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CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty Expansion Thread

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
Am I the only one or do the dialogue attribute checks, besides the fact that they require 15+ to do, actually don't do anything?
Like you can ask a question or make an observation during a dialogue and what you get is a "whatever" kind of answer. They don't answer the question, you don't get any extra information and sometimes you also get insulted.
What is their purpose then? And sometimes, out of 2 yellow choices one of them behaves and has the same function as a blue one.
And an example when you meet Takemura for the first time in a diner after you recover, you can say as a blue option that Hellman is the creator of the bio chip in your brain and Takemura says that information is false, that is was made by another one, greater than Hellman. V has no reaction to this information. But after you exhaust the blue options, you choose a yellow one and in my case V said again that Hellman is the creator but this time Takemura doesn't contradict V and goes along as if that's confirmed information.
And this happened a bunch of times so far.
I didn't pay attention to this back when the game launched but now I did and all I can say is WTF? Blatant contradictions, no extra information even though it's a stat check and a high one (15+), cheap insults that don't answer the original question nor do they feel warranted.
Plus the whole tone that V is speaking in: always hostile, ready to yell, angry....
The dialogue and the VA so far have been....not good. And that's an understatement.


Dec 16, 2020
I hope CDPR learns from their mistakes and makes another Cyberpunk game refining the engine.

Had CDPR kept their engine, I'd be cautiously neutral about the prospects of the sequel. It would still be a lot of (mostly enjoyable) cinematic filler, but all the tools to wrap that filler in a decent Deus Ex shell are there.

But since they're switching to Unreal, they're going to reinvent standing on two legs, the creation of fire and the wheel too, as they've done in the past, and whatever they put out next is almost guaranteed to be some flavour of hot mess.

The only ray of hope is that they'll manage to build up their internal tools with the next Witcher game, so by the time the get to making 2078, they won't be starting from rock bottom.


Dec 16, 2020
Am I the only one or do the dialogue attribute checks, besides the fact that they require 15+ to do, actually don't do anything?

No, you're correct. Most of the time, they do noting except add some flavour. There are exceptions to this, mostly in side gigs, but those don't happen often enough.


Dec 29, 2011
yeah, attribute checks are mostly useless. i know of only one that did anything and that was at the start of the game where you can tell jackie about modding his bike where you then get a "tuned" jackies arch, but i don't know if the bike itself actually handles any different than the standard one.

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
female or male V? I don't get the same impression from male V, but it might fit a female V
Female V. Since the Takemura diner scene is relatively early in the game I decided to try out fem V to see what it sounds like and it kinda becomes hard to bear.


Aug 3, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
female or male V? I don't get the same impression from male V, but it might fit a female V
Female V. Since the Takemura diner scene is relatively early in the game I decided to try out fem V to see what it sounds like and it kinda becomes hard to bear.
I don't know, I found male V performance very bland. Maybe I should give him another shot.

moon knight

Matt7895's alt
Apr 7, 2015
female or male V? I don't get the same impression from male V, but it might fit a female V
Female V. Since the Takemura diner scene is relatively early in the game I decided to try out fem V to see what it sounds like and it kinda becomes hard to bear.

Being angry and always ready to yell fits the diner scene. V has found out she's dying and has a talking tumor in her brain, and now she has to meet an Arasaka drone, how's the character supposed to feel?


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
yeah, attribute checks are mostly useless. i know of only one that did anything and that was at the start of the game where you can tell jackie about modding his bike where you then get a "tuned" jackies arch, but i don't know if the bike itself actually handles any different than the standard one.
it is faster. Not sure, might need nomad background for it too.

There is one more check with taxi ai that requires 20int and is important.

I think there was something about INT and rogue driven ending, but cant remember if it was flavor or actually did something.

When you are in clouds, INT allows you to learn more and unlocks another non violent option.

So yeah, not much. In few places STR allows you to bypass combat


Jun 17, 2012
yeah, attribute checks are mostly useless. i know of only one that did anything and that was at the start of the game where you can tell jackie about modding his bike where you then get a "tuned" jackies arch, but i don't know if the bike itself actually handles any different than the standard one.

