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Decline Critical role ruined PnP


Aug 12, 2021
Just call it a fucking blood wizard and shove all that latin up your ass.
That's a very idealistic and frankly childlike way of looking at things. Speaking as someone who got divorced from a miserable bitch who slept around, it is very hard to get a fair deal in the divorce. The courts universally favor the woman. To the point she can outright lie without any burden of proof. I was lucky enough to be able to afford good lawyers and take precautions before hand that I doubt the current generation will have access to if they can even afford it. My circumstances are not an example of how to do it. They are an exception. I know loads of friends stuck in unhappy marriages because they know they won't be able to afford a divorce. They'd rather be in an unhappy marriage than have their wages stolen from them and their reputation ruined forever. I also know at least one man who tried to divorce anyway and ended up homeless whilst his darling wife stole his kids and fucked off to France. It's not as easy as you think.

I've been gaming for over 5 decades or more depending on how honest I am about my age. I have also held down various jobs. Including quite high paying ones in the fields of IT and administration. Back when those jobs were high paying. I worked very hard sometimes for very little money, especially when I first started. If i didn't have at least a little enjoyment and leisure time I would've gone insane long before the ex wife made me insane. You can't just pack everything away and "be a grown up". You realize when you grow up and mature that trying to be "an adult" is just about the most childish thing there is. You know you're an adult. You know your responsibilities. You do your best. And take what leisure time you have. For me that was Pen and Paper RPGs in the late 70's to early 80's. Followed on by computer games when an irate boss threw a Commodore 64 on my desk in frustration at being unable to figure it out.

Now, the majority of Critical Role fans and those who insist on playing their games like that are Jobsworths. Teens and arrested development manchildren who haven't had much life experience and are looked after by the bank of Mum and Dad their entire lives. Just because they are like that doesn't mean everyone looking for a little escapism is the same. Let people enjoy things and you can go read 12 Rules for Life and live your life as your pill abusing Canadian invalid wishes you to.
Based boomer

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In


Jul 1, 2019
Tolkien on escapism:

On Fairy Stories said:
I have claimed that Escape is one of the main functions of fairy-stories, and since I do not disapprove of them, it is plain that I do not accept the tone of scorn or pity with which “Escape” is now so often used: a tone for which the uses of the word outside literary criticism give no warrant at all. In what the misusers are fond of calling Real Life, Escape is evidently as a rule very practical, and may even be heroic. In real life it is difficult to blame it, unless it fails; in criticism it would seem to be the worse the better it succeeds. Evidently we are faced by a misuse of words, and also by a confusion of thought. Why should a man be scorned if, finding himself in prison, he tries to get out and go home? Or if, when he cannot do so, he thinks and talks about other topics than jailers and prison-walls? The world outside has not become less real because the prisoner cannot see it. In using escape in this way the critics have chosen the wrong word, and, what is more, they are confusing, not always by sincere error, the Escape of the Prisoner with the Flight of the Deserter.

Just so a Party-spokesman might have labelled departure from the misery of the Führer’s or any other Reich and even criticism of it as treachery. In the same way these critics, to make confusion worse, and so to bring into contempt their opponents, stick their label of scorn not only on to Desertion, but on to real Escape, and what are often its companions, Disgust, Anger, Condemnation, and Revolt. Not only do they confound the escape of the prisoner with the flight of the deserter; but they would seem to prefer the acquiescence of the “quisling” to the resistance of the patriot. To such thinking you have only to say “the land you loved is doomed” to excuse any treachery, indeed to glorify it.

Tales from the Perilous Realm said:
The escapist is not so subservient to the whims of evanescent fashion as these opponents. He does not make things (which it may be quite rational to regard as bad) his masters or his gods by worshipping them as inevitable, even “inexorable.”


Dec 13, 2016
The Homeless Paradise of Washington State
They are now eating their own:

I love it! This was the audience that weaselly little cock sucker Mercer catered to and now the day of reckoning is upon them. Why? Because they aren't diverse enough, are too white and too rich. Couldn't have happen to bigger scum fucks. Also, that photo of them all together is the cringest shit I have ever seen.


