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Best thread ever.


Feb 21, 2006
Data4 said:
Excrément said:
Data4 said:
Excrément said:
Data4 said:
I have no specific link, and maybe I'm alone in this assessment. As you all probably know by now, the Oblivion section of the ESF has expanded to include Mods, the Construction Set, Hints and Spoilers, etc. Well, it's happening. What is "it"? Hard to explain.

The Morrowind Mod forum, barring the occasional "NE1 MAD HALO ARMER!?!?" poster, is generally a much better place than Oblivion General. These people are concerned with trying to make the games better in their own way, and you have to admire that quality, even if the additions, improvements, and so forth are not the type you like.

But... what if the fairly peaceful and reasonable Mod forum was suddenly invaded by the Oblivion General forum? You'd get... The Oblivion Mods forum. Modders among us, like Balor, Galsiah, Dongle, etc., I know you guys are probably cringing at the stuff going on there. :D

The week of March 20th will be glorious...


I don't think the Mods section people are more clever than the Oblivion General forum people.

The difference it is that in the Oblivion General forum, people posts because they are waiting for a game and they have nothing to say and in the Mod Section people post just to talk about possible mods for Oblivion. that's it.To post is an entertainment, to "mod" is an entertainment also. to share your mod is an entertainment, to share your impatience for a game also, to share your spoilers is, guuess what, an entertainment!

Posting in rpgcodex, in Oblivion Genreal, in DAC or in Morrowind Mod Section has no link with your intelligence.

You're still here? Hmm... Ah well, don't worry, Shit. I won't hold it against you that the obvious flew WAY, WAY over your head. You wacky frogs, I tell ya...


You remind me Tom Delay, same qualities : bravery, humility, honesty, pertinence, charisma and humility.

who's your abramoff?

P.S : I am not a frog even if I wish.

HA! I knew you were a fucking liberal. It all makes sense now.


You know, you could be a conservative without being a fascist but maybe that flew, WAY, WAY, over your heads...

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Comedy Fucking Gold:

http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... 254364&hl=

I've been trying to become a Moderator from the moment I joined, and yet I think that I have not even been noticed by the Moderators or Admins. I do every thing I can think of.

1. Be as helpful as I can.
2. Try to stay out of truble.
3. Report post or topics that are not following the rules.
4.Try to use the search butten. ( it said I dont have permistion to use it)
5. When people need info on mods I search for it online and download it then play it then help or just find the info on the internet.
6. I dont (or try not too) spam or flame.
7. Keep rereading the rules. ( I have them printed out and posted next to my computer.)
8. Let people know in a nice way that the posted it in the wrong place.

The list going on but I dont feel like they see it. And i'm going to get flammed or spammed and the topic will be closed, but I just had to get that out of my system.
I would never understand why the fuck someone would want to be a moderator. That "keep rereading the rules" bit was hilarious.


Feb 21, 2006
Vault Dweller said:
Comedy Fucking Gold:

http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... 254364&hl=

I've been trying to become a Moderator from the moment I joined, and yet I think that I have not even been noticed by the Moderators or Admins. I do every thing I can think of.

1. Be as helpful as I can.
2. Try to stay out of truble.
3. Report post or topics that are not following the rules.
4.Try to use the search butten. ( it said I dont have permistion to use it)
5. When people need info on mods I search for it online and download it then play it then help or just find the info on the internet.
6. I dont (or try not too) spam or flame.
7. Keep rereading the rules. ( I have them printed out and posted next to my computer.)
8. Let people know in a nice way that the posted it in the wrong place.

The list going on but I dont feel like they see it. And i'm going to get flammed or spammed and the topic will be closed, but I just had to get that out of my system.
I would never understand why the fuck someone would want to be a moderator. That "keep rereading the rules" bit was hilarious.

people like 4 things :
1 : cash
2 : glory
3 :power
4 : sex
as a moderator they could expect glory (even if no one care), the power (it's a first step to the white house :roll: ) but you won't get the cash and the sex (or maybe with a tes fangirl but ...) and that's why becoming a moderator is quite useless for me!


Aug 8, 2005
Hi VD, I am GhanBuriGhan, can I be a moderator here? I have done everything I can think of.

1. I praised Fallout as a great game whenever I could.
2. I have clicked on Goatse links
3. I have used swearwords and called others names, but only if they were being ignorant dumbasses
4. I have contributed long rants on what makes a RPG
5. I have critically distanced myself from at least some of the features of Oblvion and the Bethesda PR
6. I have posted in the best thread evar thread.
7. I have never read or followed any rules
8. I have learned the difference between free-form and nonlinear

Yet nobody notices me. Could you make me a moderatar, PLEAAZZZEEE???!!! I'll even try to make homosphobic allusions next! Oh and your game, Age of delectance, it's SO cool. Best EVAR!!



Nov 3, 2005
Heh, be careful what you (jokingly) wish for GBG, VD might do it just as a gag. :)

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Hmm, I must admit that's a very impressive list, Ghan, especially #7. I'm very proud of your personal growth, and I'm sure it will be noticed by your family and co-workers.

While we don't have official moderators, you can become an unofficial one, enforcing some cool shit and alienating as many people as you possibly can. Godspeed!


Feb 3, 2006
The Mirror of Death void
micmu said:


Ahahahaha!!! Comedy gold.

NORD WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Nov 3, 2005
Heh-heh, with arms like that, all I can say is thank goodness for styrofoam swords. ;)


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
That "Nord warrior" one was from a series of real LARP pictures. I wonder if A) the LARPer in question is a participant at the ESF, B) the picture is a joke (since it is uncredited), or C) someone's trying to pass off a picture as their own.



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