically defending the game and still pretending it's absolutely perfect.

Why is losing content a bad thing? Game seems huge.

C&C done right.

Maybe refer to
but you'll never get different content in exchange

Why is losing content a bad thing? Game seems huge.

C&C done right.
Because the eternal trope of "you get nothing for being evil" is extremely tiresome. Especially since the main actual motivator for people being "evil" is hunger for power/greed which gets completely thrown out of the window when heroic decisions and "sacrifices" give you more material rewards than the opposite.

Also it's not good C&C when one type of decisions has no consequence other than loss of content because you have no motivation to pick it then. It's not about an individual choice making you miss out, it's about an endemic disparity of content between different thematic paths.
Psure that raiding the grove led me to meeting the drider and getting to kill Harpers.


Mar 23, 2015
I'm up to act 3 now and haven't seen the companions interact with each other a single time. That's extremely lazy
They talk to each other pretty often, both in dialogue and in exploration quips?
I haven't seen this at all. Maybe I just chose companions that don't talk to each other much? I was using Karlach, Shadowheart, and Astarion up until I got Jaheira and dropped Karlach.

Since redditors and Larian forum users nearly don't waste the same amount of time sperging about niggas and fags in the game, the most deep delving into the issues of BG3 are to be found there (which also speaks volumes about the decline the codex has gone through since it's beginning, because this would've been the stuff that would surface first here back in the day. Now it's all copy-paste from twitter and reddit).
Lmao @ codex autists pretending to give a shit about actual game mechanics. Keep sperging about culture war shit. When LARIAN forums unironically has more insightful posts you should feel embarrassed.
Anyone caring about proper 5E mechanics is playing Solasta.


Dec 22, 2018
Psure that raiding the grove led me to meeting the drider and getting to kill Harpers.
Nope, it changes nothing, you can slaughter all the gobbos and save the grove, and you still meet the drider and can travel with him and get ambushed by harpers.


Sep 22, 2022
I'm up to act 3 now and haven't seen the companions interact with each other a single time. That's extremely lazy
They talk to each other pretty often, both in dialogue and in exploration quips?
I haven't seen this at all. Maybe I just chose companions that don't talk to each other much? I was using Karlach, Shadowheart, and Astarion up until I got Jaheira and dropped Karlach.

Since redditors and Larian forum users nearly don't waste the same amount of time sperging about niggas and fags in the game, the most deep delving into the issues of BG3 are to be found there (which also speaks volumes about the decline the codex has gone through since it's beginning, because this would've been the stuff that would surface first here back in the day. Now it's all copy-paste from twitter and reddit).
Lmao @ codex autists pretending to give a shit about actual game mechanics. Keep sperging about culture war shit. When LARIAN forums unironically has more insightful posts you should feel embarrassed.
Anyone caring about proper 5E mechanics is playing Solasta.
Anyone who likes a decent rpg plays anything other than Solasta.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Psure that raiding the grove led me to meeting the drider and getting to kill Harpers.
Nope, it changes nothing, you can slaughter all the gobbos and save the grove, and you still meet the drider and can travel with him and get ambushed by harpers.

I met the Harpers, got introduced to Last Light, and then helped a group of harpers going out from Last Light to ambush the Drider who was travelling with some goblins.


Oct 5, 2017
Psure that raiding the grove led me to meeting the drider and getting to kill Harpers.
Nope, it changes nothing, you can slaughter all the gobbos and save the grove, and you still meet the drider and can travel with him and get ambushed by harpers.
wait what, how does that make sense? maybe because you're still a True Soul and the goblin that leads you doesnt care?


Dec 22, 2018
Psure that raiding the grove led me to meeting the drider and getting to kill Harpers.
Nope, it changes nothing, you can slaughter all the gobbos and save the grove, and you still meet the drider and can travel with him and get ambushed by harpers.

I met the Harpers, got introduced to Last Light, and then a helped a group of harpers going out from Last Light to ambush the Drider who was travelling with some goblins.

Depend on which way you enter the map probably, if entering from mountain pass you'll always encounter the goblin camp first, and can call the Drider, regardless of previous choices. I imagine if you enter from Underdark, then traveling with Drider wouldnt make absolutely any sense, since you already got to the place where he was supposed to guide you

Psure that raiding the grove led me to meeting the drider and getting to kill Harpers.
Nope, it changes nothing, you can slaughter all the gobbos and save the grove, and you still meet the drider and can travel with him and get ambushed by harpers.
wait what, how does that make sense? maybe because you're still a True Soul and the goblin that leads you doesnt care?

Yes, you enter from mountain pass, Gobbo sees you, you say you're true soul. Doesnt matter what you did in act 1.
Last edited:


May 13, 2022
Can you make custom companions in this game if the stock NPC's gayness is too much to bear?
There are generic hirelings that you can respec, no clue why they didn't just include full party creation though.

You can respect their class but not their race, so you can't really hire min-maxed hirelings right away. Not that it matters, because tactician is either unfinished or uncalibrated and it's not at all challenging. Game showers you with XP too, and there's not much of an increase in XP necessary from one level to another.
Still not great that you can't have your own custom characters, though.

wonder if Larian is gonna work on the Enhanced Edition before putting out any DLCs to fix all these balance and progression issues (i dont think patches alone can fix progression without borking the entire game, probably needs a ground-up redesign). You get far too strong far too fast and they tried balancing it with level and difficulty spikes in boss fights, but those aren't all that effective either.
Aug 10, 2023
I'm up to act 3 now and haven't seen the companions interact with each other a single time. That's extremely lazy
They talk to each other pretty often, both in dialogue and in exploration quips?
I haven't seen this at all. Maybe I just chose companions that don't talk to each other much? I was using Karlach, Shadowheart, and Astarion up until I got Jaheira and dropped Karlach.

