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Concord Cancelled


Dec 9, 2018
Lower Wolffuckery
I haven't realized until now that codex is filled to the brim with venture capitalists and CEO's specialized in estimating spendings of an AAA studio running for 4 years.
It is a great boon we have such knowledge at our disposal for threads like this.
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May 1, 2023
I haven't realized until now that codex is filled to the brim with venture capitalists and CEO's specialized in estimating spendings of a AAA studio running for 4 years.
It is a great boon we have such knowledge at our disposal for threads like this.
just about everyone on the internet is an expert at that as well as marketing, body building and mixed martial arts

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
What is couple hundred million dollars between friends?


Jul 27, 2024
The funniest aspect of the design of the character in question is trying to imagine her running around or carrying heavy equipment. Individuals with such a physique tend to get out of breath simply climbing the step onto a bus.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
The funniest aspect of the design of the character in question is trying to imagine her running around or carrying heavy equipment. Individuals with such a physique tend to get out of breath simply climbing the step onto a bus.
That's irrelevant. Small guy with big gun is a trope in similar games.
The problem is they all look dull, and you can't tell them apart at a glance. I haven't played the game, but I imagine its important to be able to tell who just ran into you within 0.01 seconds of that happening. Look at Team Fortress 2, you can play with no textures loaded at all, and just model sizes and skeletons will be enough to tell apart classes.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
That's irrelevant. Small guy with big gun is a trope in similar games.
I think he's talking about the fatty.
Well fat guy with a big gun is an even more common trope, so the point stands.
The characters aren't bad because muh purple hair muh fat chicks. They are bad, because they are bland and similar in siluete.
Jan 5, 2021
Whydoibother = confirmed Concord player.
By far the worst quality of this forum is people assuming anyone who corrects them must be a sinner/heretic/political opponent/whatever, and not just someone who sees a mistake and wants it corrected.
Culty as fuck.
First time on the Codex?

This site is downright toxic in many ways. But we all stay anyway because we like the atmosphere.

Look at Team Fortress 2, you can play with no textures loaded at all, and just model sizes and skeletons will be enough to tell apart classes.


You can see the silhouettes but obviously don't have any ability to recognise teams, because it's colour based. Still, it's quite based how well TF2 is designed.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
The concord cast are the biggest amount of lame, uninspired dorks i've seen in a game like this, even their voice lines are boring:

My bae Amanda did amazing work, hope she gets plenty of work after this.
Jan 5, 2021
The concord cast are the biggest amount of lame, uninspired dorks i've seen in a game like this, even their voice lines are boring:

My bae Amanda did amazing work, hope she gets plenty of work after this.

I just did the "what do they DO" challenge.

Basically, as each character was selected, I didn't read their info card on the right, and instead guessed what their roles were. I was able to successfully guess about half of them, because they were telegraphed enough for me to figure out what they did at a glance, after a second or two. A few were very borderline, though.

The absolute worst examples were the fat medic (everyone already knows about this), and the second character (the white chick with the flame ability). She just looks like a generic white girl, with that entitled kind of "girlboss" look to her, the kind of idiot that would work on this game and think it's good.

Another bad one is the yellow alien with the spores. I have absolutely no fucking idea what this character does, and the game seems adamant to not tell me at a glance, I only know they are a squishy support. I had to read the info card to realise he does something with spores. A much better game would have visible mushrooms with spores growing out of him, or a cloud of spores around him, or something.

I would say overall Concord is a mixed bag in terms of communication. The first character (Teo) looked like he fit the scout role pretty reasonably, and the spy type character definitely looked like a spy/assassin, I got those ones instantly. The fat red man and the walking garbage bin both seem to obviously be tanks, no problem there. But then there's the fat medic and the fact that 4-5 characters look like snipers (and appear to be mobility characters???) is worrying. With a cast this small you need more diverse gameplay than just "this person runs/dodges, but runs/dodges in THIS special way"

As Overwatch adds more characters, it's actually slowly running into a similar problem. Right now you have about 4 healers, all of whom mostly follow the same role but with minor alterations or slightly different kits that largely do the same thing.

Honestly, I think the way the internet is focusing exclusively on the fat medic as an example of "bad character design" is definitely not representative of the whole of Concord's line-up, but at the same time, the line-up does have some pretty major problems as well. In some cases they got it right, like the assassin (and, controversially to what the rest of the internet has stated, I think the rocket launcher character looks like their role just fine for the most part). The "good" designs aren't anything special, I just see them as serviceable, they work for the most part.

I would say the biggest problem is that the "attitude" of the characters doesn't fit them, more so than the art style. In several cases I was able to tell what a character does (usually because of their obvious weapon), but would then experience whiplash when they perform their select animation and say their voice line, because it didn't fit their obvious role at all. A good example is the grandma character. Her elderly status, and her voice line about "making a prudent choice" implies she would be a slower, more thoughtful character who most likely sits in the back-line and picks off high value targets, ie a sniper. But she seems to be a mobility character.

I think Bazz (the black chick with the VERY obnoxious hair and the throwing knives) wins the award for worst character in any game of all time, period. She literally looks like someone's OC self-insert character.

Concord still sucks, but that video has shown that it's not all irredeemably horrible, and there was at least a few talented people on the team. Still, the bar of quality here is so low.

(I can't wait for the "what a concord shill" responses and the cuck emotes from this post)

Also I can't help but notice that there's a total of 1 token white guy character. The first one, the runner/gym rat dude, who also looks like a total meat-head idiot, the sort of guy you'd see as a "dumb husband" on a sitcom.
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