Dec 13, 2016
The Homeless Paradise of Washington State
I still honestly have no idea why Critical Role makes people so mad.
For the same reason as the comic book industry. Their entire crew is filled with SJW progressives. I think Critical Role stated a while ago that if you don't like their social justice poltics then they don't want you as a fan. They also said some pretty nasty things about Kyle Rittenhouse while crying over the death of a wife beater and Jewish pedo on Twitter. They also do a lot of fundraising for Planned Parenthood and the scam that is BLM. Yeah, they are awful people and have the ear of WoTC and Hasbro.


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
I'm just surprised it took people that long to notice Mercer's crew is made up of dumb, white, but rich crackers.


Aberrant Member | Star Trek V Apologist
Aug 30, 2014
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
A tearful apology, a donation to BLM and a promise to "do better" coming in 3... 2...


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
The desire to protect and preserve history in a museum is an admirable one. But even the most heroic and selfless of the fictional explorers in those classic tales is still stealing from the people indigenous to the “foreign” lands they explore. Removing these artifacts from their homeland to be displayed elsewhere also suggests that the people of these cultures are incapable of being responsible for the preservation of their own history.

Despite being the defining publication of an entire field of literary, artistic, and academic criticism, Edward Said’s Orientalism famously fails to account for the multimillion-dollar-earning Critical Role. (Said was at something of a disadvantage here, as the book was published in 1978.) Regardless, the seminal text provides a helpful framework for understanding the issue at hand in this controversy.

The Western view of the Orient is forever tarnished by the legacy of colonialism and fictionalized history. It’s like trying to get an accurate reflection from a funhouse mirror; you can polish the surface until it becomes clear as much as you want, but it does nothing to fix the distorted reflection of the truth that forms the foundation of the image. And even though it’s a fictionalized, fantastical version of the Orient, Marquet is not exempt from being built on a warped foundation.

This isn’t a problem unique to Critical Role, in my honest opinion. Predominantly white TTRPG games—both the systems and the individual campaigns—are frequently void of cultural specificity. By cultural specificity, I mean the unique traits of a culture that are present on a personal and environmental level.

You can't make this up. The mental gymnastics from mentally ill libtards is the gift that keeps giving.


Aug 12, 2021
They are now eating their own:

I love it! This was the audience that weaselly little cock sucker Mercer catered to and now the day of reckoning is upon them. Why? Because they aren't diverse enough, are too white and too rich. Couldn't have happen to bigger scum fucks. Also, that photo of them all together is the cringest shit I have ever seen.

Leftists are infighting, more news at 11.

When will those woke (read: racist) media personalities finally realise that catering to utopian neo-ML's is only worth it for big companies, whose personnel is insulated from the unwashed, bloodthirsty, transsexual twitter mob? It's not like this sort of thing has never happened before. Just recently this Patton Oswald homo had to issue a public apology TO COMPLETE STRANGERS mind you, for posing with his friend Dave Chapelle, who is not pro-trans, and also a muslim (wokes, for all their supposed tolerance, hate the religious). If I were that guy I would seriously reassess about how I feel about the tolerant left.

But we all know the paradox of tolerance: "In order to ensure a tolerant society, we must establish a totalitarian atmosphere of public self-policing and ostracise all who do not adhere to the utopian fringe of the leftist and thus tolerant spectrum, lest our society become totalitarian and uh wait a second"


Aug 12, 2021
The original article is ridiculous, American tripe.

While the campaign would draw inspiration from real-life SWANA [Southwest Asian/North African] cultures

Nobody calls it SWANA, cunt, it's MENA (Middle East/North Africa)

SWANA creators like myself

Jenna Yow

Not a MENA name, poser.

which is made up entirely of white people save for a new guest member.

Actual racism, nice.

but those are charged, colonialist stories for people of color. Yes, these costumes are functionally harmless, as anything is on a purely aesthetic level. But they speak to a legacy of disregard and disrespect to colonized cultures often robbed—literally—of their material heritage and ancestry by the outside “explorer” who represents a larger power structure.

What a complete stretch. Typical westoid woke outrage on behalf of non-westoids. Textbook white man's burden but with a veneer of kindness. Never forget that wokes are racists.

One of the core concepts of Orientalism as a field of study is that even the most well-meaning scholars from the Western world are unable to present objective truths about the Orient.

