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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Pre-Release Thread [EARLY ACCESS RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Oct 17, 2017

News soon?
Last edited by a moderator:
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
Name me a RTwP game with all those things done well. It's one thing to be hard, it's quite another to be impossible.

I can name you 2 actually. Freedom Force and Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich. Best RTWP games, best superhero games, best Bioshock dev games, they're fucking great. Destructible terrain, environmental interactions, nazis, commies, tits these have everything. Give it a chance, it might change your opinion on RTWP. It sure changed mine.
But don't create your custom character, it's not balanced at all and can break the game.

Also: RTwP = Real Tranny with Penis


Disco Hitler
Jan 28, 2020
Fairy land
Cross promotion is all we need. If my blog can attract 500000 and your blog can attract 500000 and there's no overlap then together we pretty much have 1 million users. I can use some css, Java script, and PHP to make it so your blog looks nicer and is cooler and I'll make it so every time someone presses a link there's a 1 percent chance it links to the others blog. We can colab on articles and even make debunct videos about each other. On my side bar I can link to your blog and you can do the same.

My post was rhetorical.

You speak about collaboration? I'm strong already. Why would I collaborate with the weak? I don't even collaborate with the strong. I'm a lone wolf, I work alone. I don't team up with others like cucks do. I don't make friends and alliances like cucks do. I just crush competitors, one after the other, and smash them to pieces.

You speak about writing style? Yes, you have a style. Fantadomat has a style. But who is emulating your styles, without knowing? Who is employing your vocabulary and terms you've coined, unwittingly? Who is parroting your thoughts on a daily basis and linking to your write-ups like they're Gospel?

You dream of 1 million users? Lilura laughs at your dream. I don't want followers. I want slaves, views and Google authority. That is wisdom. I want my name to come up whenever you Google a question about the RPGs I cover: in your face, causing you butthurt. I want the name of Lilura in your face every time you Google something about Baldur's Gate, which game you hold so dear and of which game I am numero uno commentator.

When you lie awake at night, thinking about Baldur's Gate before you go to sleep, I want you to be thinking about my pro-tip write-ups, my retrospectives and my breakdowns on THAC0 and AC. And the more you think about my blog, the stronger my blog becomes in your mind and the more it occupies your mind, and fills it.

When I gently sleep with Baldurs Gate on my mind I am thinking of the perfection that is Baldurs Gate. There's no room for your blog, it's over shadowed by the glory that is the game. There's a cause here and your passionless sellout attitude goes directly against it. True passion for the series would motivate you to shine a light on true art, not on yourself. You're desecrating the corpse much like larian studio is, for glory at the cost of love.

A true fan with passion would be honored to shine light on that which is Baldurs Gate rather than on themselves and would want nothing more than for the game to be elevated in the eyes of the public. The fact that you seek glory for yourself proves that you don't deserve it. We all come second to Baldurs Gate. The only time we come first is when we're coming into a thread to defend that which is right.

When Baldurs Gate needed our help against the Larian fanboy cultist cunts you were no where to be found. You sat in your dead thread to talk about yourself rather than come here and counter larian fanboy thoughts. You're only here now to advertise your blog. You are the biggest sellout with no integrity. One day soon a blog will come out that will truly honour Baldurs Gate and the people will see the difference. The difference between my blog filled with passion and your empty blog that seeks to jerk itself off more than a larian fanboy when swen smiles.

You're a fence sitter that will talk about how great baldurs gate is but as soon as something happens it's not your problem and you'll "talk about it when the game actually comes out". If you wait that long that's two years wasted to spend in service of Baldurs Gate. I see through your blog now, it's not about the games that you pretend to be inspired by, it's not passion for art or for a hobby that you enjoy, it's not for Jagged Alliance or ToEE or anything else. It's about yourself and that attitude is disgusting. You are disgusting. Masked as a fan but a fan would never do what you're doing.

Maybe one of my blog posts will be "Dragon lady, the half-rise (quarter rise???) and fall of a passionless hack with a complex larger than the cultist scum's love for Swen, and just as disgusting." It will be about how you the dragon, fat with greed and ego, tried to soar the skies but was too weighed down to make it anywhere. There was no passion or love to inspire you. Just a pathetic need for attention and power. Power that will do you no good because it will never get you anywhere beyond the codex which is filled with people that have no respect for you. My goal is to grow beyond this shit hole. You will always remain here because your ego won't let you let go of the cretins that reference you every once in a while (half of which is to belittle your blog.)

I could never be haunted by your name. You are a single spec of a silhouette that is the shining light that is Baldurs Gate. If I lose my self in the glow you are unnoticeable and if at any point I focus on the shriveled corpse eater that is Lilura, I can barely hear the pathetic, pitiful cries for attention. The pathetic creature Collecting as much of the light provided by baldurs Gate in order to try to pass it off as their own glow. The tiny spec that is yourself only proves to get in the way of the glow and block what little bit of light such a small thing could manage, but the glow is strong and could never be blocked, no matter how many soulless, passionless, sellouts try.

Just keep in mind that no matter how soulless your blog is, ign is even worse and your blog will always be over shadowed by some guy who wrote some information about a game they could never truly understand. You talk about how strong you are, but ign, a company who hired a no body to write a few words about something they have no idea about over shadows you in every way; Views, fame, influence. I hope that shows you how meaningless the pursuit of power is. The only thing we could hope for is to be truthful to who we are and what we love. You have joined the list of sellouts along with Swen, Mike mearls, and josh sawyer before he was able to find redemption. Take a note from Josh Sawyer. humble yourself with a post mortem about yourself and your work.


