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CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty Expansion Thread


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
It took 3 years for Cyberpunk to be at this state

Yes, And Cyberpunk 2077 should have launched 3 years later. If CDPR din't had a ESG score and diversity hires based hiring, I"m quite sure that they could made CP77 extremely better with much less time and resources. BTW, SF uses Creation engine, CDPR had to implement a lot of things in REDengine and train its team to use REDengine before developing CP77. It is a nightmare work. CDPR even changed to Unreal 5 after CP77 launch.

Writting simple mod for Skyrim took about 2 hours (with testing) - and first hour was spent on learning Construction Kit from scratch. It had not required years of experience in software development.

Yep. Creation engine is much easier to learn how to use than understanding the project to make changes. People with zero codding knowledge can make amazing things. When I said contribute to OpenMW, I don't mean necessarily to the project. Writing more mods and modules compatible with it would be a huge contribution.


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
Kino game




Jul 11, 2023
Dogtown is an incredible zone.
A real shame they outright denied any further expansions, it's sad because it feels like the game finally hit its stride in a sense and now it's over.


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
Good bit of reactivity at the start if you get spotted by the cameras while escorting president through the tunnels and dont wipe the footage using the computer. Later while going with Reed to president hideout you get ambushed by barghest on the way and when you get to the hideout they are attacking it. I got spotted but wiped the footage so no ambush and everything was calm at the hideout.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
cos ESG and diversity hires made them release the game on old gen consoles, great logic

Nope. Never said that. But optimization would be much better and the performance too in ps4 if they where made by more competent people. Modern software is too bloated.

Steamdeck, is marginally better than ps4(1.6 TFLOPS vs 1.4 and 1.3 from ps4/xbox one) but because it runs a very optimized arch linux based distro(steamos) it can run cyberpunk 2077 with minor frame drops and a important factor, each "call" needs to pass the dxvk/proton compatibility layer. Sure, it can't run it in 4k 144fps but is playable. If the game can run in steamdeck, it should be able to run in a previous generation consoles; maybe with a bit smaller resolution and render distance. Unless the previous generation consoles are full of bloatware and/or are poorly optimized which is probably the case.

outright denied any further expansions

Any source on it?

Also, which will be their next RPG? And how many decades till they launch?
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Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
Any source on it?

Also, which will be their next RPG? And how many decades till they launch?
No more expansions cause they are moving to unreal and abandoning redengine next game is gonna be witcher 4 most likely as they put most of the developers on it. 2027/2028 release date judging by their previous release but maybe the unreal switch will speed development as supposedly they lost a lot of time on cyberpunk by having to school new developers on working on redengine.


Dec 30, 2020
What's the Kool Kodex Konsensus on this update, and the game overall?

I already own the base game but never played it due to
1. how unfinished it was
2. i remembered that CDPR had never made a game with good combat before
3. I realized i didn't actually like the witcher 3 that much.

So a few questions:
1. It sounds like this update actually realizes the vision it was supposed to have?
2. Is combat actually good?
2a. Does it have weight to it?
2b. Is it challenging?
2c. Is it actually encouraged to use your skills wisely to win encounters or is it just a powerfantasy with 50 different win buttons you can indiscriminately choose from at any time.
3. Is exploration worthwhile?
4. I've heard some side quests are great and some side quests are bethesda garbage tier "generated by an AI algorithm - go kill X in place Y - with no additional context" - is this true? What's the proportion?
5. Is the story decent? At least in this department CDPR has done well with that historically with the Witcher series.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Haven't finished the main quest of the DLC yet, but so far the writing is mid. All of the plot feels forced and while they have a twist that explains the forced nature of the thing, it feels more like an excuse for the writing than a good reason to tell this type of story in this type of way (Idris Elba just infodumps the twist on you, it's not exciting in the least). Speaking of Elba, I usually like him in everything he is in. He can carry any given scene with his natural charisma, but here he's a complete flatline. Reminds me of when I found the quest with Grimes in it and heard her performance. It's not quite as jarring, but when there is a scene between your character, him and some side character, you can clearly tell the difference in delivery between professional VAs and him. Maybe he didn't have good direction, or it's that he's a poor fit for his character or he's simply phoning it in. Made me appreciate Keanu more.

