I'd play the shit out of House Lords II.https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/11/15/battletechs-campaign-mode-is-a-robot-dark-ages/
Weisman is enthused by the prospect of a Battletech equivalent for Paradox’s legendary feud ’em up, Crusader Kings. “I do think there’s a very interesting game to make there,” he says. “I wrote a version of Battletech for tabletop called The Succession War that was at that kind of global, geopolitical level. That would be a classic Paradox gambit, to do Battletech at that scale.”
Maybe I should have been less terse, but yes, the atmosphere is there, but the writing itself is longwinded and unnecessary, more like a cheap novel than a game. Walls of text of flourished descriptions might work for PnP but this was a game - games can show their intent and plot visually. If one doesn't have the time to do that, then maybe one should rethink this computer game business. For some people this is fine - static objects with text, but I think that's missing the point in 2017 in an RPG, not a text adventure.After having played Shadowrun P&P for many years and read whatever novels and short stories I could grab, I can safely say you couldn't be further away from the truth.Judging by Shadowrun I don't think they can capture jack. Linear, boring combat pretentious drivel.
They captured it almost perfectly in the games - the writing and style, that is.
You might simply not like Shadowrun.
The characters were too talkative, though, that's true.
But I doubt they will be in Battletech. Afaik, the game is more focused on mechs, so I doubt there will be tons of talking.
Don't get me started on the treachery. Katherine literally got away with everything like some demi-god of trickery and motivated so many people to her side that it took an entire coalition just to stop her, including some of the best mercs in the whole setting. That is ridiculous. She was another Mina (of Dragonlance) but while Mina had the excuse of being a real god and magic, what is Katherine's excuse? She had so many strikes against her (second born, non-combatant, etc.) that no one should have listened to her, let alone followed her.The creation of FedCom via strategic marriage is something a CK2 player would do (marry my genius 45 year old leader to the barely-legal daughter of another big kingdom for her useful traits and to unite the realms!), and its disintegration due to treacherous plotting fits too.
All they need to do is clone The Crimson Hawks Inception or whatever it was called and upgrade the combat
This, a modernized CHI would be awesome. Or at least, an engine that could be easily modded into it. I still like Shadowrun "for what it is", even though I would have prefered a Shadowrunner group simulator (aka BattleBrothers: Shadowrun?).But as you say, this is Battletech. All they need to do is clone The Crimson Hawks Inception or whatever it was called and upgrade the combat, and while they're at it, kill their streak of linear gameplay.
CHI gets really boring. You can basically complete the game within 15-20 minutes of getting to the Starport. There isn't much RP at all. The one you really want to clone and bring up to date is the second game: Crescent Hawk's Revenge.This, a modernized CHI would be awesome. Or at least, an engine that could be easily modded into it. I still like Shadowrun "for what it is", even though I would have prefered a Shadowrunner group simulator (aka BattleBrothers: Shadowrun?).But as you say, this is Battletech. All they need to do is clone The Crimson Hawks Inception or whatever it was called and upgrade the combat, and while they're at it, kill their streak of linear gameplay.
Yeah it sucks when this happens, they basically picked up a bomb without knowing it. I've seen a bit of this first hand with companies I've worked with now, and trannies are hard to even criticize about their work without it turning into a shitshow. I do really wonder what he could get away with though? The meat of the game is mech-on-mech action and that seems to be where all the work is. As much as I dislike SJWs & obnoxious trannies, the anti-SJW brigade can be obnoxious about even a hint of SJW in anything. Some diversity stuff in the setting can be fine as long as it keeps the 3025 era battletech post-apoc feudalism as the overriding theme (nobles don't give a fuck about the ethnic makeup of their space peasants as long as they pay taxes.)
Remember to curb your enthusiasm.
This thing is the design lead on a Battletech game, you know, the franchise about non-stop conflict, wars, battles, with tens of tons of warmachines. This creature doesn't have enough T to touch the faggy jap ninja mechs, let alone Battletech.
