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From Software Bloodborne. Discuss or die!


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
As I've said numerous times, people have beaten everything in PvE with practically every weapon. I've seen people beating the entirety of the hardest chalices using the Cleaver which has fairly poor scaling. Just play whatever has the funnest moveset for you.

Thank you. I've decided to stick with the chikage and become an honourable samurai of London.+M


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Holy fuck. :lol: BRB, gotta grind up souls to get 30 STR.

Edit: I tried the axe but it's a bit slow, even though the spin to win is cool.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
Guys, that father Gascoigne fight was actually amazing when I learned visceral strikes and figured out that if I run around the field like with the Capra Demon, Gascoigne is at least a second slower then me when jumping down, so I can heal.

Anyway, I killed the Cleric Beast too. I have just one question: if I'm in Cathedral Ward now, but still cannot be summoned (haven't found the proper item yet), did I miss something?

Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Guys, that father Gascoigne fight was actually amazing when I learned visceral strikes and figured out that if I run around the field like with the Capra Demon, Gascoigne is at least a second slower then me when jumping down, so I can heal.

Anyway, I killed the Cleric Beast too. I have just one question: if I'm in Cathedral Ward now, but still cannot be summoned (haven't found the proper item yet), did I miss something?



all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
I've now thrown a 1 TB Seagate SSHD drive into my PS4 to further improve my Bloodborne experience.


Respawn at Old Yharnam: in seconds.

Stock PS4: 53.5

HGST 7200rpm 1TB HDD: 44.7

Seagate 1TB SSHD Hybrid: 39.0

Sandisk Extreme Pro 480GB SSD: 36.8

The stock HDD that comes with the PS4 is "trash" compared to the other ones.

The HGST is a straight up improvement. The SSD is a better improvement, but at the cost of $200+ it's too pricy (death by diminishing returns).

The Seagate SSHD is the best compromise: more storage, load times close to a SSD, affordable, priced correctly for the hardware you are installing it on.
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Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Been meaning for a long time to try an SSD in PS4. Never get around to it.



all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Well, I did it guys, I beat the game finally.:yeah:
Kicked Gehrmans's ass (you always were an asshole, Gehrman) after about 5 tries and was like "awesome, game over." Then a fucking eldritch freak floats down and tried to eat me, WTF? But I wasn't having any of that shit, so I kicked its ass even though I had no consumables left from the fight with Gehrman. Then I turned into a slug.


Dec 14, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
The blood echoes regain after death system sometimes works weird:

- I was thrown down from the ladder and attacked by monters under the ladder and died - came back, killed everyone and echoes came back only when I tried to climb up the ladder.

- Made a bad jump and fell into a mob of enemies, died - came back, killed everyone, but the echoes were not regained. WTF?


May 5, 2012
Fuzzy Pleasure Palace
So, just bought the game, and I have to wonder why Bloodborne fans aren't complaining about the camera more, it's fucking terrible. It's pretty fun though, but I don't like how some of the bosses feel like they have infinite stamina like father whatever his name is, fucking lunge spamming queer. I do gotta say, the game is definitely hard though, I just don't know if it's because of the health bloat or if it's legitimately hard.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
I think the blood echoes are regained either by touching your 'pool of blood', or by killing a specific enemy which has this kinda smoke coming out of his eyes.


Jan 10, 2010
I think the blood echoes are regained either by touching your 'pool of blood', or by killing a specific enemy which has this kinda smoke coming out of his eyes.

This is correct.

Just like in souls, there's a pool of blood that you can touch to regain everything. In bloodborne however, upon loading the area, there is a chance that an enemy will pick the echoes up - in which case their eyes will glow and once you kill them you recover it. Bosses never pick them up, and some enemies are more likely to get them than others. Allegedly, if you turn the game off while an enemy is holding your echoes they can be lost forever. Also, similar to souls, if you die before retrieving them, they're gone.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
I just want more of the same, so for me, that's just a bonus. I don't want the series to change I want it to keep improving its formula and making small mechanical tweaks is the best way to go.
You have a dedicated jump button, not that it matters since the actual jumping mechanic is just as awful as DkS1. The change to equip burden and the change to the stats makes everything less precise. To this day, I'm not sure if Agility did anything or if it was just placebo, combined with he lack of hard breakpoints when it comes to equip burden and you have yourself an inferior movement system.
The skins, in terms of function all Items are incredibly different and by different I mean worse. That is due to the fact that scaling if just shit, a problem which was in the original DkS1 but was somewhat fixed by PTDE. Another contributing factor is the fucked up defenses, A mace that has 300 attack does 400-500 damage to an armor-clad giant, a greatsword that has 450 attack does around 200-300, what the fuck?
Maybe so, now it's all about those one or two attacks and your fucked. Most fights consist of two guys never engaging or missing all the fucking time since heavy weapon tracking is completely fucked.