From my initial playthrough in 1.0:

Almost all of the C&C is focused on the "E3 demo" part of the game. The Corpo/Maelstrom/food factory job. Which they advertised as being what the rest of the game would be like... but really it is the only part of the game that has that. Then the other chunk of C&C is the endings, but I have a very hard time calling it C&C because it's more like a menu of choices that you can simply exhaust by reloading the before-end-point save and going through them. Lamely close to "pick your color of ending" from Mass Effect, except here the colors have actual content differences. The only long-term consequence-to-ending path is sucking up to Johnny, which is even more insulting, but my disdain of the character is probably leaking through here. Overall, I'll just end by saying for anyone who is ever thinking of making an AAA open world game... whatever you do, don't fucking saddle the main character with a ghost in their brain that constantly berates the player and takes them out of the immersion and feeling of freedom of the world by reminding them they are the slave of the writer's pet.

My initial reaction to the game was: "this would be much better if they had just focused on the initial premise in the prelude, of the entire game being about making a name for yourself as a merc doing jobs in the city, making the city the main character". In all the time since and with all they've improved or fixed, that remains my firm opinion of the game. The design direction post 2018 is awful and ruins it for me. For those who love Johnny... its good I guess?


Aug 3, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
yeah, attribute checks are mostly useless. i know of only one that did anything and that was at the start of the game where you can tell jackie about modding his bike where you then get a "tuned" jackies arch, but i don't know if the bike itself actually handles any different than the standard one.

From my initial playthrough in 1.0:

Almost all of the C&C is focused on the "E3 demo" part of the game. The Corpo/Maelstrom/food factory job. Which they advertised as being what the rest of the game would be like... but really it is the only part of the game that has that. Then the other chunk of C&C is the endings, but I have a very hard time calling it C&C because it's more like a menu of choices that you can simply exhaust by reloading the before-end-point save and going through them. Lamely close to "pick your color of ending" from Mass Effect, except here the colors have actual content differences. The only long-term consequence-to-ending path is sucking up to Johnny, which is even more insulting, but my disdain of the character is probably leaking through here. Overall, I'll just end by saying for anyone who is ever thinking of making an AAA open world game... whatever you do, don't fucking saddle the main character with a ghost in their brain that constantly berates the player and takes them out of the immersion and feeling of freedom of the world by reminding them they are the slave of the writer's pet.

My initial reaction to the game was: "this would be much better if they had just focused on the initial premise in the prelude, of the entire game being about making a name for yourself as a merc doing jobs in the city, making the city the main character". In all the time since and with all they've improved or fixed, that remains my firm opinion of the game. The design direction post 2018 is awful and ruins it for me. For those who love Johnny... its good I guess?
The game has horrible pacing. I know they had to make worth of the money they paid Keanu, but all the relic stuff should have been like an ending mission arc, and do the first hours building reputation and gigs and not that crappy cinematic with Jackie .

Ben Zyklon

Aug 30, 2023
The vehicle combat isn't there for the existing campaign, PL is supposed to have a bunch of it though.

They just included it here because it improves the game as a whole even if it isn't going out it's way to utilise it.

That is just very immersion breaking, vehicle combat only supposedly happens in the expansion, it feels dumb, they should have redesigned old missions to include it, but they are lazy fucks.

Ben Zyklon

Aug 30, 2023
The main problem of that is none of the main story missions were built around actually driving and combat at the same time, so you have to kinda force the thing to happen, if gangs shoot each other thats fine but it's not really something you have to engage, it just feels like it doesn't warrant their own perk points and they removed some perks that were probably much better than something this situational.

They should have redesigned some of the missions so they actually involve this new mechanics but they are lazy to do it.
No one in their right mind expected them to redo the main missions. Meanwhile you only have like 50+ gang combat PoIs which you can attack with drive-bys. To each their own, if you don't want to play like this, but the option is there.

Whats the right mind? the fanboy hive mind that involves very low standards? the mind that gave this cunts a pass por lying about the features of the game that were going to be included and still bought the game and not only that but still defended them and blamed people for "hyping the game too much".

