Many People said:
High tier recruiting sucks!
See my post a couple pages back. Those high base stats are pretty fuckin huge imo. I can't say I like the gamble, but I can say that my tier 3 recruits were consistently miles better than anyone else at what I kept them for, even my uber-vet starting bros. Starting with that much higher base stats is just that powerful.
soulstones said:
Base stats don't mean shit!
You're wrong. 13 extra base MAtt for example (at level 1!) is fucking enormous. Even with no talent in it, that bro is almost guaranteed to cap out higher at level 11 then, say, a Daytaler with three stars. 13 MAtt is something like 4-5 level ups at three stars of talent (assuming an average of 3.5 skill per level with three stars). And that recruit got it free! In a stat that's absolutely required for game success!
Same with Resolve. I think you seriously underestimate how important Resolve is to having a smooth fighting process. It's checked a lot, especially with the expansion. And 9 resolve, along with the star, means you can get that recruit to a safe level (say, 55+) within ~5 levels... instead of either taking 10 levels (!!), or never getting it to a comfortable level because you're having to focus too much on other stuff that you need even more (MAtt/MDef etc). That's huge for:
- walking dead (who have a distressing tendency to rez underneath your bros, causing an instant Resolve check)
- geists (obvious)
- hexen (resolve is the ONLY THING that matters against them, since they have no way to fight you outside of Hex/Charm, both of which check against resolve)
- alps (sleep is checked against resolve)
- hp dmg morale checks
- checks to gain morale from good events (kills etc)
I don't think people realize just how awful it is when a bro is wavering/breaking. Wavering is -10% to all skills. Breaking is -20%. That's like having a split hand, but for every checkable stat rather than just M/RAtt. Failing morale checks is in my opinion the single most speedy way to lose a battle. A Sherman Main Battle Tank of a shield bro will suddenly become absolutely worthless and take wounds left and right once he starts wavering.
I am really disappointed with the tryout system. I don't know why but I thought it was going to let you see what a bro was talented in, not see their traits. To be honest if I'm inclined to use tryouts (IE because I'm about to spend a shitload of money), I'm not going to give two shits about traits. I can work around them. What can't be worked around is the effective 15-20 malus to a targeted stat because the recruit hasn't got talent in it.
rapsdjff I hope you guys will consider that.
The Kodexia map seed continues to be fantastic. Day 130 or so, making money hand over fist. I'm getting ready to have full heavy armor frontline and say fuck it to questing for awhile in favor of exploration/unique hunting. 152 inventory space!
Also I haven't seen many people talk about crafting. Some of the potions and consumables crafted from monster parts are awesome. Night Owl pots, reinforced nets (love these especially), ultra wardog armor, bone plating, wolf mantles, Second Wind pots... this stuff is great. Has anyone found a use for poisoned apples? I've never seen a recipe that uses them. It makes hunting monsters a lot more exciting as well. I can't wait to fight my first Lindwurm! And kill a Schrat for the first time.
Oh, does anyone have any idea if Radiant Dust or w/e it's called (the death drop from Necrosavants) has any use outside of cheap selling? I've never gotten an event or anything from it, and I haven't seen it pop up in a crafting recipe either.
God I love this game.