Side missions suffer from the copy-paste structure of start out on a "good" path -> get to the end -> get presented with a last minute chance to flip (for no compelling reason) and be "evil". Technically this is choice and consequence, but it's presented in a way that never feels satisfying to do. I'm not invested in either choice by that point in the quest. I haven't finished all of the side quests yet, but so far none of them impressed me with any good stuff like the Peralez quest for example. I might change my mind if any of these choices end up mattering in some long term way. The only memorable side quest has been the one that has seemingly no consequences (Brain Dance Empornium).

New activities of air drops and vehicle delivery are the best additions. Right now they are scheduled too perfectly like clockwork to always be in your path, but if tweaked to say 25-50% of current frequency of appearance, they would feel more natural.

Performance is noticeably improved in the base game, but as soon as you enter Dog Town (the DLC area) the performance drops below pre-2.0 levels. Granted Dog Town is much more dense and active. However when comparing it to the rest of Night City, I have to say I find it boring. It's just a dump. Where every other district of Night City had a clear identity and feel to it, Dog Town doesn't. There is a lot of military presence on every corner, but anarchy is rampant, but also people are incredibly relaxed. Maybe this is what Iraq looked like during the occupation, but it feels off to me. One of the main reasons I like traversing Night City is that it creates the illusion of being in a real futuristic city and it gets your imaginative juices going. Dog Town is mostly ruins and not the fun kind. No juices.

New Perk and Skill System is an improvement, but I'd rather CDPR had made the previous iteration more interesting instead of consolidating it in this way. As a result the loot is also more interesting now, because you can find progression shards and premanent stat increases (albeit very miniscule, almost like a parody). You also get showered with Iconic weaponry which you probably never going to use.
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Dec 24, 2018
Part of the problem is the glossiness of the presentation

But the gloss is part of Pondsmith's work. All style, no substance world driven by corporate mandated consumption, where the punk thing to do is try and retain a shred of identity beyond what the brand of shoes you wear or the synthetic taste of your morning soda allows you to have.

I think this vision of cyberpunk is darker and sadder than any perpetually rainy night from Blade Runner could ever be, because it intentionally misrepresents itself in an insidious fashion. It's a toxic waste barrel painted in Skittles™ rainbows.
I agree that the gloss is kinda part of the vision of Pondsmith , but compare this stuff from sourcebooks (see attachments)

And compare it with screenshots from the actual game

If I show you that screenshot without context, you might as well say that's from Saints Row. And that's where Cyberpunk 2077 fails , it bringing up the ruggedness , oppression and shit that corpos and corruption bring to the common people, plus the punk part of anarchy and fighting chance. It is just too shiny in many places.

The source material was part funny, comedic, satiric and terrying. A great example a codexer gave was RoboCop's Detroit.

If you don't have the shininess as well, you don't have the full vibe.

I think it's a mistake to think of the cyberpunk dystopia either as a society in a state of total decay, or as being like a post-apoc scenario. It's a society that actually functions, not one that's falling apart; and it will continue to function (as the reincarnated Arasaka says at the end it's a state of "perfection"). It's anarcho-tyranny, managed chaos with a touch of Brave New World (or "bread and circuses" might be another way of putting it). That's part of the horror of it - that so many are so drugged out, fed enough slop, pacified, entertained, etc., that they don't think of rebelling, and couldn't even organize if they did. (Very much like our own dystopia.)

It's only the few brave souls, who occasionally intersect with the criminal underground, who see the light, eke out a fight against the system using jury-rigged bits of the system against itself, and that's the adventure. (But the criminal underground, at the highest level, also always turns out to be part of the system, part of the managed chaos - that's almost always a guaranteed reveal in any cyberpunk story.)
And that's where the game fails ! It doesn't convey that sense, but at all. Only glimmers of it
I think it does convey that sense, but your mileage may vary.
- It's abundantly clear in the game that the society in question is stable. There's no ongoing crisis. Yes, the state of things on Earth isn't great compared to today in terms of environment and biodiversity, but there's no collapse going on or anything like that. Food availability is not really worse than today overall. There aren't any major rebel movements or riots; there are gang wars and shootings but not violent unrest of a political nature. The geopolitical situation is actually more stable than it was before (corporate wars are over, nobody wants another one). Things are going well enough that there's an active human presence on the Moon, which is not something that could be maintained if the world was in a serious state of decline or was post-apocalyptic. Yorinobu can change this, sure, but that's an upset to the current order and it's also pretty logical to conclude that even if he does take Arasaka down, and even drag Militech with it, other corps will simply take over the market space.
- The criminal underworld is routinely shown to have ties to the corporate world. Tiger Claws and 6th Street are Arasaka and Militech pawns, respectively. Aldecaldos are working with Biotechnica. Animals hired by Netwatch. Maelstrom having affiliations with Arasaka and possibly Night Corp. Rogue coming to some sort of understanding with Arasaka. Subsets of the Valentinos working for Arasaka. This sort of thing crops up routinely and it's a fair conclusion just based off the game that most if not all underworld groups are either already puppets of some corp or other, or can be easily brought around to doing their bidding when needed.

