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CKII is released.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Ask them if there are any plans on Asia-centered strategy game (like CK on Europe and Sengoku on Japan). I would love a proper Paradox strategy game set in China.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009
Ask them hard questions of course. About MM the game for starters - are they going to be more involved in fan dev teams and what they are doing from now on? Also will they be making more "streamlined" games like Sengoku and Rome in between their core games (HoI, EU).


Aug 30, 2008
Ask them if the Mongol invasion is ever going to be changed to something other than 'lol gameover if you're playing near the eastern border of the map'.

+ give that guy who made the Lux Invicta mod a job. Bloody fantastic stuff. Well-thought out and supported alternate history scenario DLCs are something I'd happily pay for.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
*Not to mention the great work he did with EU: Rome.
Tell me more. EU:Rome is shit but has potential so any improvement to that is welcome.

Here, check out the features.


And then go download it.


It's neat and really improves on the game. Still won't shine the turd up to the gem that's hiding underneath but at least goes to trouble to show there is a gem hiding there.


King of the Juice
White Knight
Aug 13, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin BattleTech
+ give that guy who made the Lux Invicta mod a job. Bloody fantastic stuff. Well-thought out and supported alternate history scenario DLCs are something I'd happily pay for.

Easily the best mod for CK2, imo.

The re-vamped religion system alone is awesome, but combined with the regional and cultural troops types, extensive building tree, and awesome alt-history setting, it's truly great.


Aug 30, 2008
Only thing I dislike is how the map starts out so fragmented. It verges on being unrealistic for there to not be a single kingdom larger than 10 provinces. His reasoning also boils down to it being a gameplay preference which is a shame when it's such a intricate alternate history. Very convenient for every major kingdom or empire to have happened to of collapsed or fallen into civil war the year 1066..


King of the Juice
White Knight
Aug 13, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin BattleTech
Yeah, he's said that the 1066 date was kind of arbitrary and was thinking about buffing some of the states, if I recall correctly. My biggest irk is the prevalence of Holy Orders in the early game and that some religions, like the Scandinists in Norway, don't have any.

It makes it really hard to expand sometimes, because the AI just craps out a decently sized force with no real effort and, since it's a defensive war, they don't have to pay them.

Still fun though, playing a game as the Kingdom of Jórvík right now, and in my quest to have as many genius rulers as possible I accidentally converted to worshipping Sol Invictus (and almost to being Hellenic, haha), so I have started my quest to become the Sun Emperor of Britannia.
Jan 24, 2011
Well, I'v played couple of campaigns, first one as Duchy of the Isles, which was quite fun. I started expanding into Ireland while my alliance with Norway lasted (that's only thing that keeps Scotland from buttfucking you right away) and when the alliance finally ended I figured out that I have to become someone's vassal because there was no chance I could beat Scotland. So I choose to become Norwegian king's bitch. Culture and religion was same, and the guy was quite far away so "why the hell not". It was pretty much painless, I'v got one of my titles revoked only two times during vassalage that lasted for almost hundred years. Then I declared independence and Norwegian's didn't even bothered to send a fucking army to keep me in line, so I crowned myself king of All-ze-Oirish and lived happily ever after.

Process of conquering Ireland while hiding behind norwegians when the scotts got tired of me was quite fun, but after becoming king of Ireland there is absolutely nothing to do in this part of world. So I decided to try Duchy of Apulia.

I expected that playing as Apulia will be hard but instead of being hard, It turned out to be fucking retarted. Being under constant Jihads from both mudslims groups was to be expected, as long as Fuhre... Kaiser helps you (and he's a swell guy so he usually do) and there are holy orders avaible. So after surviving 3 Jihads (oh, 'slims, there is no people of you'r religion or culture in whole kingdom of Sicily anymore, so why don't you fuck off and declare jihads on, well, I don't know... maybe THE FUCKING LAND THAT BYZANTINES TOOK FROM YOU AND THAT IS STILL MUSLIM?) I decided that I need a liege, a man, a hero... A KAISER. Well, fuck, he's german and I'm norman, so we are almost bro's already. Additionaly he's Catholic, so it "kinda" supposed to help. And I border he's land so it's not like he's going to vassalize some fucking asteroid, right?... right?.... NOPE. Not even a fucking option, apperantly it only makes sense if I become a vassal of a Orthodox, Greek emperor with a bad habit of gouging his vassals eyes off. So, I - Godwin of Sicily, ask my best lawyer what in the hell is going on. "Well, you are in his De Jure imperial territory my liege!", "I'm straight, Norman Catholic, and I'm not in any thejoore of some greek faggot", "Well, my Liege, we all are... look at this map, Kingdom of Sicily is De Jure part of Eastern Roma... Byzantine Empire", "Well, fuck me".

So I had to become his vassal, and you probably can imagine how fun was being catholic vassal of orthodox emperor. "MAH LIEGE, I KNOW I'M LIEK... CATHOLIC BIPHOS, HONESTLY FOLLOWING TECHING'S OF OUR LOARD, CATHOL... LIEK... ALL MAH LIFE, BUT EMPOR OF BINASTIUM VANALIZE YOU LIEK... THRE DAYS AGO, AND THERE WAS THIS FUNNEH GUY HERE, HE GIVE ME THIS SILLY HAT AND I BECAME, LIEK... ORTHODONT OR SOME SHIET... LOL - HONESTLY, YOU'R COURT CHAPLAIN BOB" Fucker revoking my titles every five minutes (apperantly without any penalty) and giving them to some random courtier's for shit and giggles. Church unity my ass, I hate this game.


Aug 30, 2008
And the million Germanic/Celtic pagan 'heresies' and sub-religions. Yeah Odinists having a -20 opinion malus to Norse :lol: Another instance of him sacrificing realism as Celtic and Germanic paganism were the same virtually with names of the gods changed around and suddenly having eight different varieties of Celtic worship in the British Isles alone with all of them despising the other makes no sense.

Thankfully I managed to persuade him to lessen the malus and ease up on the bizarre divisions of paganism (hell even Roman gods were more or less the same as Celtic/German ones). I also convinced him to implement certain regions being more developed and prosperous than others (when I played, Rome and Baghdad and Byzantium all had the same tech and provincial development as bumfuck Karelia or Mali. The guy's brilliant and obviously knows his stuff but has a really odd hard-on for religious and empire fragmentation (not realising that while having everyone start off with a few provinces and no large swathes of a uniform culture or religion is 'balanced' and slows down expansion it's also boring, improbable and means you don't get any cool David vs Goliath starting challenges).


May 25, 2006
Teaser for something on the CK2 fagbook page. Caption is "Day One"


Jun 15, 2009
Possibly an earlier start date , vikings and other pagans, theres many people asking for this one, so its likely what will happen . Although it ill be a fantasy dlc , its not the correct era for vikings , raids may still happen but rarely. I wish they added more on pagans, that term is too generic theres many cultures, and they should expand to asia so we could play mongols .

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