Well your point is pretty sjw as you say.
This is literally you right now.
You are arguing that this thing is wrong because the owners are retards and you don't like them.
No, I was in fact incredibly clear in what was wrong, and it's not
"because the owners are retards and you don't like them". They are retards because of what they did and how they did it, and I don't like them because of that. That's a huge difference.
Also you are arguing from the points brought by MCA,which i wouldn't say that he is lying,but every situation have two sides. Nether of us have been there to know what was the situation or what was needed. Also many people here forget that personal accounts of the owner and the company accounts are linked in a way. If there is a need he could give financial injection to the company and vice versa.
So what you're saying essentially boils down to
"I don't want to call MCA a liar, but it's possible that he lies". Because that really has nothing to do with what was being discussed either way, since that was not what your original argument was at all; you're just trying to shift the goal post. If you want to argue that MCA is a liar, that's fine, but you better have something to base that on, seeing as how there's not really two ways around this particular issue; it is either true or it is not.
I argue that man should still have the freedom to run their companies as the see fit and spend their money as they wish.
Those people made a company,hired people and made games,those games sold and they got the proceedings. Nobody can tell them what to do with the money they made,moral or not not. Employs could pack their bags and leave,fans could stop buying they games as i did. Too many armchair economists here,telling how a company should be run and how they should spend their money. Instead of doing such shit go and make your own companies,hire people and bring us good rpgs. Game making is a fucking business,people do make companies to make money not stroke your moral ego. He managed to keep the company afloat for 15 years,and that is not a small thing. They could do what he wants with his money and you cold not buy their games if you disagree with it.
Literally nobody has argued otherwise, and it has absolutely nothing to do with whether someone does right or does wrong, or whether an owner is good or bad, or any the morals or lack thereof of any actions taken. It is a non-counter-argument for a non-argument. I'd argue free speech much on the same grounds - you have every right to say what you're saying, but it doesn't make you any less of a shilling corporate cocksucker when you say it. In the same way, as I have already established in the post to which you responded (but apparently did not read), the owners have every
legal right to do whatever the hell they want.
But it doesn't make him any less of a retard or any less of a vampire for doing it.
The fact that you have the right to do something doesn't make it right. The inability to understand this basic fucking fact is why we're having leftards with no concept of free speech rallying behind ancap principles absolving platforms of any responsibility for their actions based on the argument that
"it's private lol they can do what they want?!". It's brainlet-tier garbage-think, completely disconnected from reality and the arguments and criticism people
actually levy against the shitty practices, whether we're talking about (((globalists))) in general or (((upper management))) in particular.
In this alternate timeline, couldn't you have used Fallout's engine to make party-based turn-based RPGs?
The Aussies who made Fallout Tactics used their own engine instead of Fallout's trash heap.
Including you, one would presume.
Why presume?
"Feargus mandated that royalties (from any game) would only be dispersed amongst upper management, in %s according to ownership in company (which meant Chris Jones and I didn't see much, but the other three did)."
Oh thanks, I must have missed that somehow. Although it would perhaps be more fair to say "we took royalties for ourselves", instead of "upper management took it for themselves". It's easy to get confused with all this de-ownering going on, you know.
Except, as MCA clarified, he had no choice in the matter, meaning that "they" (i.e. "we") didn't take it for themselves ("ourselves"). Feargus mandated that the royalties go to them. What part of that did you have difficulties with? Trying to re-frame this just to suck (((capitalist))) cock some more doesn't really do much except showcase that you're being disingenuous and eager to fuel Marxism by means of peak Jewry.