I mean, how clearly all of that is conveyed can be subjective, but personally I got the same impression as gurugeorge. Cyberpunk 2077 did not give me the impression that it was a society in a state of decline or decay where rebellion or collapse was just around the corner. Quite the opposite, and more depressing, it gave me the impression that its status quo would endure for a very long time. And all the shiny goyslop fit that motif, because you need shiny goyslop to keep the goyim from getting rowdy and discontent. The only places that had a darker, sleeker aesthetic were inside the corporate world, where the elite lived. You could tell you were closer and closer to the apex of power the less gaudy shit you encountered.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
From "Welcome to Night City: A Sourcebook for Cyberpunk 2013", by Mike Pondsmith, 1988. :M
Sure, but the 2020 Night City is already a vastly different place, with plenty of daylight everywhere. You can walk the down town streets and have the illusion of safety, you can take your kids to the park (during the day, the night belongs to the cannibals), you can take a mag lev train to Westbrook and be turned around cos you don't have a coded ID pass (Westbrook's still a "suburb").

There's even a call out to the improving atmospheric conditions. You only need to buy air during the summer. In fact, I think 2077 has some public announcements about air quality being within human tolerance levels.
The Night City stories adventure module for Cyberpunk 2020 makes it quite clear that the standard external environment in which the player-characters will be operating is rain at night.

"Chapter One: The Call to Arms, in which the characters receive a strange telephone call, run about in the rain, witness a murder, and agree to perform a discreet investigation for an undisclosed sum of money."
"Sirens fade into the distance. The constant hiss of rain bouncing off cracked asphalt is now the only sound you can hear."
"Chapter Two: A Night to remember, in which the characters meet two women in one pair of shoes, run about in the rain witness a murder, chase a car, nearly get blown up, and agree to perform some further investigations for an undisclosed sum of money."
"Unhurried, you step in out of the rain."
"The light which spills through the doors is the only illumination for a block and half which isn't a street fire or headlamps."
"Towering above the warehouses which line the bay shore, huge cranes dominate the South Night City skyline. At night, they become outlines of light..."
"As Caitlin Jones watched through the hazy droplets of water that covered the images, she realized that it wasn't just rain that was falling."
"The exterior of the Hotel Pallazo is busy at this time of night."
"At night, the park side of the tower becomes Net54's biggest screen."
"Just a shadow in the darkness, the hunched man falls only a hundred meters from the fountain."
"The rain buffets constantly against the shaded glass of the windows, and you settle in for the night, a scotch in one hand and your little black book in the other."
"Above the heads of the throng, you see the words 'Block One' glowing in neon letters 10 feet high. As you approach, the floodlights at the front of the building kick on, flooding the area with light and sending roving beams into the night sky."
"December 24th, 2020: the rain has turned to grey sleet and everything has stopped moving."


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
From "Welcome to Night City: A Sourcebook for Cyberpunk 2013", by Mike Pondsmith, 1988. :M
Sure, but the 2020 Night City is already a vastly different place, with plenty of daylight everywhere. You can walk the down town streets and have the illusion of safety, you can take your kids to the park (during the day, the night belongs to the cannibals), you can take a mag lev train to Westbrook and be turned around cos you don't have a coded ID pass (Westbrook's still a "suburb").

There's even a call out to the improving atmospheric conditions. You only need to buy air during the summer. In fact, I think 2077 has some public announcements about air quality being within human tolerance levels.
The Night City stories adventure module for Cyberpunk 2020 makes it quite clear that the standard external environment in which the player-characters will be operating is rain at night.