This "let's be reasonable" attitude is what got us many of the bullshit we have not only in gaming but IRL, being "neutral", being "on the fence", "being reasonable" to me is a position of cowardice and complacency.


Mar 12, 2020
Then the other chunk of C&C is the endings, but I have a very hard time calling it C&C because it's more like a menu of choices that you can simply exhaust by reloading the before-end-point save and going through them. Lamely close to "pick your color of ending" from Mass Effect, except here the colors have actual content differences. The only long-term consequence-to-ending path is sucking up to Johnny, which is even more insulting, but my disdain of the character is probably leaking through here.
I don't think that's fair, the resolutions through the final act are reasonably layered and consistent - you've got your mainline final quest with Takemura and Hanako (which then gives you a minor choice between two denouements), then you've got two alternatives with Rogue or the Aldecaldos if you've done their side content, plus the crazy option of surrendering to the Silverhand virus in Mikoshi. And also the minor "secret" option for Johnny fans to attack Arasaka alone. And the option of punching out early and offing two assholes with one bullet. How it handled the endings is one of the game's stronger points, it's not Human Revolutions' infamous three buttons.

Overall, I'll just end by saying for anyone who is ever thinking of making an AAA open world game... whatever you do, don't fucking saddle the main character with a ghost in their brain that constantly berates the player and takes them out of the immersion and feeling of freedom of the world by reminding them they are the slave of the writer's pet.
It's gonna bug you if you just can't stand Johnny as a character, I get it, but from a functional perspective, he's just a holographic Alex Jacobson. He's there to provide narrative framing and feedback to your actions. The concept itself is fine and I think you'd have found Night City to be even more depressingly pointless and barren without him prattling on at you.


Jun 17, 2012
Then the other chunk of C&C is the endings, but I have a very hard time calling it C&C because it's more like a menu of choices that you can simply exhaust by reloading the before-end-point save and going through them. Lamely close to "pick your color of ending" from Mass Effect, except here the colors have actual content differences. The only long-term consequence-to-ending path is sucking up to Johnny, which is even more insulting, but my disdain of the character is probably leaking through here.
I don't think that's fair, the resolutions through the final act are reasonably layered and consistent - you've got your mainline final quest with Takemura and Hanako (which then gives you a minor choice between two denouements), then you've got two alternatives with Rogue or the Aldecaldos if you've done their side content, plus the crazy option of surrendering to the Silverhand virus in Mikoshi. And also the minor "secret" option for Johnny fans to attack Arasaka alone. And the option of punching out early and offing two assholes with one bullet. How it handled the endings is one of the game's stronger points, it's not Human Revolutions' infamous three buttons.

Overall, I'll just end by saying for anyone who is ever thinking of making an AAA open world game... whatever you do, don't fucking saddle the main character with a ghost in their brain that constantly berates the player and takes them out of the immersion and feeling of freedom of the world by reminding them they are the slave of the writer's pet.
It's gonna bug you if you just can't stand Johnny as a character, I get it, but from a functional perspective, he's just a holographic Alex Jacobson. He's there to provide narrative framing and feedback to your actions. The concept itself is fine and I think you'd have found Night City to be even more depressingly pointless and barren without him prattling on at you.

Nah, I wouldn't have. It's pretty silly to think you know someone else's opinions better than they do. I'd have been fine with Johnny if he was kept to the main quests, or it was a brief period in the main quest where he's in your skull, then you get him out. Making him there for the entire game, post prelude, is where it rubs me the wrong way. There is no making your way in the world as your own character, and it in my opinion basically eliminates V as a character entirely. Doesn't help they made some weird choice to make the main character defined while also not written as defined and interesting as Geralt was as a main character, it's in this weird in-between zone where he's too defined as a character for you to believe V is your character, but also written too paperthin to be interesting as his own character you are just along for the ride to observe, ala Geralt. Ironically, it seems to me like you had more freedom to decide how Geralt would react to situations while still being true to his character in the Witcher games, so perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree here and the final conclusion is just that their execution here was qualitatively worse on every level.