And then she writes this. Anyone come to mind, Jenna????

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.

"And it is, damn, I should maybe rethink my choice in writing this article but honesty don't get clicks. Gotta get that bread, Jenna!"

Predominantly white TTRPG games

More racism. At the very least, call it "western". This has nothing to do with race. Only Americans are obsessed with whiteness.
Even when inoffensively borrowing from European and Scandinavian cultures, these settings are built on the foundation of aesthetics rather than any specific cultural touchstones or unique characteristics of the cultures they borrow from.

Such as, Jenna? The people's genetic makeup? Their skull shapes?

In October and even now, most arguments in the show’s defense tend to rely on the ever-popular phrase “it’s just a game,” simultaneously chastising critics for overreacting and watering down the reality of what Critical Role actually is.

Get this, it is just a game. Us inferior and infantile meds are very much capable of separating fact from fiction. Besides, I think we have bigger problems to deal with anyway. Nevermind the fact that absolutely no one knows of Critical Role in the MENA region and would be put off by the blatant degeneracy of it all anyway. But you can't acknowledge that, can you Jenna. If you did, you'd have to be open about your own racism and that in fact you despise your own people for being "intolerant".

Despite the impression they strive to give off to their audience, Critical Role is undeniably a franchise before it is a group of friends.

Shocker! But me dumb med, me think Rolers wuz me friends durrrrrr

But good intent doesn’t matter when the end result is harmful. It doesn’t mean jack shit if you promise to be moral and responsible with your depiction of other cultures and then publicly condemn anyone who is made uncomfortable by your actions.

"Like me, a med-LARPER, utterly and completely detached from the MENA culture I claim to defend. But I'm brown! Not racist btw."

Tl;dr non-med acting like she is med exposing her westoid induced guilt, portraying meds to be retarded children, proving once again that leftists are racists. A self-hater if you will, I know many of em. You can't imagine how much I fucking hate the westoid left co-opting non-whites for their own virtue signalling. We don't want or need your fucking pity, or well meant defences. We spit on your empty platitudes, while in truth you aim to shape us into Marxist humans, with no identity and no culture except westoid, godless, materialist """""""culture"""""". Like these motherfuckers have any respect for us. They see us only as a vehicle and signalling piece for their own supposed tolerance and good morals. Yes, imperialism has robbed us but it is not for you to now take Anti-Imperialism (c) as a trait to signal boost yourself. You're not our allies.


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I feel sorry about Laura Bailey, mostly due to nostalgia, I think. I loved her voice in Fallout: New Vegas and Skyrim. She's always, objectively, good. And as a man... you know, because I am a man, I like her voice a lot.
Also, as far as I know, her husband is also a conservative, nice bro from Texas, but not sure.

The others? 0 shits given.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I feel sorry about Laura Bailey, mostly due to nostalgia, I think. I loved her voice in Fallout: New Vegas and Skyrim. She's always, objectively, good. And as a man... you know, because I am a man, I like her voice a lot.
Also, as far as I know, her husband is also a conservative, nice bro from Texas, but not sure.

The others? 0 shits given.
Both Laura and Travis seem like they'd be cool, and Sam Reigel was always funny. The rest range from not bad to absolutely horrible. Depends on who and the given episode.


Jan 23, 2020
I still honestly have no idea why Critical Role makes people so mad.
For the same reason as the comic book industry. Their entire crew is filled with SJW progressives. I think Critical Role stated a while ago that if you don't like their social justice poltics then they don't want you as a fan. They also said some pretty nasty things about Kyle Rittenhouse while crying over the death of a wife beater and Jewish pedo on Twitter. They also do a lot of fundraising for Planned Parenthood and the scam that is BLM. Yeah, they are awful people and have the ear of WoTC and Hasbro.
IDW lost Transformers and GI Joe licenses because they embraced woke nonsense. I think TMNT will be next. This series has become slice of life and netflix teen love drama comic. The turtles are ninjas who are not allowed to kill.

Drop Duck

Dec 22, 2020
while in truth you aim to shape us into Marxist humans
We have been found out. It's all a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the Orient located in Greece and Italy (famous anti-imperial center) and turn everyone into a communist.

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