Well I am around 900 hours and to be truth that game was always grind.
Its fun in early stage when anybody can die but you can get replacements easily and the fight is fast and brutal but late its meh.
It was more fun in early builds when you could go crazy with OP build and when you actually could affect the world by your actions.
I do not understood how people can play on default speed and not die from boredom.
Gods bless the chap who recommended me a Cheat Engine.
Its still good game but its collectors game(items and recruits) and grind.
There is no living world at all.
I think its because of game design. OverHype(actually its fitting name as its more hype than anything) make combat engine first and then they build game around it. So player is the only actor and world is only decoration. Nothing is permanent(all enemies are randomly generated), there is no real mechanics, no real economy or politics.
They should make world first and then throw a player inside it.
Well i still have a blast with this game, it go better when I stop expecting anything great.
Its good game and its the type of game that I always want but well its not great and mechanically everything outside combat is subpar. And even combat have weak points(like LoS and ranged combat).
Some old soldier from old good times.