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From Software Bloodborne. Discuss or die!


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Now Martyr Logarius, he's a right cunt of a boss. Last time I got close to beating him his AI shat itself and kept fucking spamming that goddamn sword-storm attack every time I managed to stop it. It was annoying as hell.

Can confirm Logarius is an asshole.
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May 5, 2012
Fuzzy Pleasure Palace
So beat the game for the second time today, and I seriously can't understand why this game is not getting more hate, or at least more skepticism and negative reviews. The unit spam is worse than Dark Souls 2, only this time, they do even more damage and have not only the infinite stamina, but the ninja backstep move too [Whoever designed the hunter forest and then approved it should be bludgeoned to death] and half of the bosses have these instant kill moves [Bloodbeast grab, Vicar slow homing blast, witch grab, Gehrman wind scythe etc] where if they didn't have those, I bet half of the playerbase's death would never have happened. Another pet peeve of mine is how the game doesn't reward the player for being aggressive, in fact, it actually punishes the player by giving all of the enemies instant casting attack animation [top hat torch guy's "away" move] that do huge damage and stun, or sometimes even giving invincibility frames during an enemies normal attack animation.

I think the unholy trinity of Bloodbornes failures are the health bloat of the bosses [designed around not letting the player parry the bosses to death as easily as in Dark Souls 1 I suspect], the pseudo-lineraity of the game [Watch what happens if you don't take witches before vicar for the upgrade stones, you won't do enough damage to kill the boss lol] and the inconsistency of the game [Sometimes you can put a guy in parry mode from just tickling him, other times hitting the guy with 4 fully charged R2s from a hammer doesn't even fatigue him].

From Software even castrated the PvP of the game by making all invasions outside of late game chalice ones consensual, and THEY EVEN GIVE THE INVADER A HEALTH PENALTY. Bloodborne is a 6/10 at best, and I suspect without the Lovecraft element that entices white people for whatever reason, nobody would give a shit about this game.


May 5, 2012
Fuzzy Pleasure Palace
...by making all invasions outside of late game chalice ones consensual...

Someone did not play Dark Souls 1.

You sure it wasn't you? You can grab 4 cracked red eye orbs in the first 10 minutes of the game, 10 if you killed the robe guy in the sewers and drained the water, or just go to the woods within the first hour to invade or be invaded.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
You sure it wasn't you? You can grab 4 cracked red eye orbs in the first 10 minutes of the game, 10 if you killed the robe guy in the sewers and drained the water, or just go to the woods within the first hour to invade or be invaded.

PvP is still consensual in Dark Souls 1.


May 5, 2012
Fuzzy Pleasure Palace
You sure it wasn't you? You can grab 4 cracked red eye orbs in the first 10 minutes of the game, 10 if you killed the robe guy in the sewers and drained the water, or just go to the woods within the first hour to invade or be invaded.

PvP is still consensual in Dark Souls 1.

It can be [Gank squads or talented players farming other players], but by design, it isn't [outside of red soapstone and dragon covenant]. Please don't defend a majorly flawed game like Bloodborne by lying about Dark Souls 1. I can't invade someone against their will in Bloodborne no matter how hard I want to, nor can someone do the same to me.

*Besides, what the fuck does Dark Souls 1 have to do anything? I'm talking about a problem with Bloodborne you sneaky cunt.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
You sure it wasn't you? You can grab 4 cracked red eye orbs in the first 10 minutes of the game, 10 if you killed the robe guy in the sewers and drained the water, or just go to the woods within the first hour to invade or be invaded.

PvP is still consensual in Dark Souls 1.

It can be [Gank squads or talented players farming other players], but by design, it isn't [outside of red soapstone and dragon covenant]. Please don't defend a majorly flawed game like Bloodborne by lying about Dark Souls 1. I can't invade someone against their will in Bloodborne no matter how hard I want to, nor can someone do the same to me.

*Besides, what the fuck does Dark Souls 1 have to do anything? I'm talking about a problem with Bloodborne you sneaky cunt.

Lets compare:

Dark Souls 1

Hollowed: No host co-op or PvP
Don't ring beckoning/sinister bells: no host co-op or PvP

Un-hollowed: host Co-op and PvP
Ring Bells from above: host co-op and PvP

Place white soap sigh: co-op in another host world
Ring Smalle Resonant Bell: co-op in another host world


Co-op can kill Bell Maiden to lock-out PvP.
Some areas are always on PvP until you kill Bell Maiden.
PvP does not use any resources to invade. No cracked orb farming (pre-Red Eye orb in Dark Souls 1), don't need to sequence break to reach "Red Eye Orb".
No "Red Soap Sign".
If you summon someone from opposing covenant (Vileblood/Executioner) for co-op, they will instead be considered an invader.


May 4, 2008
Now Martyr Logarius, he's a right cunt of a boss. Last time I got close to beating him his AI shat itself and kept fucking spamming that goddamn sword-storm attack every time I managed to stop it. It was annoying as hell.

Can confirm Logarius is an asshole.

