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Concord Cancelled


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
A guy in a wheelchair fighting with something with as low reach as a knife? That's stupid as hell.


Sep 1, 2023
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
You know, seeing all of this puts my own issues into perspective.

I have a profound physical disability. If you saw me walking down the street you'd know I was not normal. There is no avoiding it. Having half your face just be a blank sheet ain't easy to ignore.

I'll be honest, I'd like to see more of my own issues represented. I appreciate that. I like when games let me have a missing eye, or crooked nose.

You know what else I appreciate? People, including people with profound disabilities, making an effort to beautify themselves. I may have my issues, but I still present myself like a man who cleans up after himself with a well-kept beard, curly blonde hair and blemish-free skin (the Daggerfall portrait is actually a pretty good caricature of how I actually look). I do get the occassional look from girls and have been called ruggedly handsome by past relationships.

The same goes for women. In college I met a girl with my same syndrome. She was very cute and did a fantastic job working around her issues without hiding them like an ashamed freak.

What Concord fails to understand, as do most of these "artists" is that being different isn't being ugly. People with half their face missing can still look good and generally try to. Not having someone make an effort to be presentable then calling it bigotted to call it out is deeply insulting on a personal level.
Because the goal isn't acceptation of people who deviate from the norm. This is about spouting the superiority of the differences, and how that which is perceived to be the norm is bad and should be done away with. Look at how stunning and brave they are, standing proud despite their shortcomings. You as a person who does not have these shortcomings would have been broken and miserable in their place, but look how great they are! They are lion, hear them roar!

This means that these deviations have become a thing to aspire to, to become them for social capital. Look at those studies where large chunks of school kids identify as some sort of offbrand sexuality not because that's what they are, but because they want to fit in by being different. And while this pertains to sexuality, there have been wackjobs who identify as "trans-disabled" and mutilate themselves so they can be disabled.

The downside to this is that the massive push for this diversity in gaming, the opposite has been reached. Nowadays if you see a character in a wheelchair, with a prosthetic, some kind of mental disorder or especially vitiligo, people immediately roll their eyes and deep it to be woke crap. Which it almost always is. Hell, Rainbow Six: Siege introduced a special forces operative who is in a wheelchair, and instead sends robots into the field (which raises all sorts of questions for Siege) in her stead. In D&D it is a mechanically superior choice to play a character that's in a wheelchair because of how powerful they made wheelchairs to handle having to go into dungeons and fight dragons.
Its an issue with both intent and presentation imho.

Both of these characters are disabled and part of fantasy settings but one looks cool and the other looks ridiculous:



Again, why to cater to small percentage of people who are crippled. Holy shit. I mean it would make more sense if they made 300lb mamas boy class with cheeto covered fingers used as a catalyst for spells, which would cover large portion of US population at least.

Also in a fucking fantasy you can have like a golem carrying you as a mage, you could levitate. PROSTHETICS. As a necromancer you could bound a skeleton to your body and animate it to use it as exosuit. But no. They fucking made a wheelchair. It basically shows total lack of imagination. Fuck'em.


Jun 30, 2019
You know, seeing all of this puts my own issues into perspective.

I have a profound physical disability. If you saw me walking down the street you'd know I was not normal. There is no avoiding it. Having half your face just be a blank sheet ain't easy to ignore.

I'll be honest, I'd like to see more of my own issues represented. I appreciate that. I like when games let me have a missing eye, or crooked nose.

You know what else I appreciate? People, including people with profound disabilities, making an effort to beautify themselves. I may have my issues, but I still present myself like a man who cleans up after himself with a well-kept beard, curly blonde hair and blemish-free skin (the Daggerfall portrait is actually a pretty good caricature of how I actually look). I do get the occassional look from girls and have been called ruggedly handsome by past relationships.

The same goes for women. In college I met a girl with my same syndrome. She was very cute and did a fantastic job working around her issues without hiding them like an ashamed freak.

What Concord fails to understand, as do most of these "artists" is that being different isn't being ugly. People with half their face missing can still look good and generally try to. Not having someone make an effort to be presentable then calling it bigotted to call it out is deeply insulting on a personal level.
Because the goal isn't acceptation of people who deviate from the norm. This is about spouting the superiority of the differences, and how that which is perceived to be the norm is bad and should be done away with. Look at how stunning and brave they are, standing proud despite their shortcomings. You as a person who does not have these shortcomings would have been broken and miserable in their place, but look how great they are! They are lion, hear them roar!

This means that these deviations have become a thing to aspire to, to become them for social capital. Look at those studies where large chunks of school kids identify as some sort of offbrand sexuality not because that's what they are, but because they want to fit in by being different. And while this pertains to sexuality, there have been wackjobs who identify as "trans-disabled" and mutilate themselves so they can be disabled.

The downside to this is that the massive push for this diversity in gaming, the opposite has been reached. Nowadays if you see a character in a wheelchair, with a prosthetic, some kind of mental disorder or especially vitiligo, people immediately roll their eyes and deep it to be woke crap. Which it almost always is. Hell, Rainbow Six: Siege introduced a special forces operative who is in a wheelchair, and instead sends robots into the field (which raises all sorts of questions for Siege) in her stead. In D&D it is a mechanically superior choice to play a character that's in a wheelchair because of how powerful they made wheelchairs to handle having to go into dungeons and fight dragons.
Its an issue with both intent and presentation imho.

Both of these characters are disabled and part of fantasy settings but one looks cool and the other looks ridiculous:



Again, why to cater to small percentage of people who are crippled. Holy shit. I mean it would make more sense if they made 300lb mamas boy class with cheeto covered fingers used as a catalyst for spells, which would cover large portion of US population at least.

