good fucking shit happen
I fucking told all the cunts here way before release. Easily the best looking game released so far without previous gen consoles holding it back, old gen console owners are extremely butthurt about being shafted. Gameplay is a casual cross between Fallout 4, Borderlands and Far Cry. The only surprise here is that what little edge was there wasn't removed before release.Kinda funny, because most of the people who are "enjoying" Cyberpunk 2077 only talks about the visuals and atmosphere, but nothing about the gameplay.
Shallow game.
Polish ladybois know their place, what is not to like? That thing about irony and all this bullshit about how this fucking game is supposed to be against capitalism is all wrong. It is really a celebration of both capitalism and progress. Once you realize this all the puzzle pieces will fall into place. Think about it logically, do you think CDP would imply that things like that poster is a bad thing? That an hyper-sexed society reveling in glorious filth is bad somehow?
Queue "Dude it's ironic don't you understand??"
Use your brain and think about it real hard. Does anyone think CDP who is proudly supporting BLM and is staffed entirely by Polish trannies, diverse people and women, is against this sort of thing? This is the future soft commies want too, just with more handouts and big government.Are that...balls? Is that another tranny poster? xD
Even the based satanist pope wants this sort of thing, fucking amazing of him to go for greed right after lust.
So a dystopian future would be filled with huwhite "people" and no progress at all. A regression to a state like in The Witcher games with feudalism and racist and sexist people all around. The game is not ironic or satirical at all but radically centrist and progressive. The entire game revolves around a hunt for status, murder and treachery. The only problem is that CDP are too much commie at times and has some kind of japan fetish. Those slant eyed white freaks were in Blade Runner so they have to be on top in this game I guess.