"Chapter One: The Call to Arms, in which the characters receive a strange telephone call, run about in the rain, witness a murder, and agree to perform a discreet investigation for an undisclosed sum of money."
"Sirens fade into the distance. The constant hiss of rain bouncing off cracked asphalt is now the only sound you can hear."
"Chapter Two: A Night to remember, in which the characters meet two women in one pair of shoes, run about in the rain witness a murder, chase a car, nearly get blown up, and agree to perform some further investigations for an undisclosed sum of money."
"Unhurried, you step in out of the rain."
"The light which spills through the doors is the only illumination for a block and half which isn't a street fire or headlamps."
"Towering above the warehouses which line the bay shore, huge cranes dominate the South Night City skyline. At night, they become outlines of light..."
"As Caitlin Jones watched through the hazy droplets of water that covered the images, she realized that it wasn't just rain that was falling."
"The exterior of the Hotel Pallazo is busy at this time of night."
"At night, the park side of the tower becomes Net54's biggest screen."
"Just a shadow in the darkness, the hunched man falls only a hundred meters from the fountain."
"The rain buffets constantly against the shaded glass of the windows, and you settle in for the night, a scotch in one hand and your little black book in the other."
"Above the heads of the throng, you see the words 'Block One' glowing in neon letters 10 feet high. As you approach, the floodlights at the front of the building kick on, flooding the area with light and sending roving beams into the night sky."
"December 24th, 2020: the rain has turned to grey sleet and everything has stopped moving."
Does it ever stop raining in this fucking place? :lol:


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
What's the Kool Kodex Konsensus on this update, and the game overall?

I already own the base game but never played it due to
1. how unfinished it was
2. i remembered that CDPR had never made a game with good combat before
3. I realized i didn't actually like the witcher 3 that much.

So a few questions:
1. It sounds like this update actually realizes the vision it was supposed to have?
2. Is combat actually good?
2a. Does it have weight to it?
2b. Is it challenging?
2c. Is it actually encouraged to use your skills wisely to win encounters or is it just a powerfantasy with 50 different win buttons you can indiscriminately choose from at any time.
3. Is exploration worthwhile?
4. I've heard some side quests are great and some side quests are bethesda garbage tier "generated by an AI algorithm - go kill X in place Y - with no additional context" - is this true? What's the proportion?
5. Is the story decent? At least in this department CDPR has done well with that historically with the Witcher series.
In general see my answers to 4 and 5 as that sums up what I think about this game.

1. Which vision though, as that changed at least three times during development? Even CDP snuck in an in-joke in one of the notes you can find in the game referencing it being a theseus' ship. Last one was open world action adventure or however they marketed it in the last year before the base game released, hoping in to rake in GTA Online levels of cash with their own take on such open world multiplayer some time after releasing 1.0. What we have now is their attempt at salvaging whatever is possible from the singleplayer gameplay and engine so that the goodwill and brand name value don't evaporate completely, due in part to the backlash after the base game released and because it is clear on a technical level that Cyberpunk 2077 Online isn't something CDP developers would be able to make.

2a. Have no idea what you mean by weight, enemies are somewhat spongy but less so than in 1.0 (bear in mind it was almost 3 years ago since I played it previously) so it feels less like borderlands, until you fight some elite tanky gangoon (HMG ones) or a boss at least.
2b. On very hard it is until you get the most broken high level perks and/or cyberware. Both 1.0 and now 2.0 required you to use stealth takedowns in the early parts of the game to survive nearly every encounter. It's either that or cheesing gangoons with hit and run, since you can barely win 1v2 fights with regular popamole tactics on very hard at that point.
2c. It's more your build has 1 or 2 "I WIN" buttons later on, particularly things like Sandevistan or Berserk implants.

3. No, while there is some hidden stuff, almost everything is marked on the map and what isn't is level scaled trash loot useful for crafting, found in dumpsters or containers in back alleys.

4. I disagree with calling the latter bethesda garbage tier because unlike bethesda's radiant stuff, the bulk of those "gigs" as the game calls them at least try to give you 1 or 2 alternative paths into the gangoon/corpo lair that you need to find yourself (sometimes the execution in the level design is better than other times). This is actually the best part of the game, the small set pieces where it kind of feels like smaller scale deus ex with jankier stealth or Bloodlines (think the Astrolite quest, although the gigs in Cyberpunk usually have bigger locations like a two floor chopshop, you get the idea), where sometimes you get the bonus opportunity of using the open world to for instance parkour from some roofs or over walls using you cybernetic jumping legs, for a good sniping point or just to get a better insertion point for sneaking. Some paths are locked behind attribute checks, some behind cyberware and some just need you to make the effort to scout the area and look for them with your own eyeballs (I don't mean V's implants, I mean the actual human in front of the screen). The game certainly could use better level design for some of those - for instance the DLC has cases like where the alternative entrance is almost next to the actual entrance, and the whole gangoon lair itself is rather linear (think some of the linear segments of Deus Ex Human Revolution, like escaping the capsule hotel though the back or the Tai Yong Medical section).

