Gimme.To be fair I have a multi class build for SH that I think is quite decent if you're looking for one
Gimme.To be fair I have a multi class build for SH that I think is quite decent if you're looking for one
Dramaqueenery.It may not be necessary, but what's the point of playing a crpg if you don't even play with the numbers and optimize your build?By design, everything is hidden so that normies don't get confused by having optionsThis is gonna be a lame normie question but I don't give a fuck, I don't play DnD ok.
Every build video I've seen always talks about "five three split barb wiz" and "eleven fucking fifty split whoremonger hentai master". Multiclassing? I'm about 40 hours in this game and I haven't seen anything pointing to multiclassing. Why should I do it and also how? The fuck? Levelling is mostly automatic, I just press the button and something awesome happens. How do I "split" my character?
Also don't bother, multi classing isn't necessary in the least, game is fucking easy![]()
I thought I'd scoured Act 1 clean but I have none of those kek. Now looking into it most of them are obtainable by trading or stealing and I've now realized I've been doing very little trading (mostly selling) and NO stealing. Even though in DOS 1/2 I stole everything not nailed down. That's gotta change.Whispering Promise, Hellrider's Pride, Luminous Armor, Boots of Stormy Clamour, Gloves of Beligerent Skies and Holy Lance Helm
To be fair, I think most cleric domains are fine as pure classes. The high level spells are good, particularly Hero's Feast and Planar Ally. Just... her default domain sucks badly.Gimme.To be fair I have a multi class build for SH that I think is quite decent if you're looking for one
I wouldn't say most. But yeah, Whispering Promise needs to be stolen and is therefore easily missable. And Luminous Armor is pretty well hidden, therefore also missable. The Helm needs some decent exploration of side areas also. Hellrider's Pride I guess needs a specific (good) resolution of the major quest.I thought I'd scoured Act 1 clean but I have none of those kek. Now looking into it most of them are obtainable by trading or stealing and I've now realized I've been doing very little trading (mostly selling) and NO stealing. Even though in DOS 1/2 I stole everything not nailed down. That's gotta change.Whispering Promise, Hellrider's Pride, Luminous Armor, Boots of Stormy Clamour, Gloves of Beligerent Skies and Holy Lance Helm
You can steal it from Zevlor.Hellrider's Pride I guess needs a specific (good) resolution of the major quest.
Oh yeah, that makes sense.You can steal it from Zevlor.Hellrider's Pride I guess needs a specific (good) resolution of the major quest.Whispering Promise, Hellrider's Pride, Luminous Armor, Boots of Stormy Clamour, Gloves of Beligerent Skies and Holy Lance Helm
There is also an improved version of the gauntlets later in the game, so there is no need to be good if you want it. However chosing the evil path blocks you from obtaining the potent robes which is a great item.Oh yeah, that makes sense.You can steal it from Zevlor.Hellrider's Pride I guess needs a specific (good) resolution of the major quest.Whispering Promise, Hellrider's Pride, Luminous Armor, Boots of Stormy Clamour, Gloves of Beligerent Skies and Holy Lance Helm
How is it btw? IIRC there were some complaints initially the evil path is undercooked and IIRC they improved on it.the evil path
Utilizing what you’ve been given to the maximum extent eh? Accepting something may have flaws? Honestly, mixmaxing should be considered an illness.It may not be necessary, but what's the point of playing a crpg if you don't even play with the numbers and optimize your build?By design, everything is hidden so that normies don't get confused by having optionsThis is gonna be a lame normie question but I don't give a fuck, I don't play DnD ok.
Every build video I've seen always talks about "five three split barb wiz" and "eleven fucking fifty split whoremonger hentai master". Multiclassing? I'm about 40 hours in this game and I haven't seen anything pointing to multiclassing. Why should I do it and also how? The fuck? Levelling is mostly automatic, I just press the button and something awesome happens. How do I "split" my character?
Also don't bother, multi classing isn't necessary in the least, game is fucking easy![]()
Literally same here. Evil=murder hoboextremely grindy because the arch-baddie that you join requires you to kill half the map
Lol no, not in the slightestBut if the evil path in BG3 is good I could go for it.
You will lose 3 companions (but their content isn't good), gain a somewhat good item, and a lot of exp.How is it btw? IIRC there were some complaints initially the evil path is undercooked and IIRC they improved on it.the evil path
Been wary about evil paths in RPGs since Wasteland 2 where the evil game is about 50% shorter and extremely grindy because the arch-baddie that you join requires you to kill half the map. But if the evil path in BG3 is good I could go for it.
It feels like the same thing that plagues PF:KM - where most of the build guides have you splitting between 8 classes for some fucking reason (and all of them pick vivisectionist1/monk1, so fucking original) - even though a single classed level 20 build will oftenly perform the same if not better anyway.
In my sigGimme.To be fair I have a multi class build for SH that I think is quite decent if you're looking for one
Swen should have implemented spells into a banging mini game. Imagine Metacritics score he’d have gained. Man oh man.Imagine Time Stop or Wish in BG3
You lose a lot of cringe content which is amazing. Also you lose a very good trader though.How is it btw? IIRC there were some complaints initially the evil path is undercooked and IIRC they improved on it.
Do you play on Honor difficulty? Cleric is one of the strongest class in the game both DPS-wise with spells and as a tank-healer.Shadowheart I ditched pretty quickly, there's almost never a need to have a dedicated healer in a TB game. It's just an action economy thing, 99% of the time attacking is more effective use of your action, since AI doesn't focus fire and you do.
Yeah, but then you play half the game without an awesome buff effect that helps a lot in combat (although makes it easierThere is also an improved version of the gauntlets later in the game, so there is no need to be good if you want it. However chosing the evil path blocks you from obtaining the potent robes which is a great item.Oh yeah, that makes sense.You can steal it from Zevlor.Hellrider's Pride I guess needs a specific (good) resolution of the major quest.Whispering Promise, Hellrider's Pride, Luminous Armor, Boots of Stormy Clamour, Gloves of Beligerent Skies and Holy Lance Helm
Only Tempest and Light Clerics. With Tempest having a huge advantage due to the Wet status doubling the shock damage.Cleric is one of the strongest class in the game both DPS-wise with spells (...)Shadowheart I ditched pretty quickly, there's almost never a need to have a dedicated healer in a TB game. It's just an action economy thing, 99% of the time attacking is more effective use of your action, since AI doesn't focus fire and you do.
A Wildheart/Barb Shadowheart sounds fun but I'll keep her at least partially cleric for RP reasons.In my sigGimme.To be fair I have a multi class build for SH that I think is quite decent if you're looking for one
Yeah playing on Honor, never feels like I need a healer at all. Extra short rest I get with Bard definitely helps.Do you play on Honor difficulty? Cleric is one of the strongest class in the game both DPS-wise with spells and as a tank-healer.Shadowheart I ditched pretty quickly, there's almost never a need to have a dedicated healer in a TB game. It's just an action economy thing, 99% of the time attacking is more effective use of your action, since AI doesn't focus fire and you do.
No that's a different one, the one I was referring to is the Wizard/Cleric build.A Wildheart/Barb Shadowheart sounds fun but I'll keep her at least partially cleric for RP reasons.In my sigGimme.To be fair I have a multi class build for SH that I think is quite decent if you're looking for one
As for the Gale Battlemage build - what's the use of his one Fighter level? Do you actually fight with him (use his staff)? Also any tips for an alternative lvl 4 feat? My Gale never uses any concentration spells, he just blasts fools with fireball and MM.
You coulda had the cake and ate it tooSacrificed the girl to get ability point of course.