I'm pretty sure all of these are already available, just turned off right now as the deeper you go, the more resource usage is taken up by them. But it probably wouldn't be an issue turning them on.Is it (a) possible and (b) worthwhile to implement a method to see the total number of people
1. Reading a forum
2. Reading a sub-forum (like the subs in GRPG)
3. Reading a thread?
These seem like pro-community options that aren't antithetical to our grouchy demeanor.
First Taluntain said the redesign was only a minor visual change. Now he says the site looks better and the previous design is ugly because "grow up it's CurrentYear lmao fuck you". I'm not sure whether he's lying or taking copium.
The old design had no flaws, you fucking cunt.Your "uninspired, bland and amateurish" remarks are completely off and I thoroughly disagree with them. You're simply going by personal preference where you've demonstrated in a number of examples that the only thing that you consider to be "good" is 20 year old design with all its flaws and no updates whatsover. As such your critical observations really have zero merit.
Lol. Yes, the minor visual changes that come pretty much only from how the current XF2 layout used as the base is laid out on the back end do look better. Twiglard's spent an insane amount of time adding back millions of details from the old layout wherever it made sense and even in dozens of places where it didn't, solely to placate a handful of vocal nitpicking complainers here. He's gone up to and beyond what made sense in making the layout match the old one in every detail that even remotely mattered. That some Codexers will never be happy is a given, but that's the case with everything else on the Codex as well. The real trap isn't making a few minor changes but doing everything as dictated by a very vocal minority that likes to fling shit and insults around if they don't get exactly what they want.
Again with the "shit design". This is your subjective opinion, I don't agree with it and a lot of other people here who said that they like the current style don't either.Right, people only play 50 year old games here, nothing newer.
The obvious answer is advancement in technology and design, where something old looks and feels dated and clashes with the upgrade in underlying forum technology to boot.
I get technology, but design? How does that relate? Is it technologically necessary to have shit design?
Most shit is decidedly decline (in general, not necessarily because it's new) and the things that are not do not cater to things deemed "progressive" but rather to things innovative and unique. Your argument is kinda shit, as before. It's your thing, I will survive, but if you argue maybe just say you want to have it you way because you like it instead of trying to sell a shit sandwich.
You should know, as admin, the IQ distribution on the board is easily over 65 don't underestimate your audience.
The forums have the technical back-end and the GUI/style/skin. They go hand in hand as all the forum functionality available to regular users is accessed via the style. So any changes to the underlying tech necessitate some updates of the layout as well. XF2 is a huge advancement from XF1 technologically (the part invisible to the end user) even though outwardly it largely feels the same. So the default layout, just like the entire forum code, has been redone from scratch and 1:1 copying of certain minor style details is not possible without investing an unreasonable amount of time for a change that basically amounts to practically nothing visually, or would actually look dated or clunky in combination with the other style elements. As I said before, Twiglard's gone up to and beyond what made sense in terms of changes. Anything past this is simply wasting time changing things for no reason other than the fallacy of "it was like that before which means that it was better". There are cases where that hold true, sure. But not in every single instance 100% of the time and definitely not in a fashion that would be meaningful.