Also in a fucking fantasy you can have like a golem carrying you as a mage, you could levitate. PROSTHETICS. As a necromancer you could bound a skeleton to your body and animate it to use it as exosuit. But no. They fucking made a wheelchair. It basically shows total lack of imagination. Fuck'em.
Anything allowing one to solve the issue would go against the prog message that a cripple can do everything just as fine as anyone else. Same reason why troons exist now in DnD even though there are spells and magical items in that setting that could gender flip them instantly.

The funny thing is that they aren't even pandering to invalids (because, as you say, they are too small a fraction of the population) and retardation like this is likely to just piss them off instead. In reality, they're pandering to other libshits just like them. It's virtue signalling.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Again, why to cater to small percentage of people who are crippled.
You have to understand that it isn't about crippled people, or gay people, or trannies. Those are just the crowbar used to break open and destroy hobbies "they" don't like.
Mentally ill, broken people who hate all that is good in life and seek to destroy it.

Melkor spent his spirit in envy and hate, until at last he could make nothing save in mockery of the thought of others, and all their work he destroyed if he could.


Jul 27, 2024
The awful character designs are a humiliation ritual. They went out of their way to have any conventionally attractive white men (or women) as well despite that being something that has broad appeal not only in America and Europe but places like Japan, China and the Middle East.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
The Concord discord is wild, whining about youtubers shitting on the game, whining about Call of Duty and talking about using their refunds to buy the next bit of slop from Firewalk (i like the assumption that there'll be another one).


This is the youtuber and his video that they're bitching about btw:



Feb 27, 2012
The Concord discord is wild, whining about youtubers shitting on the game, whining about Call of Duty and talking about using their refunds to buy the next bit of slop from Firewalk (i like the assumption that there'll be another one).


This is the youtuber and his video that they're bitching about btw:

He says hero shooters are stale but with exception of Overwatch there is no relevant hero shooter in the market (Paladins was pretty much abandoned). Then he says at least Deadlock is innovating by taking inspiration from MOBAs but Smite did the same thing 10 years ago.



Jul 27, 2024
In all honesty they'll never 'get it' because they're dysgenic and simply do not view the world around them through a sane lens.

These are the same people who will look at a nice photograph of the British countryside and begin seething because there's too many fair skinned people and too much nature that hasn't yet been bulldozed and replaced with soulless concrete buildings.

They have no concept of beauty, aesthetics and a blatant out-group preference whether they belong to it or not. So they'll continue to lash out and blame everyone but the development team for the game being a complete and utter joke.


Nov 16, 2021
The Concord discord is wild, whining about youtubers shitting on the game, whining about Call of Duty and talking about using their refunds to buy the next bit of slop from Firewalk (i like the assumption that there'll be another one).


This is the youtuber and his video that they're bitching about btw:

He says hero shooters are stale but with exception of Overwatch there is no relevant hero shooter in the market (Paladins was pretty much abandoned). Then he says at least Deadlock is innovating by taking inspiration from MOBAs but Smite did the same thing 10 years ago.


He does seem quite ignorant.

Overwatch's success is also vastly overstated almost everywhere. It had no legs after the initial draw of the old-Blizzard designs (see below the leaked project Titan MMO roster they recycled) and the whole "esports franchise ecosystem" they really heavy-handedly tried to force, left a smoldering crater worth of over 500 million dollars. Massive failure and nobody plays the game anymore.

It is no wonder these games keep flopping when the game they are trying to emulate was very mediocre to begin with.


911 Jumper

Jun 12, 2023
I didn't even know Fairgame$ existed until I saw this thread. What an awful name, and the game itself looks like something related to Watch Dogs 2 or 3. You can really see the “made by ex-Ubisoft staff” in that trailer.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
This is what concord lead artist tranny think of you

No games to buy made by you that's for certain. Meanwhile games like this made for a fraction of the cost of the slop you did are vastly outperforming you.

And yes, a microscopic cartoon pig is better designed than your fat black lesbian characters.


Aug 23, 2021
This is what concord lead artist tranny think of you

Yeah, apart from the ~30,000 games that are already out there, half of which are available more or less for free, nearly all of which can be downloaded at a moment's notice without leaving my chair, and a large plurality of which are vastly superior to any AAA product in 2024.

The entire corporate game-development industry could be annihilated tomorrow--though I strongly encourage people here not to over-indulge this thought; masturbation is bad for you--and I'd still have enough games to fill three lifetimes.

Don't threaten me with a good time, Amanda.


Oct 23, 2019
This bitch thinks all developers share her worldview, what an idiot lol. There will always be based devs like Styg or Vavra. Better to have one good game a year than a dozen of these AAAA turds.

Even if there's nothing new to get, my backlog is long enough to keep me busy for a decade. Eat shit, Amanda.


Aug 15, 2024
Hell, Rainbow Six: Siege introduced a special forces operative who is in a wheelchair, and instead sends robots into the field (which raises all sorts of questions for Siege) in her stead.
In a universe with walking battle bots they could've just given her cybernetic legs, but that wouldn't virtue signal loudly enough so I guess every Siege map will have to be designed with wheelchair accessibility in mind from now on.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Even that image alone is retarded... Demonic cripple there has zero chance against either of his opponents, since their weapons have longer reach, they can lunge, and the cripple can't dodge. Of all the possible weapons to give to someone in a wheelchair, they gave him one of the least suitable ones. Should've given him a ranged weapon or even made his wheelchair a mobile cannon he can shoot or something, or just given him a lance so he can get rollin' and impale whatever's in front of him, but no, they gave him a fucking dirk.
He has chakrams that come back, basic attack is with a rapier though.


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