I was grateful when a summon helped me beat him so I spent about 3 hours last night just helping other people beat him (around the ~level 90 range). It's absurdly easy once you get the hang of him. Even jumping a small distance in any direction makes a lot of his physical attacks completely miss.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Now Martyr Logarius, he's a right cunt of a boss. Last time I got close to beating him his AI shat itself and kept fucking spamming that goddamn sword-storm attack every time I managed to stop it. It was annoying as hell.

Can confirm Logarius is an asshole.

I was grateful when a summon helped me beat him so I spent about 3 hours last night just helping other people beat him (around the ~level 90 range). It's absurdly easy once you get the hang of him. Even jumping a small distance in any direction makes a lot of his physical attacks completely miss.

First time I fought him I didn't think to kill the sword summons.

Those roof tops made for some useful cover, but being forced to fight in a small area is a pain in the ass.


Jan 10, 2010
Replying to a baity AngryIdiot post. Oh well.

So beat the game for the second time today, and I seriously can't understand why this game is not getting more hate, or at least more skepticism and negative reviews. The unit spam is worse than Dark Souls 2,

Wrong. There are next to no locations where you have to face more than 2 enemies at once. In fact, there is nothing even comparable to the infamous gank present in the Belltower of Dark Souls 1 - first piece of evidence that AngryIdiot hasn't played Dark Souls or forgot all about it. The game literally gives you a pluthera of pebbles to draw a single enemy towards you. Seems like you were too fucking stupid to engage the enemies 1-2 at a time.

only this time, they do even more damage and have not only the infinite stamina, but the ninja backstep move too [Whoever designed the hunter forest and then approved it should be bludgeoned to death]

The fuck are you on about? Who has the ninja backstep move? The only enemy in the game who is actually an issue with stamina and rolling is the hunter in the cathedral for Eileen's questline.

By hunter forest are you referring to the area between the Cathedral and Witches? Once again, you need to simply face the enemies one-two at a time. You do know that if you walk slowly you'll stealth past anything that can't see you, right?

and half of the bosses have these instant kill moves [Bloodbeast grab, Vicar slow homing blast, witch grab, Gehrman wind scythe etc]

Wrong. Most of these are not instant kill moves at all. Looks like somebody forgot to increase Vitality. Also hilarious how almost all of these have a multiple-second charge up. You'd have to have a mental handicap to get hit by them multiple times.

where if they didn't have those, I bet half of the playerbase's death would never have happened.

Cool speculation bro.

Another pet peeve of mine is how the game doesn't reward the player for being aggressive, in fact, it actually punishes the player by giving all of the enemies instant casting attack animation [top hat torch guy's "away" move] that do huge damage and stun, or sometimes even giving invincibility frames during an enemies normal attack animation.

Nope. Game encourages aggression due to the regen system. The torch guy's attack is interruptable and has a massive windup. What enemies are receiving iframes during attacks? I am genuinely curious.

I think the unholy trinity of Bloodbornes failures are the health bloat of the bosses

If you actually upgrade your weapon, relevant stats and socket gems, the health of these bosses is comparable to every other Souls game. The only notable exception would be Margo's Wet Nurse which has a lot of HP.

[designed around not letting the player parry the bosses to death as easily as in Dark Souls 1 I suspect],

Second piece of evidence that AngryIdiot hasn't played Dark Souls or forgot everything about it.

You cannot parry dark souls 1 bosses other than Gwyn, and kind of the Capra Demon.

the pseudo-lineraity of the game [Watch what happens if you don't take witches before vicar for the upgrade stones, you won't do enough damage to kill the boss lol]

Myself and others have done this just fine. Did you ever figure out what the item "fire paper" does?

and the inconsistency of the game [Sometimes you can put a guy in parry mode from just tickling him, other times hitting the guy with 4 fully charged R2s from a hammer doesn't even fatigue him].

What? Are you trying to formulate the opinion that enemies have various levels of riposte? This was the case in every souls game (and almost every action game ever)

From Software even castrated the PvP of the game by making all invasions outside of late game chalice ones consensual, and THEY EVEN GIVE THE INVADER A HEALTH PENALTY. Bloodborne is a 6/10 at best, and I suspect without the Lovecraft element that entices white people for whatever reason, nobody would give a shit about this game.

This is the final and most damning piece of evidence that AngryIdiot has never actually played souls. In Dark Souls 1 PvP is entirely consensual because you have to be in human form to become invaded. This is a very basic concept to grasp. There is also an invader health penalty in Demon's Souls.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Wrong. Most of these are not instant kill moves at all. Looks like somebody forgot to increase Vitality. Also hilarious how almost all of these have a multiple-second charge up. You'd have to have a mental handicap to get hit by them multiple times.

There's also the fact that 99% of the attacks in the game will not hit you if you dodge behind the enemy.

Hence the game rewarding you for being "aggressive".

AngryEddy I think FromSoft games are just not for you. Other than long load times and flaky online connections this game has many less issues compared to the previous souls games.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Queen's got taken down due to a youtube strike attempt from DSP. Faggot.

