1. SOME people have reported seeing this. I, for example, have many hundreds of hours of BB and never witnessed it. Talk about "non-controversial" all you want. I'm yet to see any solid proof.it shouldn't be controversial
there's something busted about how BB generates "random", it's all in streaks
most visibly, undeniably and uncontroversially in how it generates shop inventories, overworld mooks and new hires - whatever result it gets, it repeats, everywhere
2. Supposedly "busted" generation of backgrounds, inventories (never heard this one) or world encounters, even if true is NOT what we talked here about. We talked about rng in COMBAT. There may or may not be a problem with rng used in some circumstances and not in others or it can be be a problem everywhere. The point is, we do not know. All we have are suppositions and things observed by some players and not by many others. I'm yet to see a single solid evidence - and i'm not the only one. I know, such a complex concept as evidence, i'm so ashamed to even bring it here.
3. The issue with our esteemed colleague, you-know-who, and the main point of content was not even the problem with RNG per se. Perhaps there is or there isn't one. I only have problem with claims without any solid evidence given. If there is something botched in the RNG then it is, just give me proof, i'm an old fashioned man. Since it doesn't affect my game much in any significant way (a background doesn't appear for some time and then there are several at once - in some games - big deal.) I don't care much. I wouldn't even notice - i still didn't - the supposed "problem" without this great and prestigious forum.
However his claim that there are problems with rng and that it is specifically BIASED AGAINST THE PLAYER is is the ridiculous one and most contested one. Or do you claim that this one is also "non controversial"?