Jul 11, 2019
Cross promotion is all we need. If my blog can attract 500000 and your blog can attract 500000 and there's no overlap then together we pretty much have 1 million users. I can use some css, Java script, and PHP to make it so your blog looks nicer and is cooler and I'll make it so every time someone presses a link there's a 1 percent chance it links to the others blog. We can colab on articles and even make debunct videos about each other. On my side bar I can link to your blog and you can do the same.

My post was rhetorical.

You speak about collaboration? I'm strong already. Why would I collaborate with the weak? I don't even collaborate with the strong. I'm a lone wolf, I work alone. I don't team up with others like cucks do. I don't make friends and alliances like cucks do. I just crush competitors, one after the other, and smash them to pieces.

You speak about writing style? Yes, you have a style. Fantadomat has a style. But who is emulating your styles, without knowing? Who is employing your vocabulary and terms you've coined, unwittingly? Who is parroting your thoughts on a daily basis and linking to your write-ups like they're Gospel?

You dream of 1 million users? Lilura laughs at your dream. I don't want followers. I want slaves, views and Google authority. That is wisdom. I want my name to come up whenever you Google a question about the RPGs I cover: in your face, causing you butthurt. I want the name of Lilura in your face every time you Google something about Baldur's Gate, which game you hold so dear and of which game I am numero uno commentator.

When you lie awake at night, thinking about Baldur's Gate before you go to sleep, I want you to be thinking about my pro-tip write-ups, my retrospectives and my breakdowns on THAC0 and AC. And the more you think about my blog, the stronger my blog becomes in your mind and the more it occupies your mind, and fills it.

When I gently sleep with Baldurs Gate on my mind I am thinking of the perfection that is Baldurs Gate. There's no room for your blog, it's over shadowed by the glory that is the game. There's a cause here and your passionless sellout attitude goes directly against it. True passion for the series would motivate you to shine a light on true art, not on yourself. You're desecrating the corpse much like larian studio is, for glory at the cost of love.

A true fan with passion would be honored to shine light on that which is Baldurs Gate rather than on themselves and would want nothing more than for the game to be elevated in the eyes of the public. The fact that you seek glory for yourself proves that you don't deserve it. We all come second to Baldurs Gate. The only time we come first is when we're coming into a thread to defend that which is right.

When Baldurs Gate needed our help against the Larian fanboy cultist cunts you were no where to be found. You sat in your dead thread to talk about yourself rather than come here and counter larian fanboy thoughts. You're only here now to advertise your blog. You are the biggest sellout with no integrity. One day soon a blog will come out that will truly honour Baldurs Gate and the people will see the difference. The difference between my blog filled with passion and your empty blog that seeks to jerk itself off more than a larian fanboy when swen smiles.

You're a fence sitter that will talk about how great baldurs gate is but as soon as something happens it's not your problem and you'll "talk about it when the game actually comes out". If you wait that long that's two years wasted to spend in service of Baldurs Gate. I see through your blog now, it's not about the games that you pretend to be inspired by, it's not passion for art or for a hobby that you enjoy, it's not for Jagged Alliance or ToEE or anything else. It's about yourself and that attitude is disgusting. You are disgusting. Masked as a fan but a fan would never do what you're doing.

Maybe one of my blog posts will be "Dragon lady, the half-rise (quarter rise???) and fall of a passionless hack with a complex larger than the cultist scum's love for Swen, and just as disgusting." It will be about how you the dragon, fat with greed and ego, tried to soar the skies but was too weighed down to make it anywhere. There was no passion or love to inspire you. Just a pathetic need for attention and power. Power that will do you no good because it will never get you anywhere beyond the codex which is filled with people that have no respect for you. My goal is to grow beyond this shit hole. You will always remain here because your ego won't let you let go of the cretins that reference you every once in a while (half of which is to belittle your blog.)

I could never be haunted by your name. You are a single spec of a silhouette that is the shining light that is Baldurs Gate. If I lose my self in the glow you are unnoticeable and if at any point I focus on the shriveled corpse eater that is Lilura, I can barely hear the pathetic, pitiful cries for attention. The pathetic creature Collecting as much of the light provided by baldurs Gate in order to try to pass it off as their own glow. The tiny spec that is yourself only proves to get in the way of the glow and block what little bit of light such a small thing could manage, but the glow is strong and could never be blocked, no matter how many soulless, passionless, sellouts try.

Just keep in mind that no matter how soulless your blog is, ign is even worse and your blog will always be over shadowed by some guy who wrote some information about a game they could never truly understand. You talk about how strong you are, but ign, a company who hired a no body to write a few words about something they have no idea about over shadows you in every way; Views, fame, influence. I hope that shows you how meaningless the pursuit of power is. The only thing we could hope for is to be truthful to who we are and what we love. You have joined the list of sellouts along with Swen, Mike mearls, and josh sawyer before he was able to find redemption. Take a note from Josh Sawyer. humble yourself with a post mortem about yourself and your work.


Silly Germans

Has there been any mention on mod support or the ability to make your own story modules ?
There are many mods that rebalance/enhance existing features but there are
next to no story mods that add new content to D:OS I/II as far as i know.
Did Larian comment on that ?

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