You know I'm starting to think that the obsessive zoom crew here driven by something different. I think they may have watched too much Japanese porn and now get sexually aroused at the sight of anything blurry and pixelated like some pack of Pavlovian (Beam)dogs.
Some of us like being able to zoom in to get around the rather small loot found lying around the game. None of us actually thinks "the game looks beautiful when zoomed four times", as that RPS reviewer apparently expected the game would look like.
I get it that people in this thread are retarded because they are butthrut about PS:T being remastered. But the first step towards stop being retarded is to realize what is it that people actually want from this remaster. And it isn't a matter of "it's easier to install", because that was never the big problem with PS:T's mods. The problem was that the ones that actually touched the game's graphics weren't perfect, and if anyone here claims otherwise, they need to take their fanboy glasses off for a minute. Modded PS:T interface looks nothing like what the game would look like, should it have been designed for high resolutions from the beginning.
So it's not supposed to look good, just help you find loot? The point might stand if they didn't add loot highlighting. Oh well, grab it if you must, but Beamcur will not be seeing a penny from me for this.
Nice AC tooltip in EE there! Looks real classy!
Won't be something like this though?Also, there is only one reason to purchase EE and that is native Mac and Linux (and whatever mobile platforms) support.
As far as I know, it is Wine packaged version, but, not gonna lie, I'm not sure, haven't tried it. I use VM for all my Windows needs.Won't be something like this though?Also, there is only one reason to purchase EE and that is native Mac and Linux (and whatever mobile platforms) support.
VirtualBox WinXP SP3 guest.![]()
Please, give fluent fanboy tag already.
Also, there is only one reason to purchase EE and that is native Mac and Linux (and whatever mobile platforms) support. inb4 smb rushes and yells about Wine or VM, yeah, it is a solution, but some people stay true to their principles: not giving MS money for Windows, for example. Wine may be stable than it was years ago, but I personally don't consider it a great problem solver.
Might even get EE at a heavy discount just to be able to play it natively on Linux. But $20? Hell no.
The guy from RPS said it doesn't have a select resolution? It just uses your desktop resulotion? That for me is totally lame...
He might be trolling, don't take the bait so easily.WTF, who gave fluent a review key?![]()
So no zooming in feature? Lame. That is the only enhancement I care for.
Beamdog temporarily named the website Plan Escape because their employees joked about starting an exotic traveling agency on Twitter.
WTF, who gave fluent a review key?![]()
He licked someWTF, who gave fluent a review key?![]()
WTF, who gave fluent a review key?
Ass-lickers do.Who gives keys to ass-lickers that spend all day babbling about your awesomeness. I WONDER!?
Yeah, it's a fucking travesty that fans have been requesting the source(s) for literal decades by now, and instead, it ends up in the hands of these inept clowns, who wouldn't be able to engineer themselves out of a shoe box, let alone (re)design a UI.If only those hacks would share all the source material they have we would get much better effects made by fans.
Totally worth $20 for me! It's a no-brainer!
*begs for free key*
How the fuck did they manage to make it look worse? Honest question. That takes some extra-level retardation, right there.Compare Beamdog's shit:
with the original zoomed in: