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Best thread ever.


Oct 23, 2002
Pete: How's it going sir? You looking at this beauty right here?

Bob: Er, yes. I've recently come into some money, so the wife and I thought we'd splash out on a new auto.

Pete: Ah, and is your lovely wife here, too?

Bob: No, she's off shopping for shoes.

Pete: I hear you, friend. My wife is exactly the same. In fact, we recently got ourselves a new car just because she needed the extra space in the trunk for her footwear shopping sprees.

Bob: Wow, that's a lot of shoes. My wife...

Pete: You're darn tootin' it's a lot of shoes. In fact my wife owns 40% of the worlds total shoe population, and I bet you can't even imagine how many pairs that is.

Bob: I, er, no. But...

Pete: Well, that makes two of us, pardner. Because there's no way in heck anyone can possibly count that many shoes. But you know what?

Bob: Er, what?

Pete: This car right here, has enough trunk space to fit them all.

Bob: I...really?

Pete: Yesiree, Bob. It's like a bottomless pit in there.

Bob: Wow, can I take a look?

Pete: Now, you wouldn't be accusing ol' Pistol Pete of lyin' through his teeth now, would ye?

Bob: No, it's just I...

Pete: See that big shiny plaque on the wall? The one that says in no nonsense letters "VP of Marketing?" That's all me, baby.

Bob: Oh, that's great. Listen...

Pete: And you know what that means? It means that Pete makes it his business to know everything about his product.

Bob: You...

Pete: So if ol' Pete says it's true, then you're only doing yourself an injustice if you try to question that knowledge.

Bob: Oh, that's reassuring. But I'm not, er, that is to say, boot space isn't really a concern for me.

Pete: Sure it is! One day, you're going to have to transport the ridiculous amounts of shoes your wife owns, and I tell ya, this is the only vehicle for it.

Bob: Okay, er, great. I'm more interested in how it runs.

Pete: Like a dream! But not just any old dream, this runs like the best dream you've ever had, even those messy teenage ones.

Bob: Ew, that's...

Pete: You gotta trust me on this one, pardner. It's a necessary evil to warn you about just what freaky thoughts this car can bring out in a man. It's just that freakin' good!

Bob: Is it fast, too?

Pete: You betcha! Faster than man has ever travelled. In fact, I'm only supposed to sell these to fighter pilots, since they're the only ones trained to withstand the G forces this baby pumps out.

Bob: That's a...

Pete: And I can tell by lookin' atcha that you ain't no jet pilot, am I right Chief? Of course I am. Big brawny guy like you probably couldn't even fit one of his biceps in a fighter cockpit. But I gotta say, you look like the kinda guy who can take this bull by the horns and show it who's boss, so we can overlook that little bit of paperwork.

Bob: Speaking of paperwork, have you got a brochure I could show my wife? She likes to read. I've never quite seen the fascination myself.

Pete: Haha! You're my kinda guy, fella. Who needs reading? Certainly not you, and certainly not your wife. Why give her a flimsy little list of "facts" when you can show off the real thing?

Bob: I'm sorry?

Pete: Show her the real deal! I guarantee you, if you drive out of here right now, your wife will never sit up reading in bed ever again because she'll be crawling all over you for making such an incredible purchase. Let me hit you with a price.

Bob: I don't really...

Pete: Sixty thousand.

Bob: Look, I really shouldn't say anything without getting my wife's opinion.

Pete: Remember the plaque? The big gold, no-nonsense plaque?

Bob: I guess...

Pete: And remember what it means? I means that Pete already knows what your wife is going to think of this, and she's going to love it.

Bob: Well, you do seem like a trustworthy guy...

Pete: You're effin' A right there, champ. Does Pete seem like the kinda guy that would beat his wife to death with her own shoes and stash her in the trunk of a car in his showroom, just so he can sell it to some patsy with more money than sense? Of course not. Now, do you want the best car in the universe or not?


Sep 16, 2005
Let me join the mob by saying: bravo!
That's SNL sketches material :)
Actually...there's an episode starred by Ben Affleck where he's a car dealer. It would be perfect! :P


Mar 3, 2006
I've been lurking these forums for quite some time now, thought it was time to register... Let me make a slight contribution to this ever-growing thread with the following: http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... pic=250153

I had actually for long wondered why I seemed to be the only one reacting towards the ridicolous amount of silly threads on the Oblivion forum, and the few times I asked politely if the specefic (very retarded thread) I was in was really necessary I got flamed by a dozen of Bethesda fanboys. Oh well, good to see i was not alone.


Oct 25, 2005
I have to admit, that was classic.

Edit; Section8's post I mean, but the link was good too.

Lord Chambers

Jan 23, 2006
Is it just that he's a sleazy used-car salesmen, or are there parts in there that correspond to Oblivion I'm not aware of?


Oct 23, 2002
It's not really meant to be Oblivion satire, it was just my (rather convoluted) reaction to the notion that somebody would ever, possibly conceive the notion of unquestioningly trusting the opinion of someone whose job it is to sell you something, rather than someone whose job it is to critically evaluate the same product. It just struck me as something so perversely humourous that it deserved further exposition.


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Blahblah Talks said:
Deus Ex and System Shock had that.
Deus Ex isn't an RPG.

La_Nague said:
Diablo 2 has it too ;)
No, it doesn't.

I mean really small, as in no real alternative equipment. You wear your armour, have one or two weapons at the ready, and a few small items in a bag. Basically, a realistic inventory that only allows you to carry around what you need.
Looting enemies would be a great way to get some equipment, but not to become rich, and most enemies would have pretty worn equipment, damaged armour etc.


Oct 15, 2005
The other side of the mirror
Claw said:
I mean really small, as in no real alternative equipment. You wear your armour, have one or two weapons at the ready, and a few small items in a bag. Basically, a realistic inventory that only allows you to carry around what you need.
Looting enemies would be a great way to get some equipment, but not to become rich, and most enemies would have pretty worn equipment, damaged armour etc.

That would be something I'd like to see too. None of this carrying a house on your back or bottomless "bags of holding" crap, just a realistically sized inventory. The clothes you stand up in (with maybe a pocket or two for small items), your armour, your weapons of choice (2 or maybe three - if they're not oversized halbards or heavy maces), a belt-pouch (for money - which has some weight and small gemstones) and a small backpack for everything else.

Weight of armour/weapons and everything you carry should balance out - the average person can carry about 15% of their body-weight comfortably so maxed out loads shouldn't exceed about 20-25% of body-weight unless your avatar is a body-builder/weight-lifter.

Looting bodies should provide a (very) small chance of picking up better equipment unless you've just bumped off the local duke/lord/big cheese but most loot should be of comparable quality to your own - which shouldn't (unless you've paid a large chunk of cash) be top of the line right out of the starting gate. Padded leather/leather with metal plates should be pretty much the maximum a starting character can obtain.

This does, however, bring up the problem of your avatar never having a huge bundle of cash to hand. Which means there needs to be a viable economy, along with an infrastructure (banks) to allow the player to accumulate cash for that steel armour, better sword, or whatever.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
You can carry a ton of weight as long as it's evenly distributed. My brother used to be able to run with 150 pounds of equipment.

You can run in plate mail, because it's articulated, and aside from polearms most weapons only weigh 4-5 pounds.

One would assume you would have a pack horse or sack you can drop while fighting or something, in most cases.


Feb 3, 2006
The Mirror of Death void
Lumpy said:
The best thread ever. Period:
http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... pic=254965
What a dumbfuck. He has no fucking idea of what TES is about. Really. He is suggesting that there should only be pure characters. Please...

Some of the best characters one could make are those that are "Jack of all trades and master of none". It's okay to try a specialty class, but you shouldn't be locked into that.


Sep 11, 2005

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