Sure, if you're a storyfag these usually don't have much but some fluff and just sometimes a choice at some point, but after going through so fucking many scripted cinematic set pieces in the main quest and some of the side quests, you'll realize that's really the high point of the game (someone even mentioned ITT they would like a NG+ with just the gigs/no main quest, I can definitely see the appeal). Not to mention that after yet another fucking driving sequence where you just talk with NPCs from the passenger seat, or another fucking brain dance investigation, you'll want just to go to place X, get a short call and text from the fixer to explain the job without the cinematic bullshit, and fucking do the job like the merc V is, actually playing a game and having choice what to do rather than watching a movie or trying to pass a mandatory scripted action set piece. Rarely does the main quest try proper "open" level design like the gigs do (one of the better exceptions is the warehouse infiltration with Takemura, that's how the bulk of the main quest should have looked like).

5. Whether the story is good depends on individual preferences. It's a "no good ending" bleak tale with a theme reminiscent of the Kurgan's iconic line from Highlander "better to burn out than to fade away" (indeed "Never Fade Away" is both an adventure from the tabletop as well as an in-universe song title). Some people don't like Johny Silverhand (he's an angry and bit whiny rebel rocker at war with the whole world), either due to his character/constant interruptions or because he's not in line with the tabletop's depiction of him.

As a story I liked it, however the execution (main quest line) is definitely crap for the cinematic reasons mentioned in the answer to point 4 and because there's practically no branching until the very end. There's less C&C than Twitcher games, most skill/lifepath checks [tagged] dialog choices are just fluff with no consequences, similar to what Starfield does, although actually Starfield does use them as alternatives to persuasion sometimes (even for traits, shockingly), so possibly even worse than Starfield. In general I am also not a fan of how they forged the story concept into the (linear) main quest in an open world game about a merc that flew too close to the sun. There are lessons they could have taken from New Vegas at least to make it feel more open, if they had no idea how to fit a reputation system with various factions and more sandboxy experience (that would have beeen more appropriate for the open world city map they have) into their idea for the plot.

Furthermore CDP wrote V along the lines of a night city native street kid origin (I mean they only had to write Geralt in the past, so not surprising they had trouble accounting for different archetypes) where as a Nomad V and especially a Corpo V would talk differently, and the occasional choice tagged with your lifepath doesn't help with this.
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Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
I fucking hate those guys. They are like, my Achilles heel right now
You can try the "Disable Cyberware" quickhack on them. It can be pretty strong now with multiple subsequent applications and if you have the perk that enables the quickhack queue.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I fucking hate those guys. They are like, my Achilles heel right now
You can try the "Disable Cyberware" quickhack on them. It can be pretty strong now with multiple subsequent applications and if you have the perk that enables the quickhack queue.
Disable cyberware is good but so is the one that roots enemies if you have something that kicks your ass if it gets anywhere near you or you want to stick a guy outside of cover, etc. Imo that's actually even better (or why not both?), etc.


May 1, 2020
but personally I got the same impression as gurugeorge. Cyberpunk 2077 did not give me the impression that it was a society in a state of decline or decay where rebellion or collapse was just around the corner.
It's actually the opposite, the city clearly shows that Humans became beast-machines deprived of humanity reduced to the most basic instincts: sex and violence.
It's also the reason why they don't rebel anymore against this society because most people have been mentally dumbed down, thus unable to fight against it.
To me, Night City looks like the final stage of Tikkun Olam from the Torah, everyone will be brown ( reunited in one people), there is no more differences between them(= everyone is equally retarded and mechanical).
It's a true futuristic Babylon.
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Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
but personally I got the same impression as gurugeorge. Cyberpunk 2077 did not give me the impression that it was a society in a state of decline or decay where rebellion or collapse was just around the corner.
It's actually the opposite, the city clearly shows that Humans became beast-machines deprived of humanity reduced to the most basic instincts: sex and violence.
It's also the reason why they don't rebel aymore against this society because most people have been mentally dumbed down, thus unable to fight against it.
To me, Night City looks like the final stage of Tikkun Olam from the Torah, everyone will be brown ( reunited in one people), there is no more differences between them(= everyone is equally retarded and mechanical).
It's a true futuristic Babylon.
the problem is everybody is mostly well off. It's like a modern metroplis with homeless, lower class, upperclass etc. There is no general dystopian feel to it. Humans are mostly the same as today, consoomers. I feel like you guys interpret into it way too much.

