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From Software Bloodborne. Discuss or die!


Mar 2, 2015
So I've done some research on the Empty Phantasm Shell and it seems like complete garbage.

At most I've seen it add only 80 attack even at 30 arcane. At that level of investment you may as well go full arcane. If you want to buff your weapons, use Fire or Bolt paper.

I haven't tested it out much because I only hit 15 arcane with the souls I got from the chalice queen, at which point I had done everything there is to do in the game. That said I did try out the beast claw and that thing is pretty powerful. The knockdown is extremely reliable and I would recommend 15 points into arcane just for that.


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
So, I've put over 100 hours into Bloodborne now, and I still haven't beaten it because I take my time with Souls games. I'm sorry to say the gameplay is getting kinda stale for me, though. You can only do the whole dodgeattackdodgeattackdodgeattack thing for so long before it gets really samey. I dunno. The gameplay seems more focused and less prone to cheese, but the lack of options (no proper magic, bows, left hand/right hand weapons instead of letting you pick and mix) it kind of killing it for me. I'm taking a break to play DSII for a while so we'll see how it goes. I'd still like to see how the story ends but I just don't have the motivation to keep playing right now.


Jan 10, 2010
So I've done some research on the Empty Phantasm Shell and it seems like complete garbage.

At most I've seen it add only 80 attack even at 30 arcane. At that level of investment you may as well go full arcane. If you want to buff your weapons, use Fire or Bolt paper.

I thought it didn't scale with arcane at all? Either way, yeah. I kept warning you kids to avoid arcane unless you really want to use Burial Blade or Blades of Mercy

So, I've put over 100 hours into Bloodborne now, and I still haven't beaten it because I take my time with Souls games. I'm sorry to say the gameplay is getting kinda stale for me, though. You can only do the whole dodgeattackdodgeattackdodgeattack thing for so long before it gets really samey. I dunno. The gameplay seems more focused and less prone to cheese, but the lack of options (no proper magic, bows, left hand/right hand weapons instead of letting you pick and mix) it kind of killing it for me. I'm taking a break to play DSII for a while so we'll see how it goes. I'd still like to see how the story ends but I just don't have the motivation to keep playing right now.

Man.... what. You know, I too would get sick of the game after 100 hours, but I platinumed it at around ~50 hours total, and at that point I felt like I got my money's worth and had a fantastic experience. Not to be a dick, but it sounds like this is kind of your own fault for stretching out a 20-30 hour game to 100 hours without finishing it.

I can see why some people dislike the lack of options, but, it should be mentioned that if you actually go for a bloodtinge build the guns (in particulr the evelyn) ends up being way more viable than a the bows in Dark Souls could ever hope to be, outside of using said bows for stupid cheese stuff. The main difference is that you have to actually spec into that cheese instead of it simply being something you can use on top of your Dexterity build (or, in the case of some bows, your Strength build)

Anyway, good luck men. I personally can't really stomach the thought of starting DS2 up unless I were to pick up Scholar on a deep discount this Winter.


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
I kinda screwed myself over by restarting halfway-ish and fucking around by making a bunch of different builds. Thing is, I did the same with Dark Souls and still haven't really gotten bored with it. Maybe I'm getting Souls fatigue.

I'm only playing DSII because I want to try the DLC that people are saying is rather good, which I never got around to the first time.


Mar 2, 2015
I kinda screwed myself over by restarting halfway-ish and fucking around by making a bunch of different builds. Thing is, I did the same with Dark Souls and still haven't really gotten bored with it. Maybe I'm getting Souls fatigue.

I'm only playing DSII because I want to try the DLC that people are saying is rather good, which I never got around to the first time.

I really enjoyed the third DSII DLC (the snow one). That said I would take Bloodborne ofer DSII any day.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
I thought it didn't scale with arcane at all? Either way, yeah. I kept warning you kids to avoid arcane unless you really want to use Burial Blade or Blades of Mercy

Blades of Mercy only adds its arcane damage on a couple of it's attacks (backstep one IIRC). Not sure about the Scythe.

Either way, Arcane is a waste for those weapons.

I remade my quality weapon user build to get a couple missing things (missed the Whisper gesture the first time around). Will be going Vit/End and 30/25 str/skl minimum so I can also use the Cannon (which is silly op when buffed with Bone Marrow).