This is very simple, it's a matter of standards. You aren't particularly interested in bloodborne since you don't think it brings any significant improvements to a flawed formula. I wanted DkS2 to make a few tweaks to a great formula. It made the cardinal sin of sequels that everyone expects out of sequels, it was worse in every way that matters. The biggest problem with DkS2 is its name.

Sorry (not really, but there isn't really a word for 'drunk and knowingly doing something annoying but not giving a shit') drunk and Roguey, for replying to a post 20 pages back, but isn't that exactly how armour and damage type should work? Maces were used against plate mail because they were a cheap way of negating expensive armour that was effective against great/long swords. Why aim a massive, unwieldy, sword at the gaps when you could just knock the guy to the ground?


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Going to try a full-blown arcane build. I'll give you my thoughts and how it compares to physical weapons, progression, ease of use, etc.

and I have to wonder why Bloodborne fans aren't complaining about the camera more,

It's because we're too busy bitching about the loading times. :x

The camera is pretty awful for some fights. Any of the big bosses where the lock-on is above you causes weird shit to happen.

It's pretty fun though, but I don't like how some of the bosses feel like they have infinite stamina like father whatever his name is, fucking lunge spamming queer.

Father G is designed like that to punish the mindset of "roll away, keep distance" that previous souls games taught. If you dash behind his lunges he's exponentially easier. In fact many, many enemies will punish you harder if you dash away and are still too close. This game encourages more aggressive dodging.

I do gotta say, the game is definitely hard though, I just don't know if it's because of the health bloat or if it's legitimately hard.

It's harder mostly because they took away most of the crutches that Souls games typically have.
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Jan 10, 2010
Leave it to angryidiot to call one of the greatest and fairest (completely fair in human form at least) early bosses in the souls series a "lunge spamming queer"


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007



Phage Kanedias I sent you both the image. (Kanedias don't remember your PSN).

I entered the world of *** and I had a friendly Father Guacamole following me around, killing enemies with me.

Also saved a video.

Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
I had some bug with Father Popamole in a co-op session. As he transformed, he left a human version of himself there, he was targetable and didn't move at all, but took no damage when hit. It was messing me up coz I'd be trying to lock onto 2nd form and the non-hittable dipshit would lock on instead.


Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Are there any good explanations of how to Chalice Dungeon? I did that noobie one after Blood Beast and got to the bottom and beat the boss. I think i won a root chalice and some materials in there somewhere, but fuck if I know what to do with it or how to use them. I need a "how to chalice dungeon for dummies" guide.



Dec 14, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Are there any good explanations of how to Chalice Dungeon? I did that noobie one after Blood Beast and got to the bottom and beat the boss. I think i won a root chalice and some materials in there somewhere, but fuck if I know what to do with it or how to use them. I need a "how to chalice dungeon for dummies" guide.



all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Zep Zepo StaticSpine



Chalice Dungeon Flow Chart - http://i.imgur.com/EdYtWGZ.png

Chalice Dungeon Code List - http://goo.gl/uZk9FA

Chalice Dungeon Submission Form - http://goo.gl/5Dk1xC


I am BRBGTGBOWFLEX and I have spent a ridiculous amount of time in Chalice Dungeons. I wanted to provide answers to common questions and some resources to the community to share what I have learned and to encourage more chalice dungeon exploration.

Q: What are Chalice Dungeons?

A: Chalice Dungeons are procedurally generated instances that contain the hardest encounters and the best loot that the game has to offer. They are a very complete offering with unique art assets, new bosses, and opportunities for Co-Op.

Q: How do I unlock Chalice Dungeons?

A: Three chalices are unlocked by defeating bosses in the main game. The Pthumeru Chalice is obtained by defeating the Blood-Starved Beast, the Ailing Loran Chalice is from Amygdala, and the Isz Chalice is from Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos. All other Chalice and Root Chalices are unlocked within the Chalice Dungeons themselves. See the Chalice Dungeon Flowchart for a complete list.

Q: Huzzah! I have the Chalice! Now how do I get started?

A: There are six Altars near the Messenger Shop in Hunter’s Refuge. You may place a Chalice at any of these, but are limited to having six out at any given time. You will also need ritual materials, they can be found in the game world, at the messenger shop, and at the insight shop. In general, chalice dungeons provide copious amounts of ritual materials.

Q: What is the difference between a Storyline Chalice and a Root Chalice?

A: Chalices without the word Root in them are called Storyline Chalices. They are pre-generated instances that are identical for every player. While they contain great challenges, they do not provide unique loot, and are primarily used to unlock Root Chalices.

