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CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty Expansion Thread

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Or banging your colleagues at college. Fuck bad games, game life

Can't handle the bacon

I'm honestly surprised ShillUp hasn't deleted this video after release, because I've never heard so much shit come out of someone's mouth in 50 minutes. Having played the game and watching this now, it's like hearing a Jehovah's witness promoting their beliefs. Yeah, they believe in it, but you and everybody else knows it's bullshit.
You watched a 50 minute video reviewing Cybercuck 2077?


I'm honestly surprised ShillUp hasn't deleted this video after release, because I've never heard so much shit come out of someone's mouth in 50 minutes. Having played the game and watching this now, it's like hearing a Jehovah's witness promoting their beliefs. Yeah, they believe in it, but you and everybody else knows it's bullshit.
You watched a 50 minute video reviewing Cybercuck 2077?

There are even people here who actually bought the game.


Rinslin Merwind

Nov 4, 2017
Sea of Eventualities
Leave it to codexers to be an angry losers with brain rotten enough to think that main mass of people, who buys AAA drivel, even watch any review, let alone accustom their buying habits around it.

And there are masses of retards who actually believe what these influencers are feeding them.

If it was the case - sports games would be destroyed long ago, because majority of popular review channels shit on them 24/7. No, the main problem is not youtubers without any understanding of "immersive sim" term, but faceless mass of people who don't look at games as intricate hobby, but just as chewing millennia old bubble gum (chewed whole millennia before by other people) to pass time during their daily routine. They don't care about terminology/reviews/yada-yada - they buy shit, just for sake of buying. These people can't even tell what exactly was special in the game they bought, because they did not paid attention.

I'm honestly surprised ShillUp hasn't deleted this video after release, because I've never heard so much shit come out of someone's mouth in 50 minutes. Having played the game and watching this now, it's like hearing a Jehovah's witness promoting their beliefs. Yeah, they believe in it, but you and everybody else knows it's bullshit.

Except he wasn't praising the game that much? At least, when I watched his review, I was under impression that ShillUp is trying to protect his ass from angry CDPR fanatics, who refused to believe that their devotion is misplaced and CyberPunk is trash. If he would to go on full crusade against the game - it would result in many people unsubscribe in their butthurt, because CDPR cult was THAT strong. Hell, I tried to warn people around me about Cyberpunk being shit some time before release, yet after heated discussion people refused to talk with me about this game during month or so and only repeated "in CDPR we trust".

Also, I don't understand why people complain that ShillUP's shitty review is still up, because deleting it would be a bit more scummy and cowardly move imho.
But yeah, you people can continue to be pissed at randoms on youtube, instead of realizing that real problem is more complex and deeply rooted.

Also, what's up with people and their butthurt about long reviews? Your brain incapable to process more than 10 min of video information or something?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I'm honestly surprised ShillUp hasn't deleted this video after release, because I've never heard so much shit come out of someone's mouth in 50 minutes.
Reminder that skillup spent his entire time playing Dark Alliance spamming weak attack because he had no stamina to use strong attacks because he never bothered to try a combo and therefore never discovered the mechanic to regen stamina. He might be below game journalist tier and that's terrifying


Zionist Agent
Feb 2, 2007


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
Playing the flawless materpiece Wlitcher 3 in 2021 so much better than Cyberpunk you have to wonder if those games were made by the same people :lol:.



Jun 25, 2020
He isn't even trans, just someone who cross-dresses in his free time. You also don't get all that Beamdog or Bioware bs, where a person tells you his life story of "being female, but born in a male body" the first time you meet.
But elves are gay anyways, so who cares.

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
They clearly weren't. Not to mention the various people that left CDPR over the years.

100% made by different people.

Yeah? Is the whole game filled with those? Cherry picking ain't a skill, bitch.

Cyberbug also has just one tranny you nigger piece of shit :lol:

Uhhh, I said that the 2 games weren't made by the same devs, considering the drop in the level of quality between the 2 and the fact that many left since W3 was finished. In the next post you agreed with me. What the fuck? And what's your obsession with trannies? Trying to tell us something?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
source of the megamod doc linked above


Forget patch 1.3. Megamod coming Friday, 8/20 5pm PST

For those of you who don't know, Megamod is just me releasing a mod that fixes many aspects of Cyberpunk's gameplay. I don't mean just giving the enemies more hp or nerfing short circuit. The description I currently have is ~6500 words. It's ~50% bug fixes, 35% balancing, and 15% drugs. I tried to rework as little as possible to keep the gameplay as close to what the vanilla game was intended to be.
I know I've pushed it back before, but now I'm in the final stages, just got to tweak some numbers. I'm really definitely probably going to release it next Friday, 5pm PST

For those of you interested in reading it, here's the whole description. There's going to be a bit more added to it related to xp and levels, but this is a mostly complete description:

Yes release all your hard work so 1.3 can come out faster to break it all. You are the hero we need, but don't deserve.

I've thought this might happen, but I believe.

Can't handle the bacon



News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019


Welcome to another special report by N54 News, bringing the latest from Night City to every Night Citizen stranded away from home! Our on-the-ground reporters have the inside scoop on some of the changes happening in Night City. Though they’re not the biggest ones and there’ll be more to come (as soon as more documents get declassified), we’re excited to give you a sneak peek at what’s coming.

I’m your host, Gillean Jordan, and here’s what’s new in Night City:
“Kind regards, fixers of Night City”

Earlier this morning Thorton Ltd. announced an update to their GPS navigation technology. Other manufacturers, including the high-end Rayfield, affordable Makigai, motorcycle company Yaiba, and more, soon followed suit.