Feb 28, 2015

Hey, chooms! We want to give you a heads-up that Patch 2.01 will be coming soon.

Here's a list of most important fixes and improvements that will be included there:

  • The distorted effect caused by selecting a specific dialogue option when talking to Johnny at the end of Automatic Love will no longer persist on the screen.
  • V will no longer die in The Heist by falling through the elevator when riding to the 42nd floor with low FPS.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI could show controller inputs when playing with keyboard and mouse.
  • Made it possible to properly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons.
  • Gig: Breaking News will be properly triggered after approaching the quest area.
  • Vehicle radio volume will be adjusted so it's not too quiet when compared to other sounds in the game.
  • Addressed the issue of corrupted saves on PlayStation by increasing the maximum save file size limit. Note: this won't fix the saves corrupted before the update. If you're experiencing the issue, keep a working save (e.g. resave it as manual save) till 2.01 arrives.
  • Performance improvements for both PC and consoles, especially in the Dogtown area.
Remember that these are just the highlights, so stay tuned for more details!


Jun 23, 2020

Hey, chooms! We want to give you a heads-up that Patch 2.01 will be coming soon.

Here's a list of most important fixes and improvements that will be included there:

  • The distorted effect caused by selecting a specific dialogue option when talking to Johnny at the end of Automatic Love will no longer persist on the screen.
  • V will no longer die in The Heist by falling through the elevator when riding to the 42nd floor with low FPS.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI could show controller inputs when playing with keyboard and mouse.
  • Made it possible to properly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons.
  • Gig: Breaking News will be properly triggered after approaching the quest area.
  • Vehicle radio volume will be adjusted so it's not too quiet when compared to other sounds in the game.
  • Addressed the issue of corrupted saves on PlayStation by increasing the maximum save file size limit. Note: this won't fix the saves corrupted before the update. If you're experiencing the issue, keep a working save (e.g. resave it as manual save) till 2.01 arrives.
  • Performance improvements for both PC and consoles, especially in the Dogtown area.
Remember that these are just the highlights, so stay tuned for more details!
holy shit, they fixed Breaking News? does CDPR read this thread? lmao


May 1, 2018
Having finished Phantom Liberty and experienced all the endings, I can safely say that they're pretty much shit and I don't like it one bit how the narrative for the DLC tries to slam my head against the wall that is Songbird's fanclub and get me to feel sorry for her or feel bad if I choose to fuck her over for my sake. But then the game goes further into this, by showing how everything fell apart without V in the picture of Night City. The part that I really hated the most was how there was no emergency contact for V when he was in a coma, no one was allowed to know anything that happened to V, he didn't even send anything other than some vague messages, though granted he did think he was gonna be away for a month or two.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
satori katana from emperor now is paired with iconic knife.
Supposedly both exist to support playstyle where you both throw and slash.
Well, whatever bonuses from hemmorage were supposed to be - it aint working. Or bonus is so small that it doesnt matter


May 1, 2020

Hey, chooms! We want to give you a heads-up that Patch 2.01 will be coming soon.

Here's a list of most important fixes and improvements that will be included there:

  • The distorted effect caused by selecting a specific dialogue option when talking to Johnny at the end of Automatic Love will no longer persist on the screen.
  • V will no longer die in The Heist by falling through the elevator when riding to the 42nd floor with low FPS.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI could show controller inputs when playing with keyboard and mouse.
  • Made it possible to properly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons.
  • Gig: Breaking News will be properly triggered after approaching the quest area.
  • Vehicle radio volume will be adjusted so it's not too quiet when compared to other sounds in the game.
  • Addressed the issue of corrupted saves on PlayStation by increasing the maximum save file size limit. Note: this won't fix the saves corrupted before the update. If you're experiencing the issue, keep a working save (e.g. resave it as manual save) till 2.01 arrives.
  • Performance improvements for both PC and consoles, especially in the Dogtown area.
Remember that these are just the highlights, so stay tuned for more details!
holy shit, they fixed Breaking News? does CDPR read this thread? lmao
Nah, they just map the reports sent to their support in drove in a big data center, then reduce them to get the most recurrent bugs.

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