Ludwig's Holy Blade, Hunter's Axe, Saw Cleaver, Saw Spear, Stake Driver, and Beast Claws all benefit the most from a quality stat setup. Enough weapon variety to keep me entertained.


Mar 2, 2015
I have a 50str/50sk character with a +10 Holy Blade. I kinda want to use either the Saw Cleaver or Spear for my next +10. Both of those weapons have worse scaling than Ludwig's though. Are they both objectively inferior to a Ludwig's with a quality build or does either of them have something to offer as a secondary weapon?


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
I have a 50str/50sk character with a +10 Holy Blade. I kinda want to use either the Saw Cleaver or Spear for my next +10. Both of those weapons have worse scaling than Ludwig's though. Are they both objectively inferior to a Ludwig's with a quality build or does either of them have something to offer as a secondary weapon?

They both swing much faster in their short mode compared to the long sword mode for Ludwig's.

Also, they both (rumored) have 20% bonus damage against beasts. I did some research on weapon scaling:


From one poster: (tl:dr: they are viable, you make the call moveset wise)
jamalabd 4 points 3 days ago*

I did some calculations to figure out which weapons work better with quality builds than with specialized builds. Basically my definition of a quality weapon is one that gets more damage per point from leveling its weaker scaling stat to 25 than from leveling its stronger scaling stat to 50. As such, here are the weapons we have data for, arranged from "most quality" to "least quality," along with the difference in scaling ratio between the weakest stat to 25 and the strongest stat to 50 (that is to say, positive values indicate that you should increase the weakest stat to 25 before increasing the strongest stat to 50, negative values indicate that you should increase the strongest stat to 50 before increasing the weakest stat to 25):

(I've moved the decimal for legibility)

Ludwig's Holy Blade 42.7

Stake Driver 27

Saw Spear 20.6

Saw Cleaver 12

Hunter Axe 4.7

Beast Claw 4.57

Rifle Spear -2.7

Burial Blade -5

Chikage -5.3 (str vs skill only!)

Tonitrus -5.3 (str vs skill only!)

Threaded Cane -13

Kirkhammer -17.7

Reiterpallasch -26.7

Note that this is strength vs skill only. I'm assuming that the Blade of Mercy, Burial Blade, and Logarius's Wheel never get enough arcane scaling to make leveling that stat more worthwhile than leveling their strongest scaling stat to 50. We have no idea how the Tonitrus works with arcane scaling at this point, and whether you want to level bloodtinge for your Chikage is a much more complicated question than one of simple scaling.

tl;dr - Ludwig's, the Stake Driver, the Saw Spear, and the Saw Cleaver strongly favor quality builds. The Reiterpallasch, Kirkhammer, and Threaded Cane strongly favor specialized builds. The Hunter Axe and Beast Claw slightly favor quality builds, whereas the Rifle Spear, Burial Blade, Chikage, and Tonitrus slightly favor specialized builds, though these last two are in point of fact better with bloodtinge/arcane than with any physical build.


Mar 2, 2015
tl;dr - Ludwig's, the Stake Driver, the Saw Spear, and the Saw Cleaver strongly favor quality builds. The Reiterpallasch, Kirkhammer, and Threaded Cane strongly favor specialized builds. The Hunter Axe and Beast Claw slightly favor quality builds, whereas the Rifle Spear, Burial Blade, Chikage, and Tonitrus slightly favor specialized builds, though these last two are in point of fact better with bloodtinge/arcane than with any physical build.

Oh wow that's really good data thanks. Not a huge fan of the stake driver, so it looks like the Saw Spear is next for me. Still have no idea how to brofist on this site...is it only available after a certain amount of posts or something?


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
tl;dr - Ludwig's, the Stake Driver, the Saw Spear, and the Saw Cleaver strongly favor quality builds. The Reiterpallasch, Kirkhammer, and Threaded Cane strongly favor specialized builds. The Hunter Axe and Beast Claw slightly favor quality builds, whereas the Rifle Spear, Burial Blade, Chikage, and Tonitrus slightly favor specialized builds, though these last two are in point of fact better with bloodtinge/arcane than with any physical build.

Oh wow that's really good data thanks. Not a huge fan of the stake driver, so it looks like the Saw Spear is next for me. Still have no idea how to brofist on this site...is it only available after a certain amount of posts or something?