Battletech and Mechwarrior lucked out in a way. It died, was forgotten and swept under the rug before "progressives" started destroying anything they could latch their parasitic tentacles to.
Until now.
Oh man. Prepare your battlemech asses:
Laughing to myself about some alt right shitgoblin talking about our game and diversity and I'm like, dude you haven't seen anything yet
Remember to curb your enthusiasm.
This thing is the design lead on a Battletech game, you know, the franchise about non-stop conflict, wars, battles, with tens of tons of warmachines. This creature doesn't have enough T to touch the faggy jap ninja mechs, let alone Battletech.
Battletech and Mechwarrior lucked out in a way. It died, was forgotten and swept under the rug before "progressives" started destroying anything they could latch their parasitic tentacles to.
Until now.
Oh man. Prepare your battlemech asses:
Laughing to myself about some alt right shitgoblin talking about our game and diversity and I'm like, dude you haven't seen anything yet
Oh well, there is always hoping for a miracle - maybe this particular fucker won't try to put any political agenda into the game.
Hope and not trying to be too edgy are good things, right ?
Well, the game was shittier because of it, so there was some impact.All these progressives in these projects haven't really made any major impact though if you think about it. Tranny in Dragon Age Inquisition, game was shit despite that. Mass Effect Andromeda, same thing.
Yeah, a game never sucks because of some shitty agenda pushing (except if you're some moron requiring your safe space far from reality).All these progressives in these projects haven't really made any major impact though if you think about it. Tranny in Dragon Age Inquisition, game was shit despite that. Mass Effect Andromeda, same thing.
Too bad that most games take place in their completely own world which is merely VERY losely inspired by medieval times.NEWSFLASH, MORONS! In the real world in 1000AD where fantasy games are usual set at, they EXECUTED alphabet soups! So, come on. Let's be realistic! Call the hangman! And YOU can start a new game.
Tell me more.
Is that a selfie sheep ? You look nice. Don't worry, we all love you here (no homo obviously).Tell me more.
... I'm not the one giving two hoots about a character's sexuality being mentioned or not. If it is relevant to the character, give it some importance, if it isn't, don't.only the loudest and most insecure give two hoots
Talk about moving goalposts. Why do you care if someone is homosexual or tranny or whatever? How is that germane to the story or the game? Is the game centred on whether a person is homosexual or not? Is he going to get lynched and we have to escape the lynch mob as part of the story? If none of this is true, why mention it at all, other than to pander to some SJW twat? Why MUST it be in a game at all? Just to show inclusivity? Why? Same with race. Why should people care if the game is all Asian or all white or whatever? Why must there be token black people in every game?Nah, I'm not a snowflake.
I'm not so insecure in my own sexuality that any mention of another kind of sexuality being equal in "value" brings me to a frothing rage, producing the need to shelter myself from any differing view, supporting that shelter with most hilarious delusions.
After all...
... I'm not the one giving two hoots about a character's sexuality being mentioned or not. If it is relevant to the character, give it some importance, if it isn't, don't.only the loudest and most insecure give two hoots
... he asked, after quoting me saying how I do *not* care about it.Talk about moving goalposts. Why do you care if someone is homosexual or tranny or whatever?After all...
... I'm not the one giving two hoots about a character's sexuality being mentioned or not. If it is relevant to the character, give it some importance, if it isn't, don't.only the loudest and most insecure give two hoots
If you did not care, you won't be arguing for it, snowflake.... he asked, after quoting me saying how I do *not* care about it.
If memory serves, the last mech-merc games I played were Front Mission 3 and MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries from 2002. Both were excellent. I'm hoping BattleTech can break this 15 year hiatus.I am really looking forward to the single player game. The managing the merc company really gets me visibly excited. I think from the backer demo the combat is going to be serviceable. It might not be great, but I think it will capture enough of the tabletop to be fun. I really wish they could have added fire and smoke into the mix and maybe some of the non-lethal weapons other than the flamer.