Compare that with for example Blade Runner, there is a clear dystopian feel to it:

Or Ghost in the Shell:

Cyberpunk is just an edgy/horny version of GTA. The cybernetic implants make no sense whatsoever either, people have their whole faces carved out is just dumb.


Sep 22, 2022
You idiot, do you really think that Bethesha will actually waste her time patching the game?
Do you really think they won't? what are you 12? So many morons in these threads.
The number of bugfixes a month after the premiere should make you think,
that's because the game is also on console and has to undergo testing by Microsoft before a patch is rolled out. Really, you should stop spouting your nonsense and just sit on your ass and wait and see. It took 3 years for Cyberpunk to be at this state. There is at least one DLC planned for Starfield, my guess is 3-4 as per usual. Also, for your reference:

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Who told Todd to release a patch with 9 small bug fixes?
Somehow Larian was able to release a patch with over 1k fixes.
As a reminder, BG3 is also on PS5. Betards should have it even easier because now they are owned by m$ who owns Xbox.
What's stopping Todd from doing the same (apart from not giving a shit)?
Is this list of fixes supposed to be impressive in some way?
If you looked through it, you'd see that there isn't much of it considering the state in which Todd "Liar" Howard's games are released.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Who told Todd to release a patch with 9 small bug fixes?
Somehow Larian was able to release a patch with over 1k fixes.
As a reminder, BG3 is also on PS5. Betards should have it even easier because now they are owned by m$ who owns Xbox.
What's stopping Todd from doing the same (apart from not giving a shit)?
Is this list of fixes supposed to be impressive in some way?
If you looked through it, you'd see that there isn't much of it considering the state in which Todd "Liar" Howard's games are released.
are you strategically picking a fight with me about starfield in the cyberpunk thread? anyway you seem to have some kind of agenda and not looking for a rational discussion of the matter so I guess feel free to rub one out by yourself


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Even CDP snuck in an in-joke in one of the notes you can find in the game referencing it being a theseus' ship.
I always thought that this was a reference to replacing your body with cyberware.
I don't remember and can't find the actual shard via googling, but I think it was about some corpo project or something, hence why I got the impression it was an in-joke on the development of the game.


Aug 3, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
What's the Kool Kodex Konsensus on this update, and the game overall?

I already own the base game but never played it due to
1. how unfinished it was
2. i remembered that CDPR had never made a game with good combat before
3. I realized i didn't actually like the witcher 3 that much.

So a few questions:
1. It sounds like this update actually realizes the vision it was supposed to have?
2. Is combat actually good?
2a. Does it have weight to it?
2b. Is it challenging?
2c. Is it actually encouraged to use your skills wisely to win encounters or is it just a powerfantasy with 50 different win buttons you can indiscriminately choose from at any time.
3. Is exploration worthwhile?
4. I've heard some side quests are great and some side quests are bethesda garbage tier "generated by an AI algorithm - go kill X in place Y - with no additional context" - is this true? What's the proportion?
5. Is the story decent? At least in this department CDPR has done well with that historically with the Witcher series.
In general see my answers to 4 and 5 as that sums up what I think about this game.

1. Which vision though, as that changed at least three times during development? Even CDP snuck in an in-joke in one of the notes you can find in the game referencing it being a theseus' ship. Last one was open world action adventure or however they marketed it in the last year before the base game released, hoping in to rake in GTA Online levels of cash with their own take on such open world multiplayer some time after releasing 1.0. What we have now is their attempt at salvaging whatever is possible from the singleplayer gameplay and engine so that the goodwill and brand name value don't evaporate completely, due in part to the backlash after the base game released and because it is clear on a technical level that Cyberpunk 2077 Online isn't something CDP developers would be able to make.

2a. Have no idea what you mean by weight, enemies are somewhat spongy but less so than in 1.0 (bear in mind it was almost 3 years ago since I played it previously) so it feels less like borderlands, until you fight some elite tanky gangoon (HMG ones) or a boss at least.
2b. On very hard it is until you get the most broken high level perks and/or cyberware. Both 1.0 and now 2.0 required you to use stealth takedowns in the early parts of the game to survive nearly every encounter. It's either that or cheesing gangoons with hit and run, since you can barely win 1v2 fights with regular popamole tactics on very hard at that point.
2c. It's more your build has 1 or 2 "I WIN" buttons later on, particularly things like Sandevistan or Berserk implants.

