We might soon need a "the CRITICAL ROLE crowd" on GD
The people who like Critical Role are loathsome parasites or "secondaries" as my younger children like to call them. They watch DnD and other games. But refuse to participate in anything other than what they see on the web. I am happy to be the old man yelling at a cloud here and anywhere else they may be discussed. Because these gobshites deserve it.
When I was in college and really into PnP I'd always be conciliatory to people that fucked around because, "It's just a game, man! Don't take it so seriously, man!" This is despite the fact that I'd spend hours writing campaign shit.
Finally, after having what was meant to be a multi-session arc, get smashed to pieces in a matter of hours by relentless murderhobos, I stopped trying to write anything. I realized at that point that PnP isn't **just** a game, it's a hobby like model trains, and like model trains, having a 5-year-old come in and fuck it all up with a box of crayons and a Thomas-the-Tank-Engine toy is upsetting.
Most people who romanticize PnP view it like a game of Monopoly or "Adult Make Believe". The moment it stops being a board game is when most people bow out.
It's why I no longer really do PnP, refuse to GM for newbies and only play occassionally with a group I know appreciate the hobby.
As an aside, fuck this "it's fantasy so I'll be as depraved as I want" attitude. I spectated an all-female game once gm'd by a friend and her gal-pals. That shit was weird, man. The level of deranged, genocidal murderhoboing mixed with emotional, self-projection, against the GM's wishes, made it hard to watch. I told my friend her group was part of why she was having mental troubles and recommended she find a new coping method for her traumas.
Nu-PnP players are a sick, psychotic bunch.