The Players Behind The Games Panel @ Midwest Media 2016
Unfortunately, the audio is a bit shit and MCA is not very close to his microphone, so it's very hard to hear his voice with a normal volume.
- Moderator ask what was the most embarrassing moment in their careers. Chris says it was when the producers didn't show up and he had to explain to Ron Perlman he'd do the voice for a tranvestite dragon.
[The other guys tell their stories and he doesn't say much until ~16:30]
- "What did you have most fun designing for FNV?" He says the companions, and explains why he likes to write them in general.
- Says a lot of publishers won't pay for the time with voice actors in the studio, and that these meetings make a huge difference.
- "What is the most embarassing job you've taken?" Chris quotes Bill Murray in Zombieland and says "we've all had our Garfield moments, where the paycheck was nice but you feel like you've sold your humanity [laughs]". I wonder what's MCA's Garfield?
- "I have insomnia".
- "If you could step foot into anyone you've voice acted, or in Chris' case anyone you worked on in a game, what would be the first thing you'd do?"
Chris: "I would step inside Felicia Day. Deeply."
He says the VA sessions were fun and she was hilarious. Says he had to "go to the bathroom" after she said she had to play a lesbian, then got lectured by the VA director for actually saying it out loud.
[Note: they're drinking on stage, though I must've missed the part where they said what it was, if they did at all. I think it's tequila? They only had one at that point, so I don't think it's because MCA was drunk or anything]
- "Chris, what is you favourite game to play?"
"The games I enjoy actually aren't fun", then mentions Darkest Dungeon as an example and says that's what he's playing right now. Didn't answer the question, though.
- Favourite game question to the whole panel now. Chris says he really enjoys XCOM and naming characters in the game after people he knows.
- "Sometimes we get an audition so good that we rewrite the character to match the actor". Says it happened with James Urbaniak and Doctor 0.
- Panel asked if they buy merchandise from games they worked on.
Chris tells a funny story about Brian Menze and the Vault Boy.
- Kyle Hebert says he's lucky to get copies of the games he works on. Jon St. John says it should be a given. Chris says you actually have to structure the contract with that, and that the companies he's worked for do make it a given, but some don't and it's a "douche nozzle move".
- Chris says Jim Cummings corrected his grammar once.