3. No, while there is some hidden stuff, almost everything is marked on the map and what isn't is level scaled trash loot useful for crafting, found in dumpsters or containers in back alleys.

4. I disagree with calling the latter bethesda garbage tier because unlike bethesda's radiant stuff, the bulk of those "gigs" as the game calls them at least try to give you 1 or 2 alternative paths into the gangoon/corpo lair that you need to find yourself (sometimes the execution in the level design is better than other times). This is actually the best part of the game, the small set pieces where it kind of feels like smaller scale deus ex with jankier stealth or Bloodlines (think the Astrolite quest, although the gigs in Cyberpunk usually have bigger locations like a two floor chopshop, you get the idea), where sometimes you get the bonus opportunity of using the open world to for instance parkour from some roofs or over walls using you cybernetic jumping legs, for a good sniping point or just to get a better insertion point for sneaking. Some paths are locked behind attribute checks, some behind cyberware and some just need you to make the effort to scout the area and look for them with your own eyeballs (I don't mean V's implants, I mean the actual human in front of the screen). The game certainly could use better level design for some of those - for instance the DLC has cases like where the alternative entrance is almost next to the actual entrance, and the whole gangoon lair itself is rather linear (think some of the linear segments of Deus Ex Human Revolution, like escaping the capsule hotel though the back or the Tai Yong Medical section).

Sure, if you're a storyfag these usually don't have much but some fluff and just sometimes a choice at some point, but after going through so fucking many scripted cinematic set pieces in the main quest and some of the side quests, you'll realize that's really the high point of the game (someone even mentioned ITT they would like a NG+ with just the gigs/no main quest, I can definitely see the appeal). Not to mention that after yet another fucking driving sequence where you just talk with NPCs from the passenger seat, or another fucking brain dance investigation, you'll want just to go to place X, get a short call and text from the fixer to explain the job without the cinematic bullshit, and fucking do the job like the merc V is, actually playing a game and having choice what to do rather than watching a movie or trying to pass a mandatory scripted action set piece. Rarely does the main quest try proper "open" level design like the gigs do (one of the better exceptions is the warehouse infiltration with Takemura, that's how the bulk of the main quest should have looked like).

5. Whether the story is good depends on individual preferences. It's a "no good ending" bleak tale with a theme reminiscent of the Kurgan's iconic line from Highlander "better to burn out than to fade away" (indeed "Never Fade Away" is both an adventure from the tabletop as well as an in-universe song title). Some people don't like Johny Silverhand (he's an angry and bit whiny rebel rocker at war with the whole world), either due to his character/constant interruptions or because he's not in line with the tabletop's depiction of him.

As a story I liked it, however the execution (main quest line) is definitely crap for the cinematic reasons mentioned in the answer to point 4 and because there's practically no branching until the very end. There's less C&C than Twitcher games, most skill/lifepath checks [tagged] dialog choices are just fluff with no consequences, similar to what Starfield does, although actually Starfield does use them as alternatives to persuasion sometimes (even for traits, shockingly), so possibly even worse than Starfield. In general I am also not a fan of how they forged the story concept into the (linear) main quest in an open world game about a merc that flew too close to the sun, there are lessons they could have taken from New Vegas at least to make it feel more open, if they had no idea how to fit a reputation system with various factions and more sandboxy experience fitting the open world map they have into their idea for the plot.

Furthermore CDP wrote V along the lines of a night city native street kid origin (I mean they only had to write Geralt in the past, so not surprising they had trouble accounting for different archetypes) where as a Nomad V and especially a Corpo V would talk differently, and the occasional choice tagged with your lifepath doesn't help with this.
This is a very accurate summary of how I feel about the game.

During the playthrough you can clearly see how many times the game direction pivoted, and how developers did their best to salvage it into a somewhat coherent mess. It is a shame, with a clear view and clear direction the game would have been incredible. I hope CDPR learns from their mistakes and makes another Cyberpunk game refining the engine. I would prefer it to be 3rd person too. The only recent rpg I remember pulling of the 1st person view stuff is the medieval Chad simulator Kingdom Come, but it was designed like that since the beginning.

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