All these companies working in perfect synchronization is unheard of, so we decided to do some digging. Our sources revealed the real reason for the GPS update — at the start of the year every company selling vehicles in North California received an open letter signed by all the biggest fixers of Night City, including The Afterlife’s Rogue Amendiares, Heywood’s Sebastian “Padre” Ibarra, and Pacifica’s mysterious Mr. Hands.

Unfortunately, our reporters were “kindly” asked to leave The Afterlife before they could interview Ms. Amendiares, but we did managed to obtain a comment from another local fixer:

So you know, I hire mercs to do other people’s dirty work, right? Lotta these gigs are very time-sensitive. You’re late, you don’t get paid. And lately we’ve had a lot of… well, let’s call ‘em “refunds.” Mercs crash into buildings and die before finishing the job, or get lost in Night City, miss a turn and end up in Badlands instead of Corpo Plaza. It’s a freaking nightmare and it’s bad for biz!” — Muamar "El Capitán" Reyes from Santo Domingo.

The fixers blame faulty navigation systems for compromising their operations, and therefore decided to issue an open letter to vehicle manufacturers. The question remains — why did the companies agree?

At first we didn’t want to give into these criminals' demands, but that changed after an internal audit. It confirmed that our own shipments suffer from the same issues, often arriving late or becoming lost entirely. In the end we decided it was in our best interest to provide the navigation update they were asking for.” — anonymous senior Quadra employee.

Is it a change for the better? Let’s see what our expert in the studio has to add:
With the new minimap system software update you are able to see more and navigate better.
Drive fast, drive safe.” — Andrzej, Programmer, CD PROJEKT RED

No more clouded judgement in Clouds

After the recent storm in the establishment and changes in management, Clouds announced improvements in the Matching Procedure. Our correspondent, Bes Isis, decided to find out why.

Thank you, Gillean! Although the owners claim that the situation was never beyond their control, it’s clear that Clouds has undergone a major crisis after an incident involving one of their dolls. Clouds’ management avoids the topic and refuses to provide any details:

There was a minor incident involving a former employee, but I can assure you that it doesn’t affect our services in any way. You can still expect unforgettable experiences and premium treatment.” — Anjelica Milioti, Senior VIP Services Representative

However, it seems that the incident may have forced the introduction of additional precautions ensuring customer satisfaction. I’m currently at the reception, where clients get analysed by Clouds’ algorithm. How exactly does it work and what changes are planned?

Our dollhouse uses a highly advanced algorithm that perfectly matches our clients’ expectations to our wide selection of dolls. Clouds always knows. Your deepest desire — we find it. We’re currently testing an update that will allow customers to make a more informed decision during the final stage of the Matching Procedure when they select one of the compatible dolls.” — Cheri Nowlin, Receptionist

As you can see, Clouds is adapting their supposedly infallible procedure. Perhaps Clouds doesn’t always know? This was Bes Isis, reporting live from Westbrook — and now back to our expert in the studio:
"It was one of my first tasks when I moved to this project and I was digging into code for a long time because I wanted to understand our UI videos system, and at the end I realised that the problem is in video setup. Value for video time was shorter than the video sequence. This way, players will better understand the decision they are making in this story sequence." — Natalia, UI Programmer, CD PROJEKT RED

“Swiss army” mercs

It’s obvious that Night City changes every body, but judging by the record numbers of personal coaches registering their offices citywide, it would seem that mental adjustments are becoming just as popular as new implants.

As usual, mercs are pioneers in terms of honing and modifying their skillsets. In pursuit of versatility, they are willing to spend a small fortune to ensure they have everything they need to deal with the gig at hand.

This new trend clearly impacted the market as demand for the once-popular Tabula e-Rasa shards plummeted in favor of hiring personal coaches. Investors are withdrawing funding to seek other investing opportunities while the shard creators are considering legal action against personal coaches.

Ripperdocs seem largely unaffected by the news. Even though this market shift negatively affects their bottom line, they claim that they never considered this an important part of their revenue and personal coaching will not make cyberware obsolete in the long run.

“I’ve been dealing with mercs for a long time now. They’re perfect customers who always know what they want and never complain about the price. I’m actually happy to see this trend of taking care of one's own body. As you can see, I’m not a cyberware user myself and I always make a point to remind my clients that as much as implants are useful time- and lifesavers, personal development is much more important.” — Robert “Dr. Chrome” Rainwater, Ripperdoc.

Even though personal coaching cannot alter a person completely and mercenaries still have to carefully plan the development of their attributes, Fixers are delighted to see that hiring people with appropriate perks is now easier than ever. Here’s what one of our experts thinks about the situation:
“For our players, this feature will mean safer experimentation with builds. It is easily accessible and affordable for everyone, so there is no need to hesitate while investing in particular perks.” — Katarína, Gameplay Designer, CD PROJEKT RED


Oct 23, 2019
After such a terrible release, you have to either be a complete retard or just an asshole to release these long-winded, teasing posts. Who gives a shit what's new in NC, tell us what's new with the bugs, whether you improved the shitty skill tree, itemization, customization, introduced purchasable properties etc.

By the way, the lead quest designer, Pawel Sasko sometimes streams on Twitch. It's always interesting to see all the CDPR white knights defending him in chat. "Stay strong, don't let the negativity get to you, you'll show them" etc. One time I typed "hey man, aren't you supposed to be in jail now?" and I got banned a second later, before he could even read the message. It's crazy how defensive people are, even titty streamers don't have so many white knights.


Sep 5, 2019
There's someone out there at CDPR whose job it is to make patch notes harder to read.

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