Ph.D. in World Saving
Levine had to make a choice, and he actually posted that himself a long time ago @TTLG. They had to revamp the old horror-orientated, slow-paced Bioshock about Nazi-experiments and a more complex predator eco-system to a faster-paced shooter since they were arquired by 2K at the time and they weren't interested in some "stupid shooter that would only sell 200k units". So Ken, also having an understanding of business needs, decided to turn it into something mass appealing without hopefully losing the core concepts. Well? Again, we could have gotten the Bioshock he and his team envisioned to make, but after that it would have been shutty-shutty time. And no Irrational games ever again.
Also, here are some of the very old concepts:
Also, here are some of the very old concepts: