Would it really be a WOW! moment for people who know Forgotten Realms that Daisy is the tadpole? You just got infected by a mind parasite, and you suddenly have mind visions of someone telling you to sit down, relax, chill, you feel tired, sleepy, come down by the river with me, relax, just sleep, ooooops you transformed lol.The Emperor idea is much better than the simple "guardian is the tadpole" rug pull, you just need to think about it from the perspective of a subsequent playthrough.Originally, the guardian was a dream companion who would try to seduce the player. And it was actually the mind flayer parasite, trying to lull the player into surrender. So, it was always going to be rigmarole. But originally, it would have at least not been laughable rigmarole.
The whole story of the game suffers a lot from not lending itself to subsequent playthroughs, there are too many zoomer "wow" moments that, once spoiled, will only serve to annoy players. By comparison BG2 had a better story from that perspective.
This isn't and shouldn't be a surprise to any players familiar with D&D. And I don't think it was changed for the benefit of such players, I think it was changed exactly because it was a surprise to the players that don't know what an illithid is, and got caught, and bricked their save game by resting too much, too early.