It's funny how this "influencer" review is more informative for a newcomer than all the mainstream shit I went over yesterday.
Extra irony - he says rushing the main quest is one of the worst ways to play the game - which is what miss snowflake from Gamespot did.
Regarding rushing the main quest vs side content again, it's worth remembering the theme repeated in many interviews that CDPR try to make the player un-learn the distinction between main quest and side content. Going by Witcher 3, I think this is not just PR pitch.
This guy is a huge Witcher fanboy (he wrote a book about it) and played 40hours to Cyberpunk.
"I don't know where to start, I'm so disgusted. Basically we are both ps faced with an RPG as a gigantic narrative game in an archaic open world and without ambition. The map is full of "?", NPCs constantly call us like in GTA 4, etc.
Imagine the map of the Witcher 3 in much smaller size but with so many points of interest, without the possibility of finding one's way without having to resort to the mini map, the time of Beauclair and its visual cues is long gone.
With the bugs we have NPCs that disappear, fall into the void, have no reactivity and we come to my second big point: the total absence of immersion. All the beautiful consistency of Witcher 3 is over
I could go on for hours but I'm going to develop this on video, the story is unfortunately as subtle as a 90s B movie, ass, ass, ass, action and more ass behind. I hope you enjoy dildos: they are everywhere, all the time. ALL THE TIME
There isn't ONE place in the game that I've visited where there aren't two or three to pick up like that, because I actually don't know.
I see the metacritic score and I want to change jobs haha what a fucking scandal.
Me I'm out, it's been 5 days that I can't believe the sinking, so we are light years away from writing a Witcher 3 all the gameplay of the game is average, each brick is just average, the infiltration meh, driving meh, AI lol, gunfights boring etc.
In fact the only thing I remember is that we have never seen such a staging for a game in the first person, when it does not bug, it is very pretty and it works well. But the content of the dialogues, the characters, it's so bland."