Replying to a baity AngryIdiot post. Oh well.
So beat the game for the second time today, and I seriously can't understand why this game is not getting more hate, or at least more skepticism and negative reviews. The unit spam is worse than Dark Souls 2,
Wrong. There are next to no locations where you have to face more than 2 enemies at once. In fact, there is nothing even comparable to the infamous gank present in the Belltower of Dark Souls 1 - first piece of evidence that AngryIdiot hasn't played Dark Souls or forgot all about it. The game literally gives you a pluthera of pebbles to draw a single enemy towards you. Seems like you were too fucking stupid to engage the enemies 1-2 at a time.
only this time, they do even more damage and have not only the infinite stamina, but the ninja backstep move too [Whoever designed the hunter forest and then approved it should be bludgeoned to death]
The fuck are you on about? Who has the ninja backstep move? The only enemy in the game who is actually an issue with stamina and rolling is the hunter in the cathedral for Eileen's questline.
By hunter forest are you referring to the area between the Cathedral and Witches? Once again, you need to simply face the enemies one-two at a time. You do know that if you walk slowly you'll stealth past anything that can't see you, right?
and half of the bosses have these instant kill moves [Bloodbeast grab, Vicar slow homing blast, witch grab, Gehrman wind scythe etc]
Wrong. Most of these are not instant kill moves at all. Looks like somebody forgot to increase Vitality. Also hilarious how almost all of these have a multiple-second charge up. You'd have to have a mental handicap to get hit by them multiple times.
where if they didn't have those, I bet half of the playerbase's death would never have happened.
Cool speculation bro.
Another pet peeve of mine is how the game doesn't reward the player for being aggressive, in fact, it actually punishes the player by giving all of the enemies instant casting attack animation [top hat torch guy's "away" move] that do huge damage and stun, or sometimes even giving invincibility frames during an enemies normal attack animation.
Nope. Game encourages aggression due to the regen system. The torch guy's attack is interruptable and has a massive windup. What enemies are receiving iframes during attacks? I am genuinely curious.
I think the unholy trinity of Bloodbornes failures are the health bloat of the bosses
If you actually upgrade your weapon, relevant stats and socket gems, the health of these bosses is comparable to every other Souls game. The only notable exception would be Margo's Wet Nurse which has a lot of HP.
[designed around not letting the player parry the bosses to death as easily as in Dark Souls 1 I suspect],
Second piece of evidence that AngryIdiot hasn't played Dark Souls or forgot everything about it.
You cannot parry dark souls 1 bosses other than Gwyn, and kind of the Capra Demon.
the pseudo-lineraity of the game [Watch what happens if you don't take witches before vicar for the upgrade stones, you won't do enough damage to kill the boss lol]
Myself and others have done this just fine. Did you ever figure out what the item "fire paper" does?
and the inconsistency of the game [Sometimes you can put a guy in parry mode from just tickling him, other times hitting the guy with 4 fully charged R2s from a hammer doesn't even fatigue him].
What? Are you trying to formulate the opinion that enemies have various levels of riposte? This was the case in every souls game (and almost every action game ever)
From Software even castrated the PvP of the game by making all invasions outside of late game chalice ones consensual, and THEY EVEN GIVE THE INVADER A HEALTH PENALTY. Bloodborne is a 6/10 at best, and I suspect without the Lovecraft element that entices white people for whatever reason, nobody would give a shit about this game.
This is the final and most damning piece of evidence that AngryIdiot has never actually played souls. In Dark Souls 1 PvP is entirely consensual because you have to be in human form to become invaded. This is a very basic concept to grasp. There is also an invader health penalty in Demon's Souls.