Thankfully someone else uploaded the video!

This is a great educational video for aspiring Bloodborne players. I saw numerous times where he should have rolled behind enemies/bosses. This isn't like Dark Souls 2 where the enemy tracks your hits.
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Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
I kind of agree about the invasions. One of the changes in Dark Souls II I actually liked was how you could be invaded whether you were human or not. Of course I also remember being invaded way less in Dark Souls II, but the possibility of being invaded was always there, unless you burned effigies everywhere you went. It would have been nice in Bloodborne to have bell maidens in more areas, or make them randomly spawn without a warning message so there was more danger.

Also, on the lantern slowing stamina regen - some people are also saying that any equipped gear slows it slightly, so it seems Bloodborne has a kind of equip burden that isn't visible.


Apr 27, 2009
I suspect without the Lovecraft element that entices white people for whatever reason, nobody would give a shit about this game.

can confirm. it it weren't for the Lovecraftian stuff, i would not be sad at all that i'm watching an LP and would never think of wanting to play the game. they're milking the formula a bit too much, and it shows...


Jan 10, 2010
AngryIdiot gets completely demolished point by point. "t-t-th the community is PR goons!!!" never change Edwardo, never change.

Whats the chance this game is released for PC ?

I heard Sony paid From some extra bucks for exclusivity on PS4. Is that true ?

It was published by Sony and they own the IP, so it probably won't ever hit PC. Unfortunate because it would have been nice to play it with stable framerate and decent load times.


Jul 17, 2005
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Praetor said:
can confirm. it it weren't for the Lovecraftian stuff, i would not be sad at all that i'm watching an LP and would never think of wanting to play the game. they're milking the formula a bit too much, and it shows...
Being completely honest, I cant decide if the kind of action I see on youtube playthroughs is an improvement over previous Souls games. It all looks more casual and button smashy, with less tactical options and character variance. Perhaps the game is indeed awesome and the tube vids dont do it justice. Or else the hype is so big right now (and the aesthetics so different and awesome) that people are overlooking the downsides. I think time will tell. RIght now though, if someone asked me "Would you want Dark Souls 3 to be like this ?" Im not sure the answer would be yes.

Anyway, I would love to play it on PC, even if just for the aesthetics and plot, which reminds me more of the exoticness of DS1 than of the blandnes of DS2.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
they're milking the formula a bit too much, and it shows...

Which is why they added heavy armor and added shields and use the same medieval setting.


There's not a game Fromsoft could make that would please you or AngryEddy.

Phage DSP leveled to 96 before he beat BSB, lol
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Jul 3, 2014
Wow, this DSP video had some hilarious moments, great stuff!

Being completely honest, I cant decide if the kind of action I see on youtube playthroughs is an improvement over previous Souls games. It all looks more casual and button smashy, with less tactical options and character variance. Perhaps the game is indeed awesome and the tube vids dont do it justice. Or else the hype is so big right now (and the aesthetics so different and awesome) that people are overlooking the downsides. I think time will tell. RIght now though, if someone asked me "Would you want Dark Souls 3 to be like this ?" Im not sure the answer would be yes.

Anyway, I would love to play it on PC, even if just for the aesthetics and plot, which reminds me more of the exoticness of DS1 than of the blandnes of DS2.

Watching an LP (let alone a bad LP) can generate this kind of feelings. It's not more casual and button smashy, but it is less tactical than DS. It requires a different mindset. You have to play it to fully understand it.

To answer the question whether I want DS 3 to be like this, I'd simply reply no. I want DS to be DS and BB 2 (if it happens) to be BB.


Village Idiot
Nov 3, 2014
Can I just say that the sound effects in this game are the best sound effects I have ever heard in anything ever. Anything. Ever. Every single sound anything makes is absolutely astounding. The clanking, the stomping, the whailing, the shrieks, the gouging, the grunting, the swishing, the electrifying, it's all so unbelievably intoxicating. It's the first game I've really taken notice of how each and every little sound effect is both an integral part to game mechanics and first class aesthetics.

Just as there are no words to accurately describe most of the sounds in the game, the level to which I am in love with and respect the talent shown in this department has no adequate word of description. Even seeing players swear at the incessant cacophony of Vicar just makes me want to watch endless videos of people playing Vicar. I want to show the Vicar fight to every person I know and just say, fuck me, isn't that fucking a1 and then show them all the other monsters.

Which leads me on to the second thing I adore about this game, a level of monster variety not seen since pre-zombie era games.

:hero: & :hero:
Jan 27, 2011
Which is why they added heavy armor and added shields and use the same medieval setting.

Removing some gameplay tools and changing the setting doesn't change the formula. You still have your basic Souls game with exploration, combat and "lore" that hardly differs from DaS1 mechanically. Heck... Even DaS2, with all its shortcomings, deviated from DaS1 more than Bloodborne.

Can I just say that the sound effects in this game are the best sound effects I have ever heard in anything ever.

Most of the basic sounds are re-used from DeS/DaS/DaS2.

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