Since redditors and Larian forum users nearly don't waste the same amount of time sperging about niggas and fags in the game, the most deep delving into the issues of BG3 are to be found there (which also speaks volumes about the decline the codex has gone through since it's beginning, because this would've been the stuff that would surface first here back in the day. Now it's all copy-paste from twitter and reddit).
Lmao @ codex autists pretending to give a shit about actual game mechanics. Keep sperging about culture war shit. When LARIAN forums unironically has more insightful posts you should feel embarrassed.
Anyone caring about proper 5E mechanics is playing Solasta.
Anyone who likes a decent rpg plays anything other than Solasta.
I second that... Hell i can appreciate they implemented proper 5ed mechanics but Solasta is terrible in every other front possible. I played it a couple of hour then uninstalled and forgot about it. Aside mechanics everything else of that game is pure bad cringe.


Feb 4, 2013
Most of the "criticism" is screeching about the game being pozzed with niggers, fags, trannies and rapefugees
Man with a penis avatar who has been spamming about bear sex since before launch posts about how it's horrible that normal people don't want niggers, fags, trannies and rapefugees in their games.

If you spergs think you're "normal people", then you are seriously deluded.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath

Nice review by Josh:
I'm still making my way through Act I content, but I think I've seen enough to form some basic thoughts. The production values are crazy high, especially for a party-based D&D CRPG of this scope. I can see their dialogue trees in my mind's eye and even if a lot of the cinematic setup for those conversations are automated, it's a massive amount of work to stage them.

At its core, it still very much feels like an evolution of Divinity: Original Sin 2 using the 5E ruleset. The tone of the story and the companions feels pretty spot-on for a Baldur's Gate game: mostly light and fun with dark elements thrown in for a gleefully wicked edge. As with D:OS2, the level of interactivity in the world is extremely high and being able to work yourself out of (or into) tight corners by fiddling with the rules is a lot of fun.

I think there are only two areas of real criticism I have. One is that the UI can feel clumsy and clunky for a lot of actions. There are so many contextual actions you can perform on objects that the menus can get overloaded—and a lot of those actions are never tutorialized. The camera also continues to be a weak spot. I admit it's a personal and professional bias, but when I'm fighting the camera just to navigate a space or avoid mis-clicking on a faraway location, it's not an enjoyable experience.

The other is a bit more pervasive, but the way things like conversations and other interactions work in singleplayer feel significantly compromised by supporting a specific type of untethered multiplayer experience. For example, the lack of a straightforward, easily-accessible pause button in single player is extremely jarring, especially considering how easy it is to accidentally start characters pathing toward a distant location via a dangerous route. Also the way that conversations can be entered, with lagging characters hovering in the background because they were a few steps outside of the radius, feels unnecessarily penalizing for someone who's just trying to go with the flow of the singleplayer campaign.

One more thought: I really like how consumables (eg, scrolls) and spells that can affect dialogue are incorporated into dialogue checks. It's something I've always wanted to do and I think it works really well in BG3.

He sort of did incorporate consumables and abilities into scripted interactions in PoE:White March and Deadfire.


Mar 23, 2015
On Minthara as Durge - if you pop her in A1 you get nothing, if you let her live you get her tadpole, and can pop her in A2 for an inspiration.


Mar 23, 2015

Nice review by Josh:
I'm still making my way through Act I content, but I think I've seen enough to form some basic thoughts. The production values are crazy high, especially for a party-based D&D CRPG of this scope. I can see their dialogue trees in my mind's eye and even if a lot of the cinematic setup for those conversations are automated, it's a massive amount of work to stage them.

At its core, it still very much feels like an evolution of Divinity: Original Sin 2 using the 5E ruleset. The tone of the story and the companions feels pretty spot-on for a Baldur's Gate game: mostly light and fun with dark elements thrown in for a gleefully wicked edge. As with D:OS2, the level of interactivity in the world is extremely high and being able to work yourself out of (or into) tight corners by fiddling with the rules is a lot of fun.

I think there are only two areas of real criticism I have. One is that the UI can feel clumsy and clunky for a lot of actions. There are so many contextual actions you can perform on objects that the menus can get overloaded—and a lot of those actions are never tutorialized. The camera also continues to be a weak spot. I admit it's a personal and professional bias, but when I'm fighting the camera just to navigate a space or avoid mis-clicking on a faraway location, it's not an enjoyable experience.

The other is a bit more pervasive, but the way things like conversations and other interactions work in singleplayer feel significantly compromised by supporting a specific type of untethered multiplayer experience. For example, the lack of a straightforward, easily-accessible pause button in single player is extremely jarring, especially considering how easy it is to accidentally start characters pathing toward a distant location via a dangerous route. Also the way that conversations can be entered, with lagging characters hovering in the background because they were a few steps outside of the radius, feels unnecessarily penalizing for someone who's just trying to go with the flow of the singleplayer campaign.

One more thought: I really like how consumables (eg, scrolls) and spells that can affect dialogue are incorporated into dialogue checks. It's something I've always wanted to do and I think it works really well in BG3.

He sort of did incorporate consumables and abilities into scripted interactions in PoE:White March and Deadfire.
The lagging character thing is intentional, you can use it to remove NPCs from the current conversation so they don't get -approval.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
The lagging character thing is intentional, you can use it to remove NPCs from the current conversation so they don't get -approval.
Seems unlikely it's intentional. If you really wanted to remove them from a conversation, you unlink them from the chain and send them away.

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