Root Chalices are randomly generated instances that are created when a player conducts a Root Chalice ritual. They contain unique weapon variants (Lost and Uncanny), Powerful Runes, and a whole host of other goodies. Your goal is to unlock these chalices and then pillage them for loot (also post your finds to the Chalice Dungeon Code List).

Q: How are Chalice Dungeons laid out or how can I navigate them?

A: Each chalice dungeon is divided into layers and each layer has three parts. Part A, the beginning hallway to the first door at the end of that hallway, Part B, the middle part which contains the lever and the boss hall door, and Part C, the path from the Boss hall to the boss. Part A and Part C can have an additional Bonus Door that leads to treasure! Part B contains the lever which must be pulled to gain access to the Boss. So, an ideal way is to check the first hall for a Bonus door, clear to the treasure if one exists, then move to Part B, find the lever, pull the lever, go to the Boss hall, check for Bonus doors, clear to the treasure, and then face the Layer Boss to proceed to the next Layer and repeat until you reach the end. If you are just hunting for weapons, you can skip the very last boss.

Q: What does Chalice Dungeon Depth mean?

A: Depth is the difficulty level of the Chalice. Each number roughly corresponds with 25% of the game completed. I.E. Depth 1 is the first 25% of the game, Depth 2 is the second 25%, 3 is the third, 4 is the fourth, and 5 is harder than the actual game. However, I feel like around Depth 4 it gets harder than anything in the main game.

The level minimums I would recommend are:

Depth 1: Level 25

Depth 2: Level 35

Depth 3: Level 60

Depth 4: Level 80

Depth 5: Level 100

Q: I’ve done my first chalice, it wasn’t that hard or rewarding.

A: They start out easy and get progressively harder. Also if you come in at a high level, you will be overpowered until you get deeper. Do not give up because the first few are easy, it changes dramatically. Also, be sure you are checking Root chalices- many people do not do the Root chalices, so they do not get loot and get discouraged.

Q: What are Fetid, Rotted, Cursed, and Sinister Rites?

A: Fetid, Rotted, Cursed, and Sinister Rites can be applied to Dungeons to increase their difficulty and rewards. Fetid offerings empower creatures that are already in the instance by giving them a damage buff. Rotted offerings introduce new creatures to the dungeon and raise the possibility of traps. Cursed dungeons cut your HP in half while in the Dungeon and all gems that drop will be Cursed gems. Sinister Dungeons allow others to invade your dungeon. Each of these appears to improve the Quality Level and Drop Rate of gems. Until many more dungeons are added to the list or until revealed by an official guide, we will not know all of their benefits. It should be noted that Cursed Gems with the right stat lines are the best gems in the game and can exponentially increase your character’s power.

Q: What types of gems drop in the different Dungeons?

Pthumeru - Radial Gems

Loran - Crescent Gems

Isz - Triangle Gems

Q: I have found an awesome item in a chalice dungeon, how do I share it with others?

A: First, go to the Altar for that chalice, hit the Square button, and set the Dungeon to Open. Then, submit your Dungeon using the Chalice Dungeon Submission Form. Try to make note of what Layer the items are on as you proceed through Dungeons.

Q: I want to find a Chalice Dungeon that contains a weapon I’m looking for—how can I find it?

A: Check the Chalice Dungeon Code List. To access the dungeon, go to an empty Altar, and select Search by Chalice Glyph. You enter the code there. Remember that the list entirely depends on the community to keep it updated and to provide new dungeons, share and share alike!

Q: I can’t enter the dungeon I want to enter, why?

A: In order to access a Chalice you must place a Chalice of that type first. So if you want to check out an Ailing Loran Root chalice, you have to build one yourself first. For Cursed, Rotted, and Fetid, you need only make one dungeon with the modifier in order to access others.

Q: Do I need the ritual materials and blood echoes to enter other people's chalices?

A: Nope. As long as you have already made that type of chalice once, you can enter others free.

Q: I want to help out the community, what should I do?

A: Run Chalices and post Chalice Dungeon codes with your finds. There are things I would like to assert but cannot because we don’t have information. The more dungeons we get, the more we can help the community. Additionally, if you contribute a significant amount of chalice dungeons and are active, I could use help maintaining and updating the list, so feel free to volunteer!

Also, post additional questions in this thread, I’ll update with any questions that are added. Or feel free to correct me if I’m wrong on any point.

Q: Do Chalices scale off of New Game +?

A: Nope. They are their own thing. Your chalices will all carry over into NG+ and they do not scale or change.

Q: This is ridiculous. They can’t really expect me to do this fight in that room at half HP. This is totally unfair!

A: Yes. Welcome to Chalice Dungeons.

Just saw that there is a list being made by the subreddit peeps, gonna look it over and link to it

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