Not sure. Been here so long that I have not encountered limitations on site features.

I don't need the brofists anyways. If you found the data useful then my job is done.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
So the game feautures awesome actual interesting lore after the banal vampire stuff at the beginning and they dont advertise it at all with this? :s

Shame. Would have got a PS4 then instead of a xbone. Any chance they'll port it over eventuall?


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
...after the banal vampire stuff...


Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Werwolves/beasts/whatever. The stuff I saw in trailers and promoart. The actual interesting bits I saw in a random video on the superbunnyhop channel


Mar 2, 2015
So the game feautures awesome actual interesting lore after the banal vampire stuff at the beginning and they dont advertise it at all with this? :s

Shame. Would have got a PS4 then instead of a xbone. Any chance they'll port it over eventuall?

Sony published the game so it is not going to xbone (prob not pc either unfortunately).


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
So the game feautures awesome actual interesting lore after the banal vampire stuff at the beginning and they dont advertise it at all with this? :s

Shame. Would have got a PS4 then instead of a xbone. Any chance they'll port it over eventuall?

Sony published the game so it is not going to xbone (prob not pc either unfortunately).

Hell on earth will happen before Bloodborne or Demon's Souls goes to PC.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Yep @UB, that was exactly the video I saw that got me interested. Shame they marketed it with that boring stuff instead.


Jan 10, 2010
So the game feautures awesome actual interesting lore after the banal vampire stuff at the beginning and they dont advertise it at all with this? :s

Shame. Would have got a PS4 then instead of a xbone. Any chance they'll port it over eventuall?
Werwolves/beasts/whatever. The stuff I saw in trailers and promoart. The actual interesting bits I saw in a random video on the superbunnyhop channel
Yep @UB, that was exactly the video I saw that got me interested. Shame they marketed it with that boring stuff instead.

You... bought an xbone, thought that there were vampires in Bloodborne, and think there's a shred of hope that Bloodborne is reaching the xbox one?


Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Yes because a teenagers over the top potrayal of van helsing stuff, mentions of blood everywhere and 'evil' dudes with pale skin - no normal person not really following prerelease news would ever make any connection to anything vampire related!!11

Besides its entirely missing the point I made, which was that it's a shame the real interesting story/setting related info was not mentionend in any preview or trailer. I can understand it from a spoiler avoidance perspective though.

And did you really just make a smug comment about me owning a different console than you? :lol: Are you 14 years old? Got the xbox as birthday gift from my girlfriend who doesnt know jack shit about videogames. Atleast I didnt have to blow any money just to play one (from more detailled reading itt) admittely decent game to then make snarky comments to random internet guys who weren't as hyped for this game as you


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Yes because a teenagers over the top potrayal of van helsing stuff, mentions of blood everywhere and 'evil' dudes with pale skin - no normal person not really following prerelease news would ever make any connection to anything vampire related!!11

Show me the trailer that shows vampires.


Jan 10, 2010
Shoulda sold the bone while the price disparity was in its favor. And yes, I'm so ashamed that I work to earn and pay for my own entertainment devices, you caught me. HOW DISHONORABLE!


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
So I decided to fuck around with port forwarding and setting my PS4's IP address to be static.

Fucking network settings, how do they work?

Reddit researched, found two topics detailing which TCP/UDP ports to forward to my PS4. Did the settings (though I did not enable the rule for port 80 and 443 TCP, wouldn't that cut off browsing for my computer lol?) and co-op is now much faster. Still get some fails but the down time seems less.


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Found this on Reddit, it gave me a chuckle - Bloodborne if it were designed like every AAA game;

So, is there any kind of alternative to Ludwig's holy blade? It's powerful and all, but kinda boring. I got the Chikage, but it seems pretty crappy - the best scaling is for Bloodtinge, but it only applies in the health drain mode, while still preventing fire/bolt paper from being used in the normal mode due to it being an "elemental" weapon. I was using the blade of mercy for a while but the damage and range aren't great.


Jan 10, 2010
As I've said numerous times, people have beaten everything in PvE with practically every weapon. I've seen people beating the entirety of the hardest chalices using the Cleaver which has fairly poor scaling. Just play whatever has the funnest moveset for you.

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